Inventory is the Ansible way to track all the systems in your infrastructure. Here is a simple inventory file containing a single system and the login credentials for Ansible.
[targethost] ansible_user=mrtuovinen ansible_ssh_pass=PassW0rd
[targethost] ansible_user=mrtuovinen ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/custom_key
[targethost] ansible_user=mrtuovinen ansible_port=2222
ansible-playbook -i path/to/static-inventory-file -l myhost myplaybook.yml
ansible-playbook -i path/to/ -l myhost myplaybook.yml
See dynamic inventory for more details.
project structure (ansible best practice).
it all starts with inventory.development
ansible_user: dev
ansible_pass: pass
ansible_port: 2232
which lets you link to group_vars. Hold data 'specific' to that environment ...
app_name: NewApp_Dev
app_key: f2390f23f01233f23f
that lets one run the following playbook AGAINST the inventory file:
- name: Install api.
hosts: api
gather_facts: true
sudo: true
- api
- { role: api, tags: ["api"] }
with the following runline:
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -i inventory.development
The host file is used to store connections for Anisble playbooks. There are options to define connection parameters:
is the hostname or IP address
is the port the machine uses for SSH
is the remote user to connect as
if using a password to SSH
if you need to use multiple keys that are specific to hosts
These are the most commonly used options. More can be found in the Ansible official documentation.
Here is an example hosts
# Consolidation of all groups
server1 ansible_host= ansible_port=1600
server2 ansible_host= ansible_port=1800
server3 ansible_host= ansible_port=22 ansible_user=root
server4 ansible_host= ansible_port=4300 ansible_user=root
# You can make groups of groups
server5 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_pass=password
server6 ansible_host= ansible_port=77
Parameter | Explanation |
ansible_connection | Connection type to the host. This can be the name of any of ansible’s connection plugins. SSH protocol types are smart , ssh or paramiko . The default is smart. Non-SSH based types are described in the next section. |
ansible_host | The name of the host to connect to, if different from the alias you wish to give to it. |
ansible_port | The ssh port number, if not 22 |
ansible_user | The default ssh user name to use. |
ansible_ssh_pass | The ssh password to use (this is insecure, we strongly recommend using --ask-pass or SSH keys) |
ansible_ssh_private_key_file | Private key file used by ssh. Useful if using multiple keys and you don’t want to use SSH agent. |
ansible_ssh_common_args | This setting is always appended to the default command line for sftp, scp, and ssh. Useful to configure a ProxyCommand for a certain host (or group). |
ansible_sftp_extra_args | This setting is always appended to the default sftp command line. |
ansible_scp_extra_args | This setting is always appended to the default scp command line. |
ansible_ssh_extra_args | This setting is always appended to the default ssh command line. |
ansible_ssh_pipelining | Determines whether or not to use SSH pipelining. This can override the pipelining setting in ansible.cfg . |
ansible_become | Equivalent to ansible_sudo or ansible_su , allows to force privilege escalation |
ansible_become_method | Allows to set privilege escalation method |
ansible_become_user | Equivalent to ansible_sudo_user or ansible_su_user , allows to set the user you become through privilege escalation |
ansible_become_pass | Equivalent to ansible_sudo_pass or ansible_su_pass , allows you to set the privilege escalation password |
ansible_shell_type | The shell type of the target system. You should not use this setting unless you have set the ansible_shell_executable to a non-Bourne (sh) compatible shell. By default commands are formatted using sh -style syntax. Setting this to csh or fish will cause commands executed on target systems to follow those shell’s syntax instead. |
ansible_python_interpreter | The target host python path. This is useful for systems with more than one Python or not located at /usr/bin/python such as *BSD, or where /usr/bin/python is not a 2.X series Python. We do not use the /usr/bin/env mechanism as that requires the remote user’s path to be set right and also assumes the python executable is named python, where the executable might be named something like python2.6. |
ansible_*_interpreter | Works for anything such as ruby or perl and works just like ansible_python_interpreter . This replaces shebang of modules which will run on that host. |
ansible_shell_executable | This sets the shell the ansible controller will use on the target machine, overrides executable in ansible.cfg which defaults to /bin/sh. You should really only change it if is not possible to use /bin/sh (i.e. /bin/sh is not installed on the target machine or cannot be run from sudo.). New in version 2.1. |