Object Oriented Programming

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Derived type definition

Fortran 2003 introduced support for object oriented programming. This feature allows to take advantage of modern programming techniques. Derived types are defined with the following form:

TYPE [[, attr-list] :: ] name [(name-list)]
   [PRIVATE statement or SEQUENCE statement]. . .
   [component-definition]. . .
END TYPE [name]


  • attr-list - a list of attribute specifiers
  • name - the name of derived data type
  • name-list - a list of type parameter names separated by commas
  • def-stmts - one or more INTEGER declarations of the type parameters named in the name-list
  • component-definition - one or more type declaration statements or procedure pointer statements defining the component of derived type
  • procedure-part - a CONTAINS statement, optionally followed by a PRIVATE statement, and one or more procedure binding statements


type shape
    integer :: color
end type shape

Type Procedures

In order to obtain class-like behavior, type and related procedures (subroutine and functions) shall be placed in a module:


module MShape
    implicit none

    type, public :: Shape
        integer :: radius
        procedure :: set   => shape_set_radius
        procedure :: print => shape_print
    end type Shape

    subroutine shape_set_radius(this, value)
        class(Shape), intent(in out) :: self
        integer, intent(in)          :: value

        self%radius = value
    end subroutine shape_set_radius

    subroutine shape_print(this)
        class(Shape), intent(in) :: self

        print *, 'Shape: r = ', self%radius
    end subroutine shape_print
end module MShape

Later, in a code, we can use this Shape class as follows:

! declare a variable of type Shape
type(Shape) :: shape

! call the type-bound subroutine
call shape%set(10)
call shape%print 

Abstract derived types

An extensible derived type may be abstract

type, abstract :: base_type
end type

Such a derived type may never be instantiated, such as by

type(base_type) t1
allocate(type(base_type) :: t2)

but a polymorphic object may have this as its declared type

class(base_type), allocatable :: t1


function f(t1)
  class(base_type) t1
end function

Abstract types may have components and type-bound procedures

type, abstract :: base_type
  integer i
  procedure func
  procedure(func_iface), deferred :: def_func
end type

The procedure def_func is a deferred type-bound procedure with interface func_iface. Such a deferred type-bound procedure must be implemented by each extending type.

Type extension

A derived type is extensible if it has neither the bind attribute nor the sequence attribute. Such a type may be extended by another type.

module mod

  type base_type
    integer i
  end type base_type

  type, extends(base_type) :: higher_type
    integer j
  end type higher_type

end module mod

A polymorphic variable with declared type base_type is type compatible with type higher_type and may have that as dynamic type

class(base_type), allocatable :: obj
allocate(obj, source=higher_type(1,2))

Type compatability descends through a chain of children, but a type may extend only one other type.

An extending derived type inherits type bound procedures from the parent, but this can be overriden

module mod

  type base_type
    procedure :: sub => sub_base
  end type base_type

  type, extends(base_type) :: higher_type
    procedure :: sub => sub_higher
  end type higher_type


  subroutine sub_base(this)
    class(base_type) this
  end subroutine sub_base

  subroutine sub_higher(this)
    class(higher_type) this
  end subroutine sub_higher

end module mod

program prog
  use mod

  class(base_type), allocatable :: obj

  obj = base_type()
  call obj%sub

  obj = higher_type()
  call obj%sub

end program

Type constructor

Custom constructors can be made for derived types by using an interface to overload the type name. This way, keyword arguments that don't correspond to components can be used when constructing an object of that type.

module ball_mod
  implicit none

  ! only export the derived type, and not any of the
  ! constructors themselves
  public :: ball

  type :: ball_t
     real :: mass
  end type ball_t

  ! Writing an interface overloading 'ball_t' allows us to
  ! overload the type constructor
  interface ball_t
     procedure :: new_ball
  end interface ball_t


  type(ball_t) function new_ball(heavy)
    logical, intent(in) :: heavy

    if (heavy) then
       new_ball%mass = 100
       new_ball%mass = 1
    end if
  end function new_ball
end module ball_mod

program test
  use ball_mod
  implicit none

  type(ball_t) :: football
  type(ball_t) :: boulder
  ! sets football%mass to 4.5
  football = ball_t(4.5)
  ! calls 'ball_mod::new_ball'
  boulder = ball_t(heavy=.true.)
end program test

This can be used to make a neater API than using separate initialisation routines:

subroutine make_heavy_ball(ball)
  type(ball_t), intent(inout) :: ball
  ball%mass = 100
end subroutine make_heavy_ball


call make_heavy_ball(boulder)


Topic Id: 2374

Example Ids: 7822,7823,7950,7951,9001

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