Modern versions of Jenkins (version 2.x) come with a "Build Pipeline Plugin" that can be used to orchestrate complex CI tasks without creating a multitude of interconnected jobs, and allow you to easily version-control your build / test configuration.
You may install this manually in a "Pipeline" type job, or, if your project is hosted on Github, you may use the "GitHub Organization Folder Plugin" to automatically set up jobs for you.
Here's a simple configuration for Django sites that require only the site's specified python modules to be installed.
node {
// If you are having issues with your project not getting updated,
// try uncommenting the following lines.
//stage 'Checkout'
//checkout scm
//sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
stage 'Update Python Modules'
// Create a virtualenv in this folder, and install or upgrade packages
// specified in requirements.txt;
sh 'virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate && pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt'
stage 'Test'
// Invoke Django's tests
sh 'source env/bin/activate && python ./ runtests'
Here is an example of a pipeline script that builds a Docker container, then runs the tests inside of it. The entrypoint is assumed to be either
or invoke
with a runtests
command available.
node {
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
imageName = 'mycontainer:build'
remotes = [
stage 'Build'
def djangoImage = imageName
stage 'Run Tests''', 'runtests')
stage 'Push'
for (int i = 0; i < remotes.size(); i++) {
sh "docker tag ${imageName} ${remotes[i]}/${imageName}"
sh "docker push ${remotes[i]}/${imageName}"