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For nesting various types of objects and data-types into NSStrings refer to: Objective-C, Format Specifiers



NSString *newString = @"My String";

From multiple strings:

NSString *stringOne = @"Hello";
NSString *stringTwo = @"world";
NSString *newString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"My message: %@ %@",
                     stringOne, stringTwo];

Using Mutable String

NSString *stringOne = @"Hello";
NSString *stringTwo = @"World";
NSMutableString *mutableString = [NSMutableString new];
[mutableString appendString:stringOne];
[mutableString appendString:stringTwo];

From NSData:

When initializing from NSData, an explicit encoding must be provided as NSString is not able to guess how characters are represented in the raw data stream. The most common encoding nowadays is UTF-8, which is even a requirement for certain data like JSON.

Avoid using +[NSString stringWithUTF8String:] since it expects an explicitly NULL-terminated C-string, which -[NSData bytes] does not provide.

NSString *newString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:myData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

From NSArray:

NSArray *myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Apple", @"Banana", @"Strawberry", @"Kiwi", nil];
NSString *newString = [myArray componentsJoinedByString:@" "];

String Length

NSString has a length property to get the number of characters.

NSString *string = @"example";
NSUInteger length = string.length;       // length equals 7

As in the Splitting Example, keep in mind that NSString uses UTF-16 to represent characters. The length is actually just the number of UTF-16 code units. This can differ from what the user perceives as characters.

Here are some cases that might be surprising:

@"é".length == 1   // LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE (U+00E9)
@"é".length == 2   // LATIN SMALL LETTER E (U+0065) + COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (U+0301)
@"❤️".length == 2  // HEAVY BLACK HEART (U+2764) + VARIATION SELECTOR-16 (U+FE0F)

In order to get the number of user-perceived characters, known technically as "grapheme clusters", you must iterate over the string with -enumerateSubstringsInRange:options:usingBlock: and keep a count. This is demonstrated in an answer by Nikolai Ruhe on Stack Overflow.

Changing Case

To convert a String to uppercase, use uppercaseString:

NSString *myString = @"Emphasize this";
NSLog(@"%@", [myString uppercaseString]; // @"EMPHASIZE THIS"

To convert a String to lowercase, use lowercaseString:

NSString *myString = @"NORMALIZE this";
NSLog(@"%@", [myString lowercaseString]; // @"normalize this"

To capitalize the first letter character of each word in a string, use capitalizedString:

NSString *myString = @"firstname lastname";
NSLog(@"%@", [myString capitalizedString]); // @"Firstname Lastname"

Comparing Strings

Strings are compared for equality using isEqualToString:

The == operator just tests for object identity and does not compare the logical values of objects, so it can't be used:

NSString *stringOne = @"example";
NSString *stringTwo = [stringOne mutableCopy];

BOOL objectsAreIdentical = (stringOne == stringTwo);          // NO
BOOL stringsAreEqual = [stringOne isEqualToString:stringTwo]; // YES

The expression (stringOne == stringTwo) tests to see if the memory addresses of the two strings are the same, which is usually not what we want.

If the string variables can be nil you have to take care about this case as well:

BOOL equalValues = stringOne == stringTwo || [stringOne isEqualToString:stringTwo];

This condition returns YES when strings have equal values or both are nil.

To order two strings alphabetically, use compare:.

NSComparisonResult result = [firstString compare:secondString];

NSComparisonResult can be:

  • NSOrderedAscending: The first string comes before the second string.
  • NSOrderedSame: The strings are equal.
  • NSOrderedDescending: The second string comes before the first string.

To compare two strings equality, use isEqualToString:.

BOOL result = [firstString isEqualToString:secondString];

To compare with the empty string (@""), better use length.

