NetSuite is a cloud-based ERP, CRM, E-Commerce, and Professional Services management platform. It is used by over 30,000 companies to run their entire business.
NetSuite is fully customizable by administrators and developers, including via a JavaScript-based API called SuiteScript. Developers are able to write scripts that are triggered by various events throughout the NetSuite system to automate business processes.
Where to get Help
Join the NetSuite Professionals Slack Community, where you have instant access to over 200 NetSuite Professionals across the globe.
Select "SuiteCloud IDE" site in the Work With dropdown
Proceed through the install wizard
Restart Eclipse when prompted
Configure the SuiteCloud IDE plugin
When Eclipse restarts, you will be prompted to set up the SuiteCloud plugin with a master password and default NetSuite account
After completing this set up wizard, navigate to Preferences > NetSuite
Here you will find all of the SuiteCloud IDE preferences
[Optional] If your primary use for Eclipse is NetSuite development, navigate to Preferences > General > Perspectives and make the "NetSuite" Perspective your default
Create a new NetSuite project
Right-click in the NS Explorer window and select New > NetSuite project
Follow the wizard for the project setup of your choosing. The project types are as follows:
Account Customization: A project that leverages the SuiteCloud Development Framework for building custom objects, records, and scripts for customizing a NetSuite account.
SuiteScript: A project used exclusively for writing scripts.
SSP Application: A SuiteScript Server Pages application, used typically in conjunction with SiteBuilder or SuiteCommerce for NetSuite-backed E-Commerce applications.
Hello, World 1.0 Client Script
Create the source file for your new Client Script
Create a new JavaScript file using your favorite editor or IDE
Add the following source code to your file (original source here)
* A simple "Hello, World!" example of a Client Script. Uses the `pageInit`
* event to write a message to the console log.
function pageInit(type) {
console.log("Hello, World from a 1.0 Client Script!");
Save the file as hello-world.js wherever you wish
Use the source file we just created to create a new Script record in NetSuite
In your NetSuite account, navigate to Customization > Scripting > Scripts > New
When prompted, select hello-world.js as the Script File
Click Create Script Record
When prompted, select Client Script as the Script Type
Name your Script record Hello World
Map the function named pageInit in our source file to the Page Init script event by entering pageInit in the Page Init Function field
Save your new Script record
Deploy your new Script to the Employee record
On your newly created Script record, click Deploy Script
In the Applies To field, select Employee
Make sure the Status field is set to Testing
Click Save
See your script in action!
Open your browser's developer/JavaScript console (typically F12 on most browsers)
Create a new Employee by navigating to Lists > Employees > Employees > New
Observe your "Hello, World" message in the browser console.
Hello, World 2.0 Client Script
Create the source file for your new Client Script
Create a new JavaScript file using your favorite editor or IDE
Add the following source code to your file (original source here)
define([], function () {
* A simple "Hello, World!" example of a Client Script. Uses the `pageInit`
* event to write a message to the console log.
* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NModuleScope Public
* @NScriptType ClientScript
var exports = {};
function pageInit(context) {
console.log("Hello, World from a 2.0 Client Script!");
exports.pageInit = pageInit;
return exports;
Save the file as hello-world2.js wherever you wish
Use the source file we just created to create a new Script record in NetSuite
In your NetSuite account, navigate to Customization > Scripting > Scripts > New
When prompted, select hello-world2.js as the Script File
Click Create Script Record
Name your Script record Hello World
Save your new Script record
Deploy your new Script to the Employee record
On your newly created Script record, click Deploy Script
In the Applies To field, select Employee
Make sure the Status field is set to Testing
Click Save
See your script in action!
Open your browser's developer/JavaScript console (typically F12 on most browsers)
Create a new Employee by navigating to Lists > Employees > Employees > New
Observe your "Hello, World" message in the browser console.
Topic Id: 3828
Example Ids: 13251,25404,25405
This site is not affiliated with any of the contributors.