There are three kinds of numeric RangeField
s in Python. IntegerField
, BigIntegerField
, and FloatField
. They convert to psycopg2
s, but accept input as native Python tuples. The lower bound is included and the upper bound is excluded.
class Book(models.Model):
name = CharField(max_length=200)
ratings_range = IntegerRange()
It's simpler and easier to input values as a Python tuple instead of a NumericRange
Book.objects.create(name='Pro Git', ratings_range=(5, 5))
Alternative method with NumericRange
Book.objects.create(name='Pro Git', ratings_range=NumericRange(5, 5))
This query selects all books with any rating less than three.
bad_books = Books.objects.filter(ratings_range__contains=(1, 3))
This query gets all books with ratings greater than or equal to zero and less than six.
all_books = Book.objects.filter(ratings_range_contained_by=(0, 6))
This query gets all overlapping appointments from six to ten.
Appointment.objects.filter(time_span__overlap=(6, 10))
This query selects all books with any rating greater than or equal to four.
maybe_good_books = Books.objects.filter(ratings_range__contains=(4, None))
from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils import timezone
from psycopg2.extras import DateTimeTZRange
# To create a "period" object we will use psycopg2's DateTimeTZRange
# which takes the two datetime bounds as arguments
period_start =
period_end = period_start + timedelta(days=1, hours=3)
period = DateTimeTZRange(start, end)
# Say Event.timeslot is a DateTimeRangeField
# Events which cover at least the whole selected period,
# Events which start and end within selected period,
# Events which, at least partially, take place during the selected period.