Enums are defined by the following the syntax above.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MyEnum) {
You also can set your own raw-values to the enumeration types.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MyEnum) {
MyEnumValueA = 0,
MyEnumValueB = 5,
MyEnumValueC = 10,
You can also specify on the first value and all the following will use it with increment:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MyEnum) {
MyEnumValueA = 0,
Variables of this enum can be created by MyEnum enumVar = MyEnumValueA
A enum declares a set of ordered values - the typedef just adds a handy name to this. The 1st element is 0 etc.
typedef enum {
WORKDAYS today = Monday;//value 1
Many C++ libraries use enums and return/receive data using vectors that contain enums. As C enums are not Objective-C objects, Objective-C collections cannot be used directly with C enums. The example below deals with this by using a combination of an NSArray and generics and a wrapper object for the array. This way, the collection can be explicit about the data type and there is no worry about possible memory leaks with C arrays Objective-C objects are used.
Here is the C enum & Objective-C equivalent object:
typedef enum
Error0 = 0,
Error1 = 1,
Error2 = 2
} MyError;
@interface ErrorEnumObj : NSObject
@property (nonatomic) int intValue;
+ (instancetype) objWithEnum:(MyError) myError;
- (MyError) getEnumValue;
@implementation ErrorEnumObj
+ (instancetype) objWithEnum:(MyError) error
ErrorEnumObj * obj = [ErrorEnumObj new];
obj.intValue = (int)error;
return obj;
- (MyError) getEnumValue
return (MyError)self.intValue;
And here is a possible use of it in Objective-C++ (the resulting NSArray can be used in Objective-C only files as no C++ is used).
class ListenerImpl : public Listener
ListenerImpl(Listener* listener) : _listener(listener) {}
void onError(std::vector<MyError> errors) override
NSMutableArray<ErrorEnumObj *> * array = [NSMutableArray<ErrorEnumObj *> new];
for (auto&& myError : errors)
[array addObject:[ErrorEnumObj objWithEnum:myError]];
[_listener onError:array];
__weak Listener* _listener;
If this kind of solution is to be used on multiple enums, the creation of the EnumObj (declaration & implementation) can be done using a macro (to create a template like solution).