The Before Load
event is triggered by any read operation on a record. Any time a user, a script, a CSV import, or a web service request attempts to read a record from the database, the Before Load
event gets fired.
Record actions that trigger a beforeLoad
Code written in User Events will not trigger any User Events on other records. For example, loading the associated Customer record from the beforeLoad
of a Sales Order record will not trigger the Customer record's beforeLoad
. Even if you are loading another Transaction record, its User Events will not be fired.
NetSuite does this to avoid User Events triggering each other in an infinite loop. If you do need User Events to fire in a chained sequence, other script types (e.g. RESTlets, Suitelets, Scheduled Scripts) will need to be injected in between the events.
The return type of the beforeLoad
event handler is void
. Any data returned from our event handler has no effect on the system. We do not need to return anything from our handler function as we cannot actually do anything with its returned value.
// 1.0
function beforeLoad(type, form, request) {
nlapiLogExecution("DEBUG", "Before Load", "type=" + type);
// 2.0
* @NApiVersion 2.x
* @NScriptType UserEventScript
* @NModuleScope SameAccount
define(["N/log"], function (log) {
function beforeLoad(context) {
"title": "Before Load",
"details": "type=" + context.type
return {
"beforeLoad": beforeLoad
// 1.0
// Revealing Module pattern, structures 1.0 similar to 2.0
var myNamespace = myNamespace || {};
myNamespace.example = (function () {
/** @appliedtorecord employee */
var exports = {};
function beforeLoad(type, form, request) {
function showBonusEligibility(form) {
var field = form.addField("custpage_is_bonus_eligible",
"checkbox", "Eligible for Bonus?");
field.setDefaultValue(isEligibleForBonus(nlapiGetNewRecord()) ? "T" : "F");
function isEligibleForBonus(rec) {
// Implement actual business rules for bonus eligibility here
return true;
exports.beforeLoad = beforeLoad;
return exports;
// 2.0
* @appliedtorecord employee
* @NScriptType UserEventScript
* @NApiVersion 2.x
define(["N/log", "N/ui/serverWidget"], function (log, ui) {
var exports = {};
function beforeLoad(context) {
function showBonusEligibility(form) {
var field = form.addField({
"id": "custpage_is_bonus_eligible",
"label": "Eligible for Bonus?",
"type": ui.FieldType.CHECKBOX
field.defaultValue = (isEligibleForBonus() ? "T" : "F");
function isEligibleForBonus(rec) {
// Implement actual business rules for bonus eligibility here
return true;
exports.beforeLoad = beforeLoad;
return exports;
// 1.0
// Utilize the type argument and raw Strings to filter your
// execution by the action
function beforeLoad(type, form, request) {
// Don't do anything on APPROVE
// Note that `type` is an Object, so we must use ==, not ===
if (type == "approve") {
// Continue with normal business logic...
// 2.0
* @appliedtorecord employee
* @NScriptType UserEventScript
* @NApiVersion 2.x
define([], function () {
var exports = {};
// Utilize context.type value and context.UserEventType enumeration
// to filter your execution by the action
function beforeLoad(context) {
// Don't do anything on APPROVE
if (context.type === context.UserEventType.APPROVE) {
// Continue with normal business logic...
exports.beforeLoad = beforeLoad;
return exports;
In SuiteScript 1.0, we retrieve the current execution context using nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext()
, then we compare the result to the appropriate raw Strings.
// 1.0 in Revealing Module pattern
var myNamespace = myNamespace || {};
myNamespace.example = (function () {
var exports = {};
function beforeLoad(type, form, request) {
function showBonusEligibility(form) {
// Doesn't make sense to modify UI form when the request
// did not come from the UI
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext();
if (!wasTriggeredFromUi(currentContext)) {
// Continue with form modification...
function wasTriggeredFromUi(context) {
// Current context must be compared to raw Strings
return (context === "userinterface");
function isEligibleForBonus() {
return true;
exports.beforeLoad = beforeLoad;
return exports;
In SuiteScript 2.0, we get the current execution context by importing the N/runtime
module and inspecting its executionContext
property. We can then compare its value to the values of the runtime.ContextType
enumeration rather than raw Strings.
// 2.0
* @NScriptType UserEventScript
* @NApiVersion 2.x
define(["N/ui/serverWidget", "N/runtime"], function (ui, runtime) {
var exports = {};
function beforeLoad(scriptContext) {
function showBonusEligibility(form) {
// Doesn't make sense to modify the form if the
if (!wasTriggeredFromUi(runtime.executionContext)) {
// Continue with form modification...
function wasTriggeredFromUi(context) {
// Context can be compared to enumeration from runtime module
return (context === runtime.ContextType.USER_INTERFACE);
exports.beforeLoad = beforeLoad;
return exports;
Parameter | Details |
SuiteScript 2.0 | - |
scriptContext | {Object } |
scriptContext.newRecord | {N/record.Record } A reference to the record being loaded from the database |
scriptContext.type | {UserEventType } The action type that triggered this User Event |
scriptContext.form | {N/ui/serverWidget.Form } A reference to the UI form that will be rendered |
SuiteScript 1.0 | - |
type | {Object } The action type that triggered this User Event |
form | {nlobjForm } A reference to the UI form that will be rendered |
request | {nlobjRequest } the HTTP GET request; only available when triggered by browser requests |