Install gunicorn
pip install gunicorn
From django project folder (same folder where resides), run the following command to run current django project with gunicorn
gunicorn [projectname].wsgi:application -b[port number]
You can use the --env
option to set the path to load the settings
gunicorn --env DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=[projectname].settings [projectname].wsgi
or run as daemon process using -D
Upon successful start of gunicorn, the following lines will appear in console
Starting gunicorn 19.5.0
Listening at:[port number] ([pid])
(other additional information about gunicorn server)
Download Heroku Toolbelt.
Navigate to the root of the sources of your Django app. You'll need tk
Type heroku create [app_name]
. If you don't give an app name, Heroku will randomly generate one for you. Your app URL will be http://[app name]
Make a text file with the name Procfile
. Don't put an extension at the end.
web: <bash command to start production server>
If you have a worker process, you can add it too. Add another line in the format:
worker-name: <bash command to start worker>
Add a requirements.txt.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
It's deployment time!
git push heroku master
Heroku needs a git repository or a dropbox folder to do deploys. You can alternatively set up automatic reloading from a GitHub repository at
, but we won't cover that in this tutorial.
heroku ps:scale web=1
This scales the number of web "dynos" to one. You can learn more about dynos here.
heroku open
or navigate to
heroku open
opens the URL to your heroku app in the default browser.
Add add-ons. You'll need to configure your Django app to bind with databases provided in Heroku as "add-ons". This example doesn't cover this, but another example is in the pipeline on deploying databases in Heroku.
Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks. It lets you execute arbitrary Python functions via the command line.
Install fabric via pip install fabric
in your root directory:
from fabric.api import *
def dev():
# details of development server
env.user = # your ssh user
env.password = #your ssh password
env.hosts = # your ssh hosts (list instance, with comma-separated hosts)
env.key_filename = # pass to ssh key for github in your local keyfile
def release():
# details of release server
env.user = # your ssh user
env.password = #your ssh password
env.hosts = # your ssh hosts (list instance, with comma-separated hosts)
env.key_filename = # pass to ssh key for github in your local keyfile
def run():
with cd('path/to/your_project/'):
with prefix('source ../env/bin/activate'):
# activate venv, suppose it appear in one level higher
# pass commands one by one
run('git pull')
run('pip install -r requirements.txt')
run('python migrate --noinput')
run('python collectstatic --noinput')
run('touch reload.txt')
To execute the file, simply use the fab
$ fab dev run # for release server, `fab release run`
Note: you can not configure ssh keys for github and just type login and password manually, while fabfile runs, the same with keys.
If you plan to host your Django website on Heroku, you can start your project using the Heroku Django Starter Template : startproject --template= --name=Procfile YourProjectName
It has Production-ready configuration for Static Files, Database Settings, Gunicorn, etc and Enhancements to Django's static file serving functionality via WhiteNoise. This will save your time, it's All-Ready for hosting on Heroku, Just build your website on the top of this template
To deploy this template on Heroku:
git init
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku run python migrate
That's it!
Three basic tools.
In order ot make it simple, let's assume your app is located in this directory: /home/root/app/src/
and we're gonna use root
user (but you should create separate user for your app). Also our virtualenvironment will be located in /home/root/app/env/
Let's start with nginx. If nginx is not already on machine, install it with sudo apt-get install nginx
. Later on you have to create a new config file in your nginx directory /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yourapp.conf
If there is a file named default.conf
- remove it.
Bellow code to a nginx conf file, which will try to run your service with using socket file; Later on there will be a configuration of gunicorn. Socket file is used here to communicate between nginx and gunicorn. It can also be done with using ports.
# your application name; can be whatever you want
upstream yourappname {
server unix:/home/root/app/src/gunicorn.sock fail_timeout=0;
server {
# root folder of your application
root /home/root/app/src/;
listen 80;
# server name, your main domain, all subdomains and specific subdomains
server_name *
charset utf-8;
client_max_body_size 100m;
# place where logs will be stored;
# folder and files have to be already located there, nginx will not create
access_log /home/root/app/src/logs/nginx-access.log;
error_log /home/root/app/src/logs/nginx-error.log;
# this is where your app is served (gunicorn upstream above)
location / {
uwsgi_pass yourappname;
include uwsgi_params;
# static files folder, I assume they will be used
location /static/ {
alias /home/root/app/src/static/;
# media files folder
location /media/ {
alias /home/root/app/src/media/;
Now our GUNICORN script, which will be responsible for running django application on server. First thing is to install gunicorn in virtual environment with pip install gunicorn
DJANGODIR=/home/root/app/src # django app dir
SOCKFILE=/home/root/app/src/gunicorn.sock # your sock file - do not create it manually
echo "Starting $NAME as `whoami`"
# Activate the virtual environment
source /home/root/app/env/bin/activate
# Create the run directory if it doesn't exist
test -d $RUNDIR || mkdir -p $RUNDIR
# Start your Django Gunicorn
# Programs meant to be run under supervisor should not daemonize themselves (do not use --daemon)
exec /home/root/app/env/bin/gunicorn ${DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE}:application \
--name root \
--workers $NUM_WORKERS \
--user=$USER --group=$GROUP \
--bind=unix:$SOCKFILE \
--log-level=debug \
in order to be able to run gunicorn start script it has to have execution mode enabled so
sudo chmod u+x /home/root/app/src/gunicorn_start
now you will be able to start your gunicorn server with just using ./gunicorn_start
As said in the beginning, we want our application to be restarted when fails by a supervisor. If supervisor not yet on server install with sudo apt-get install supervisor
At first install supervisor.
Then create a .conf
file in your main directory /etc/supervisor/conf.d/your_conf_file.conf
configuration file content:
command = /home/root/app/src/gunicorn_start
user = root
stdout_logfile = /home/root/app/src/logs/gunicorn_supervisor.log
redirect_stderr = true
Quick brief, [program:youappname]
is required at the beginning, it will be our identifier. also stdout_logfile
is a file where logs will be stored, both access and errors.
Having that done we have to tell our supervisor that we have just added new configuration file. To do it, there is different process for different Ubuntu version.
For Ubuntu version 14.04 or lesser
than it, simply run those commands:
sudo supervisorctl reread
-> rereads all config files inside supervisor catalog
this should print out: yourappname: available
sudo supervisorctl update
-> updates supervisor to newly added config files; should print out yourappname: added process group
For Ubuntu 16.04
sudo service supervisor restart
and in order to check if your app is running correctly just run
sudo supervisorctl status yourappname
This should display :
yourappname RUNNING pid 18020, uptime 0:00:50
To get live demonstration of this procedure, surf this video.
Recommended way of production deployment calls for using Apache/Nginx for serving the static content. Thus, when DEBUG
is false static and media contents fail to load. However, we can load the static content in deployment without having to setup Apache/Nginx server for our app using:
python runserver --insecure
This is only intended for local deployment(e.g LAN) and should never be used in production and is only available if the staticfiles
app is in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS