Procedures - Functions and Subroutines

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Functions and subroutines, in conjunction with modules, are the tools to break down a program into units. This makes the program more readable and manageable. Each one of these units can be thought of as part of the code that, ideally, could be compiled and tested in isolation. The main program(s) can call (or invoke) such subprograms (functions or subroutines) to accomplish a task.

Functions and subroutines are different in the following sense:

  • Functions return a single object and - usually - don't alter the values of its arguments (i.e. they act just like a mathematical function!);
  • Subroutines usually perform a more complicated task and they ordinarily alter their arguments (if any is present), as well as other variables (e.g. those declared in the module that contains the subroutine).

Functions and subroutines collectively go under the name of procedures. (In the following we will use the verb "call" as synonym of "invoke" even if technically the procedures to be called are subroutines, whereas functions appear as right hand side of assignment or in expressions.)

Function syntax

Functions can be written using several types of syntax

function name()
  integer name
  name = 42
end function
integer function name()
  name = 42
end function
function name() result(res)
  integer res
  res = 42
end function

Functions return values through a function result. Unless the function statement has a result clause the function's result has the same name as the function. With result the function result is that given by the result. In each of the first two examples above the function result is given by name; in the third by res.

The function result must be defined during execution of the function.

Functions allow to use some special prefixes.

Pure function means that this function has no side effect:

pure real function square(x)
  real, intent(in) :: x
  square = x * x
end function

Elemental function is defined as scalar operator but it can be invoked with array as actual argument in which case the function will be applied element-wise. Unless the impure prefix (introduced in Fortran 2008) is specified an elemental function is also a pure function.

elemental real function square(x)
  real, intent(in) :: x
  square = x * x
end function

Return statement

The return statement can be used to exit function and subroutine. Unlike many other programming languages it is not used to set the return value.

real function f(x)
  real, intent(in) :: x
  integer :: i

  f = x

  do i = 1, 10

    f = sqrt(f) - 1.0

    if (f < 0) then
      f = -1000.
    end if

  end do
end function

This function performs an iterative computation. If the value of f becomes negative the function returns value -1000.

Recursive Procedures

In Fortran functions and subroutines need to be explicitly declared as recursive, if they are to call themselves again, directly or indirectly. Thus, a recursive implementation of the Fibonacci series could look like this:

recursive function fibonacci(term) result(fibo)
  integer, intent(in) :: term
  integer :: fibo

  if (term <= 1) then
    fibo = 1
    fibo = fibonacci(term-1) + fibonacci(term-2)
  end if
end function fibonacci

Another example is allowed to calculate factorial:

recursive function factorial(n)  result(f)
  integer :: f
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  if(n == 0) then
    f = 1
    f = n * f(n-1)
  end if
end function factorial

For a function to directly recursively reference itself its definition must use the result suffix. It is not possible for a function to be both recursive and elemental.

The Intent of Dummy Arguments

The intent attribute of a dummy argument in a subroutine or function declares its intended use. The syntax is either one of


For example, consider this function:

real function f(x)
  real, intent(IN) :: x

  f = x*x
end function

The intent(IN) specifies that the (non-pointer) dummy argument x may never be defined or become undefined throughout the function or its initialization. If a pointer dummy argument has the attribute intent(IN), this applies to its association.

intent(OUT) for a non-pointer dummy argument means that dummy argument becomes undefined on invocation of the subprogram (except for any components of a derived type with default initialization) and is to be set during execution. The actual argument passed as dummy argument must be definable: passing a named or literal constant, or an expression, is not allowed.

Similarly to before, if a pointer dummy argument is intent(OUT) the association status of the pointer becomes undefined. The actual argument here must be a pointer variable.

intent(INOUT) specifies that the actual argument is definable and is suitable for both passing in and returning data from the procedure.

Finally, a dummy argument may be without the intent attribute. Such a dummy argument has its use limited by the actual argument passed.

For example, consider

integer :: i = 0
call sub(i, .TRUE.)
call sub(1, .FALSE.)


subroutine sub(i, update)
  integer i
  logical, intent(in) :: update
  if (update) i = i+1
end subroutine

The argument i can have no intent attribute which allows both of the subroutine calls of the main program.

Referencing a procedure

For a function or subroutine to be useful it has to be referenced. A subroutine is referenced in a call statement

call sub(...)

and a function within an expression. Unlike in many other languages, an expression does not form a complete statement, so a function reference is often seen in an assignment statement or used in some other way:

x = func(...)
y = 1 + 2*func(...)

There are three ways to designate a procedure being referenced:

  • as the name of a procedure or procedure pointer
  • a procedure component of a derived type object
  • a type bound procedure binding name

The first can be seen as

procedure(), pointer :: sub_ptr=>sub
call sub()   ! With no argument list the parentheses are optional
call sub_ptr()

subroutine sub()
end subroutine

and the final two as

module mod
  type t
    procedure(sub), pointer, nopass :: sub_ptr=>sub
    procedure, nopass :: sub
  end type


  subroutine sub()
  end subroutine

end module

use mod
type(t) x
call x%sub_ptr()   ! Procedure component
call x%sub()       ! Binding name


For a procedure with dummy arguments the reference requires corresponding actual arguments, although optional dummy arguments may be not given.

Consider the subroutine

subroutine sub(a, b, c)
  integer a, b
  integer, optional :: c
end subroutine

This may be referenced in the following two ways

call sub(1, 2, 3)   ! Passing to the optional dummy c
call sub(1, 2)      ! Not passing to the optional dummy c

This is so-called positional referencing: the actual arguments are associated based on the position in the argument lists. Here, the dummy a is associated with 1, b with 2 and c (when specified) with 3.

Alternatively, keyword referencing may be used when the procedure has an explicit interface available

call sub(a=1, b=2, c=3)
call sub(a=1, b=2)

which is the same as the above.

However, with keywords the actual arguments may be offered in any order

call sub(b=2, c=3, a=1)
call sub(b=2, a=1)

Positional and keyword referencing may both be used

call sub(1, c=3, b=2)

as long as a keyword is given for every argument following the first appearance of a keyword

call sub(b=2, 1, 3)  ! Not valid: all keywords must be specified

The value of keyword referencing is particularly pronounced when there are multiple optional dummy arguments, as seen below if in the subroutine definition above b were also optional

call sub(1, c=3)  ! Optional b is not passed

The argument lists for type-bound procedures or component procedure pointers with a passed argument are considered separately.


Topic Id: 1106

Example Ids: 3553,4387,5753,10042,11869

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