RangeFields - a group of PostgreSQL specific fields

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Including numeric range fields in your model

There are three kinds of numeric RangeFields in Python. IntegerField, BigIntegerField, and FloatField. They convert to psycopg2 NumericRanges, but accept input as native Python tuples. The lower bound is included and the upper bound is excluded.

class Book(models.Model):
    name = CharField(max_length=200)
    ratings_range = IntegerRange()

Setting up for RangeField

  1. add 'django.contrib.postgres' to your INSTALLED_APPS
  2. install psycopg2

Creating models with numeric range fields

It's simpler and easier to input values as a Python tuple instead of a NumericRange.

Book.objects.create(name='Pro Git', ratings_range=(5, 5))

Alternative method with NumericRange:

Book.objects.create(name='Pro Git', ratings_range=NumericRange(5, 5))

Using contains

This query selects all books with any rating less than three.

bad_books = Books.objects.filter(ratings_range__contains=(1, 3))

Using contained_by

This query gets all books with ratings greater than or equal to zero and less than six.

all_books = Book.objects.filter(ratings_range_contained_by=(0, 6))

Using overlap

This query gets all overlapping appointments from six to ten.

Appointment.objects.filter(time_span__overlap=(6, 10))

Using None to signify no upper bound

This query selects all books with any rating greater than or equal to four.

maybe_good_books = Books.objects.filter(ratings_range__contains=(4, None))

Ranges operations

from datetime import timedelta

from django.utils import timezone
from psycopg2.extras import DateTimeTZRange

# To create a "period" object we will use psycopg2's DateTimeTZRange
# which takes the two datetime bounds as arguments
period_start = timezone.now()
period_end = period_start + timedelta(days=1, hours=3)
period = DateTimeTZRange(start, end)

# Say Event.timeslot is a DateTimeRangeField

# Events which cover at least the whole selected period,

# Events which start and end within selected period,

# Events which, at least partially, take place during the selected period.


  • from django.contrib.postgres.fields import *RangeField
  • IntegerRangeField(**options)
  • BigIntegerRangeField(**options)
  • FloatRangeField(**options)
  • DateTimeRangeField(**options)
  • DateRangeField(**options)


Topic Id: 2630

Example Ids: 8723,8724,8725,8726,8727,8728,8729,12365

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