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The HTML5 History API is not implemented by all browsers and implementations tend to differ between browser vendors. It is currently supported by the following browsers:

  • Firefox 4+
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Safari 5+
  • iOS 4

If you want to find out more about the History API implementations and methods, please refer to the state of the HTML5 History API.


Syntax :

history.replaceState(data, title [, url ])

This method modifies the current history entry instead of creating a new one. Mainly used when we want to update URL of the current history entry.

window.history.replaceState("", "Sample Title", "/example/path.html");

This example replaces the current history, address bar, and page title.

Note this is different from the history.pushState(). Which inserts a new history entry, rather than replacing the current one.


Syntax :

history.pushState(state object, title, url)

This method allows to ADD histories entries. For more reference, Please have a look on this document : pushState() method

Example :

window.history.pushState("", "Sample Title", "/example/path.html");

This example inserts a new record into the history, address bar, and page title.

Note this is different from the history.replaceState(). Which updates the current history entry, rather than adding a new one.

Load a specific URL from the history list

go() method

The go() method loads a specific URL from the history list. The parameter can either be a number which goes to the URL within the specific position (-1 goes back one page, 1 goes forward one page), or a string. The string must be a partial or full URL, and the function will go to the first URL that matches the string.




Click on the button to go back two pages:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function goBack()
        <input type="button" value="Go back 2 pages" onclick="goBack()" />    


  • window.history.pushState(domain, title, path);
  • window.history.replaceState(domain, title, path);


domainThe domain you want to update to
titleThe title to update to
pathThe path to update to


Topic Id: 312

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