A Lookup is just shorthand for performing a search that filters on the internal ID of a single record for the result. Under the hood, lookups are actually performing a search, so the performance will be similar to that of a search that returns a single record.
This also means that a lookup will perform faster than loading the record to retrieve the same information.
Lookups can only be used to retrieve body field data. You cannot retrieve data from the sublists of a related record using a lookup. If you need sublist data, you will either need to perform a search or load the related record.
* An example of nlapiLookupField to retrieve a single field from a related record
// Get the Sales Rep record ID
var repId = nlapiGetFieldValue("salesrep");
// Get the name of the Sales Rep
var repName = nlapiGetFieldText("salesrep");
// Retrieve the email address from the associated Sales Rep
var repEmail = nlapiLookupField("employee", repId, "email");
console.log(repName + "'s email address is " + repEmail);
* An example of nlapiLookupField to retrieve multiple fields from a related record
// Get the Sales Rep record ID
var repId = nlapiGetFieldValue("salesrep");
// Retrieve multiple fields from the associated Sales Rep
var repData = nlapiLookupField("employee", repId, ["email", "firstname"]);
console.log(repData.firstname + "'s email address is " + repData.email);
* An example of nlapiLookupField to retrieve joined fields from a related record
var repId = nlapiGetFieldValue("salesrep");
// Retrieve multiple fields from the associated Sales Rep
var repData = nlapiLookupField("employee", repId, ["email", "firstname", "department.name"]);
console.log(repData.firstname + "'s email address is " + repData.email);
console.log(repData.firstname + "'s department is " + repData["department.name"]);
require(["N/search", "N/currentRecord"], function (s, cr) {
* An example of N/search#lookupFields to retrieve a single field from a related record
(function () {
var record = cr.get();
// Get the Sales Rep record ID
var repId = record.getValue({
"fieldId": "salesrep"
// Get the name of the Sales Rep
var repName = record.getText({
"fieldId": "salesrep"
// Retrieve the email address from the associated Sales Rep
var repData = s.lookupFields({
"type": "employee",
"id": repId,
"columns": ["email"]
console.log(repName + "'s email address is " + repData.email);
require(["N/search", "N/currentRecord"], function (s, cr) {
* An example of N/search#lookupFields to retrieve multiple fields from a related record
(function () {
var record = cr.get();
// Get the Sales Rep record ID
var repId = record.getValue({
"fieldId": "salesrep"
// Retrieve the email address from the associated Sales Rep
var repData = s.lookupFields({
"type": "employee",
"id": repId,
"columns": ["email", "firstname"]
console.log(repData.firstname + "'s email address is " + repData.email);
require(["N/search", "N/currentRecord"], function (s, cr) {
* An example of N/search#lookupFields to retrieve joined fields from a related record
(function () {
var record = cr.get();
// Get the Sales Rep record ID
var repId = record.getValue({
"fieldId": "salesrep"
// Retrieve the email address from the associated Sales Rep
var repData = s.lookupFields({
"type": "employee",
"id": repId,
"columns": ["email", "firstname", "department.name"]
console.log(repData.firstname + "'s email address is " + repData.email);
console.log(repData.firstname + "'s department is " + repData["department.name"]);
Parameter | Details |
recordType | String - The internal ID of the type of record being looked up (e.g. salesorder , employee ) |
recordId | String or Number - The internal ID of the record being looked up |
columns | String or String[] - The list of fields to retrieve from the record. Field IDs can be referenced from the "Search Columns" section of the Records Browser. Joined fields can be retrieved using dot syntax (e.g. salesrep.email ) |