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The information displayed by a debugging/web console is made available through the multiple methods of the console Javascript object that can be consulted through console.dir(console). Besides the console.memory property, the methods displayed are generally the following (taken from Chromium's output):

Opening the Console

In most current browsers, the JavaScript Console has been integrated as a tab within Developer Tools. The shortcut keys listed below will open Developer Tools, it might be necessary to switch to the right tab after that.


Opening the “Console” panel of Chrome’s DevTools:

  • Windows / Linux: any of the following options.

    • Ctrl + Shift + J
    • Ctrl + Shift + I, then click on the “Web Console” tab or press ESC to toggle the console on and off
    • F12, then click on the “Console” tab or press ESC to toggle the console on and off
  • Mac OS: Cmd + Opt + J


Opening the “Console” panel in Firefox’s Developer Tools:

  • Windows / Linux: any of the following options.

    • Ctrl + Shift + K
    • Ctrl + Shift + I, then click on the “Web Console” tab or press ESC to toggle the console on and off
    • F12, then click on the “Web Console” tab or press ESC to toggle the console on and off
  • Mac OS: Cmd + Opt + K

Edge and Internet Explorer

Opening the “Console” panel in the F12 Developer Tools:

  • F12, then click on the “Console” tab


Opening the “Console” panel in Safari’s Web Inspector you must first enable the develop menu in Safari's Preferences

safari preferences

Then you can either pick "Develop->Show Error Console" from the menus or press + Option + C


Opening the “Console” in opera:

  • Ctrl + Shift + I,then click on the “Console” tab


When using or emulating Internet Explorer 8 or earlier versions (e.g. through Compatibility View / Enterprise Mode) the console will only be defined when the Developer Tools are active, so console.log() statements can cause an exception and prevent code from executing. To mitigate this, you can check to see if the console is available before you log:

if (typeof window.console !== 'undefined')
   console.log("Hello World");

Or at the start of your script you can identify if the console is available and if not, define a null function to catch all of your references and prevent exceptions.

if (!window.console)
    console = {log: function() {}}; 

Note this second example will stop all console logs even if the developer window has been opened.

Using this second example will preclude use of other functions such as console.dir(obj) unless that is specifically added.

Tabulating values - console.table()

In most environments, console.table() can be used to display objects and arrays in a tabular format.

For example:

console.table(['Hello', 'world']);

displays like:

console.table({foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz'});

displays like:


var personArr = [ { "personId": 123, "name": "Jhon", "city": "Melbourne", "phoneNo": "1234567890" }, { "personId": 124, "name": "Amelia", "city": "Sydney", "phoneNo": "1234567890" }, { "personId": 125, "name": "Emily", "city": "Perth", "phoneNo": "1234567890" }, { "personId": 126, "name": "Abraham", "city": "Perth", "phoneNo": "1234567890" } ];

console.table(personArr, ['name', 'personId']);

displays like:

enter image description here

Including a stack trace when logging - console.trace()

function foo() {
  console.trace('My log statement');


Will display this in the console:

My log statement       VM696:1
  foo                  @ VM696:1
  (anonymous function) @ (program):1

Note: Where available it's also useful to know that the same stack trace is accessible as a property of the Error object. This can be useful for post-processing and gathering automated feedback.

var e = new Error('foo');

Printing to a browser's debugging console

A browser's debugging console can be used in order to print simple messages. This debugging or web console can be directly opened in the browser (F12 key in most browsers – see Remarks below for further information) and the log method of the console Javascript object can be invoked by typing the following:

console.log('My message');

Then, by pressing Enter, this will display My message in the debugging console.

console.log() can be called with any number of arguments and variables available in the current scope. Multiple arguments will be printed in one line with a small space between them.

var obj = { test: 1 };
console.log(['string'], 1, obj, window);

The log method will display the following in the debugging console:

['string']  1  Object { test: 1 }  Window { /* truncated */ }

Beside plain strings, console.log() can handle other types, like arrays, objects, dates, functions, etc.:

console.log([0, 3, 32, 'a string']);
console.log({ key1: 'value', key2: 'another value'});


Array [0, 3, 32, 'a string']
Object { key1: 'value', key2: 'another value'}

Nested objects may be collapsed:

console.log({ key1: 'val', key2: ['one', 'two'], key3: { a: 1, b: 2 } });


Object { key1: 'val', key2: Array[2], key3: Object }

Certain types such as Date objects and functions may be displayed differently:

console.log(new Date(0));
console.log(function test(a, b) { return c; });


Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
function test(a, b) { return c; }

Other print methods

In addition to the log method, modern browsers also support similar methods:

  • – small informative icon (ⓘ) appears on the left side of the printed string(s) or object(s).

  • console.warn – small warning icon (!) appears on the left side. In some browsers, the background of the log is yellow.

  • console.error – small times icon (⊗) appears on the left side. In some browsers, the background of the log is red.

  • console.timeStamp – outputs the current time and a specified string, but is non-standard:



    00:00:00.001 msg
  • console.trace – outputs the current stack trace or displays the same output as the log method if invoked in the global scope.

    function sec() {
    function first() {


    (anonymous function)

Console functions

The above image shows all the functions, with the exception of timeStamp, in Chrome version 56.

These methods behave similarly to the log method and in different debugging consoles may render in different colors or formats.

In certain debuggers, the individual objects information can be further expanded by clicking the printed text or a small triangle (►) which refers to the respective object properties. These collapsing object properties can be open or closed on log. See the console.dir for additional information on this

Measuring time - console.time()

console.time() can be used to measure how long a task in your code takes to run.

