There is no public standard for the Navigator
object, however, all major browsers support it.
The navigator.product
property cannot be considered a reliable way to get the browser's engine name since most browsers it will return Gecko
. Additionally, it is not supported in:
In Internet Explorer, the navigator.geolocation
property is not supported in versions older than IE 8
The navigator.appCodeName
property returns Mozilla
for all modern browsers.
The following function can be used to get some basic information about the current browser and return it in JSON format.
function getBrowserInfo() {
json = "[{",
/* The array containing the browser info */
info = [
navigator.userAgent, // Get the User-agent
navigator.cookieEnabled, // Checks whether cookies are enabled in browser
navigator.appName, // Get the Name of Browser
navigator.language, // Get the Language of Browser
navigator.appVersion, // Get the Version of Browser
navigator.platform // Get the platform for which browser is compiled
/* The array containing the browser info names */
infoNames = [
/* Creating the JSON object */
for (var i = 0; i < info.length; i++) {
if (i === info.length - 1) {
json += '"' + infoNames[i] + '": "' + info[i] + '"';
else {
json += '"' + infoNames[i] + '": "' + info[i] + '",';
return json + "}]";