Fortran 2003 introduced language features which can guarantee interoperability between C and Fortran (and to more languages by using C as an intermediary). These features are mostly accessed through the intrinsic module iso_c_binding
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
The intrinsic
keyword here ensures the correct module is used, and not a user created module of the same name.
gives access to interoperable kind type parameters:
integer(c_int) :: foo ! equivalent of 'int foo' in C
real(c_float) :: bar ! equivalent of 'float bar' in C
Use of C kind type parameters guarantees that the data can be transferred between C and Fortran programs.
Interoperability of C char and Fortran characters is probably a topic for itself and so not discussed here
To actually call a C function from Fortran, first the interface must be declared. This is essentially equivalent to the C function prototype, and lets the compiler know about the number and type of the arguments, etc.
The bind
attribute is used to tell the compiler the name of the function in C, which may be different to the Fortran name.
// Count how many geese are in a given flock
int howManyGeese(int flock);
! Interface to C routine
integer(c_int) function how_many_geese(flock_num) bind(C, 'howManyGeese')
! Interface blocks don't know about their context,
! so we need to use iso_c_binding to get c_int definition
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int
integer(c_int) :: flock_num
end function how_many_geese
end interface
The Fortran program needs to be linked against the C library (compiler dependent, include here?) that includes the implementation of howManyGeese()
, and then how_many_geese()
can be called from Fortran.
The bind
attribute can also be applied to derived types:
struct Goose {
int flock;
float buoyancy;
struct Goose goose_c;
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_float
type, bind(C) :: goose_t
integer(c_int) :: flock
real(c_float) :: buoyancy
end type goose_t
type(goose_t) :: goose_f
Data can now be transferred between goose_c
and goose_f
. C routines which take arguments of type Goose
can be called from Fortran with type(goose_t)