Calling console.time([label]) starts a new timer. When console.timeEnd([label]) is called, the elapsed time, in milliseconds, since the original .time() call is calculated and logged. Because of this behavior, you can call .timeEnd() multiple times with the same label to log the elapsed time since the original .time() call was made.

Example 1:

console.time('response in');

alert('Click to continue');
console.timeEnd('response in');

alert('One more time');
console.timeEnd('response in');

will output:

response in: 774.967ms
response in: 1402.199ms

Example 2:

var elms = document.getElementsByTagName('*'); //select all elements on the page

console.time('Loop time');

for (var i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
    for (var j = 0, length = elms.length; j < length; j++) {
        // nothing to do ...

console.timeEnd('Loop time');

will output:

Loop time: 40.716ms

Counting - console.count()

console.count([obj]) places a counter on the object's value provided as argument. Each time this method is invoked, the counter is increased (with the exception of the empty string ''). A label together with a number is displayed in the debugging console according to the following format:

[label]: X

label represents the value of the object passed as argument and X represents the counter's value.

An object's value is always considered, even if variables are provided as arguments:

var o1 = 1, o2 = '2', o3 = "";



1: 1
2: 1
: 1
1: 2
2: 2
: 1

Strings with numbers are converted to Number objects:



42.3: 1
42.3: 2
42.3: 3

Functions point always to the global Function object:

var fn1 = function myfn(){};


[object Function]: 1
[object Function]: 2
[object Function]: 3
[object Function]: 4
[object Function]: 5

Certain objects get specific counters associated to the type of object they refer to:

var obj;


undefined: 1
undefined: 2
undefined: 3
NaN: 1
NaN: 2
NaN: 3
Infinity: 1
Infinity: 2
[object Window]: 1
[object HTMLDocument]: 1
[object Object]: 1
[object Object]: 2
[object Object]: 3
[object Object]: 4
[object Object]: 5
null: 1

Empty string or absence of argument

If no argument is provided while sequentially inputting the count method in the debugging console, an empty string is assumed as parameter, i.e.:

> console.count();
  : 1
> console.count('');
  : 2
> console.count("");
  : 3

Debugging with assertions - console.assert()

Writes an error message to the console if the assertion is false. Otherwise, if the assertion is true, this does nothing.

console.assert('one' === 1);


Multiple arguments can be provided after the assertion–these can be strings or other objects–that will only be printed if the assertion is false:

Assertion with multiple objects as parameters

console.assert does not throw an AssertionError (except in Node.js), meaning that this method is incompatible with most testing frameworks and that code execution will not break on a failed assertion.

Formatting console output

Many of the console's print methods can also handle C-like string formatting, using % tokens:

console.log('%s has %d points', 'Sam', 100);

Displays Sam has 100 points.

The full list of format specifiers in Javascript is:

%sFormats the value as a string
%i or %dFormats the value as an integer
%fFormats the value as a floating point value
%oFormats the value as an expandable DOM element
%OFormats the value as an expandable JavaScript object
%cApplies CSS style rules to the output string as specified by the second parameter

Advanced styling

When the CSS format specifier (%c) is placed at the left side of the string, the print method will accept a second parameter with CSS rules which allow fine-grained control over the formatting of that string:

console.log('%cHello world!', 'color: blue; font-size: xx-large');



It is possible to use multiple %c format specifiers:

  • any substring to the right of a %c has a corresponding parameter in the print method;
  • this parameter may be an emtpy string, if there is no need to apply CSS rules to that same substring;
  • if two %c format specifiers are found, the 1st (encased in %c) and 2nd substring will have their rules defined in the 2nd and 3rd parameter of the print method respectively.
  • if three %c format specifiers are found, then the 1st, 2nd and 3rd substrings will have their rules defined in the 2nd , 3rd and 4th parameter respectively, and so on...
console.log("%cHello %cWorld%c!!", // string to be printed
            "color: blue;", // applies color formatting to the 1st substring
            "font-size: xx-large;", // applies font formatting to the 2nd substring
            "/* no CSS rule*/" // does not apply any rule to the remaing substring


multiple CSS specifiers output

Using groups to indent output

Output can be idented and enclosed in a collapsible group in the debugging console with the following methods:

  • console.groupCollapsed(): creates a collapsed group of entries that can be expanded through the disclosure button in order to reveal all the entries performed after this method is invoked;
  • creates an expanded group of entries that can be collapsed in order to hide the entries after this method is invoked.

The identation can be removed for posterior entries by using the following method:

  • console.groupEnd(): exits the current group, allowing newer entries to be printed in the parent group after this method is invoked.

Groups can be cascaded to allow multiple idented output or collapsible layers within eachother:

Collapsed group = Collapsed group expanded => Expanded group

Clearing the console - console.clear()

You can clear the console window using the console.clear() method. This removes all previously printed messages in the console and may print a message like "Console was cleared" in some environments.

Displaying objects and XML interactively - console.dir(), console.dirxml()

console.dir(object) displays an interactive list of the properties of the specified JavaScript object. The output is presented as a hierarchical listing with disclosure triangles that let you see the contents of child objects.

var myObject = {



enter image description here

console.dirxml(object) prints an XML representation of the descendant elements of object if possible, or the JavaScript representation if not. Calling console.dirxml() on HTML and XML elements is equivalent to calling console.log().

Example 1:



enter image description here

Example 2:



enter image description here

Example 3:

var myObject = {



enter image description here


  • void console.log(obj1 [, obj2, ..., objN]);
  • void console.log(msg [, sub1, ..., subN]);


obj1 ... objNA list of JavaScript objects whose string representations are outputted in the console
msgA JavaScript string containing zero or more substitution strings.
sub1 ... subNJavaScript objects with which to replace substitution strings within msg.


Topic Id: 2288

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