Secret encryption

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Ansible offers Vault (not to be mistaken with HashiCorp Vault!) to handle sensitive data encryption. Vault primarily targets to encrypt any structured data such as variables, tasks, handlers.

Encrypting sensitive structured data

First, create a key file, e.g., vault_pass_file, which ideally contains a long sequence of random characters. In linux systems you could use pwgen to create a random password file:

pwgen 256 1 > vault_pass_file

Then, use this file to encrypt sensitive data, e.g., groups_vars/group.yml:

ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=vault_pass_file ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/group.yml

From now on, in order to run a playbook you need the vault_pass_file:

ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=vault_pass_file ansible-playbook -i inventories/nodes my-playbook.yml 

Note, you could also use the flag --vault-password-file vault_pass_file instead of setting the ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable.

In order to edit or decrypt the secret on disk you can use ansible-vault edit and ansible-vault decrypt respectively.

Using lookup pipes to decrypt non-structured vault-encrypted data

With Vault you can also encrypt non-structured data, such as private key files and still be able to decrypt them in your play with the lookup module.


- name: Copy private key to destination
    content=lookup('pipe', 'ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=vault_pass_file ansible-vault view keys/private_key.enc')

Using local_action to decrypt vault-encrypted templates

You can run a play which relies on vault-encrypted templates by using the local_action module.


- name: Decrypt template
  local_action: "shell {{ view_encrypted_file_cmd }} {{ role_path }}/templates/template.enc > {{ role_path }}/templates/template"
  changed_when: False

- name: Deploy template

- name: Remove decrypted template
  local_action: "file path={{ role_path }}/templates/template state=absent"
  changed_when: False

Please note the changed_when: False. This is important in case you run idempotence tests with your ansible roles - otherwise each time you run the playbook a change is signaled. In group_vars/all.yml you could set a global decrypt command for reuse, e.g., as view_encrypted_file_cmd.



view_encrypted_file_cmd: "ansible-vault --vault-password-file {{ lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE') }} view"

Now, when running a play you need to set the ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable to point to your vault password file (ideally with an absolute path).


Topic Id: 3355

Example Ids: 11529,11530,11531

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