BOOL result = string.length == 0;

Joining an Array of Strings

To combine an NSArray of NSString into a new NSString:

NSArray *yourWords = @[@"Objective-C", @"is", @"just", @"awesome"];
NSString *sentence = [yourWords componentsJoinedByString:@" "];

// Sentence is now: @"Objective-C is just awesome"

Encoding and Decoding

// decode
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:utf8Data

// encode
NSData *utf8Data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

Some supported encodings are:

  • NSASCIIStringEncoding
  • NSUTF8StringEncoding
  • NSUTF16StringEncoding (== NSUnicodeStringEncoding)

Note that utf8Data.bytes does not include a terminating null character, which is necessary for C strings. If you need a C string, use UTF8String:

const char *cString = [string UTF8String];
printf("%s", cString);


You can split a string into an array of parts, divided by a separator character.

NSString * yourString = @"Stack,Exchange,Network";
NSArray * yourWords = [yourString componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; 
// Output: @[@"Stack", @"Exchange", @"Network"]

If you need to split on a set of several different delimiters, use -[NSString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:].

NSString * yourString = @"Stack Overflow+Documentation/Objective-C";
NSArray * yourWords = [yourString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:
                      [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"+/"]];
// Output: @[@"Stack Overflow", @"Documentation", @"Objective-C"]`

If you need to break a string into its individual characters, loop over the length of the string and convert each character into a new string.

NSMutableArray * characters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[yourString length]];
for (int i = 0; i < [myString length]; i++) {
    [characters addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", 
                                      [yourString characterAtIndex:i]];

As in the Length Example, keep in mind that a "character" here is a UTF-16 code unit, not necessarily what the user sees as a character. If you use this loop with @"🇮🇹", you'll see that it's split into four pieces.

In order to get a list of the user-perceived characters, use -enumerateSubstringsInRange:options:usingBlock:.

NSMutableArray * characters = [NSMutableArray array];
[yourString enumerateSubstringsInRange:(NSRange){0, [yourString length]}
                            usingBlock:^(NSString * substring, NSRange r, NSRange s, BOOL * b){
                                [characters addObject:substring];

This preserves grapheme clusters like the Italian flag as a single substring.

Searching for a Substring

To search if a String contains a substring, do the following:

NSString *myString = @"This is for checking substrings";
NSString *subString = @"checking"; 

BOOL doesContainSubstring = [myString containsString:subString];  // YES

If targeting iOS 7 or OS X 10.9 (or earlier):

BOOL doesContainSubstring = ([myString rangeOfString:subString].location != NSNotFound);  // YES

Working with C Strings

To convert NSString to const char use -[NSString UTF8String]:

NSString *myNSString = @"Some string";
const char *cString = [myNSString UTF8String];

You could also use -[NSString cStringUsingEncoding:] if your string is encoded with something other than UTF-8.

For the reverse path use -[NSString stringWithUTF8String:]:

const *char cString = "Some string";
NSString *myNSString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:cString];
myNSString = @(cString); // Equivalent to the above.

Once you have the const char *, you can work with it similarly to an array of chars:

printf("%c\n", cString[5]);

If you want to modify the string, make a copy:

char *cpy = calloc(strlen(cString)+1, 1);
strncpy(cpy, cString, strlen(cString));
// Do stuff with cpy

Removing Leading and Trailing Whitespace

NSString *someString = @"   Objective-C Language  \n";
NSString *trimmedString = [someString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
//Output will be - "Objective-C Language"

Method stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet returns a new string made by removing from both ends of the String characters contained in a given character set.

We can also just remove only whitespace or newline

// Removing only WhiteSpace
NSString *trimmedWhiteSpace = [someString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
//Output will be - "Objective-C Language  \n"

// Removing only NewLine
NSString *trimmedNewLine = [someString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
//Output will be - "   Objective-C Language  "


The NSString formatting supports all the format strings available on the printf ANSI-C function. The only addition made by the language is the %@ symbol used for formatting all the Objective-C objects.

It is possible to format integers

int myAge = 21;
NSString *formattedAge = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"I am %d years old", my_age];

Or any object subclassed from NSObject

NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
NSString *formattedDate = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"The time right now is: %@", now];

For a complete list of Format Specifiers, please see: Objective-C, Format Specifiers, Syntax

Reversing a NSString Objective-C

// myString is "hi"
NSMutableString *reversedString = [NSMutableString string];
NSInteger charIndex = [myString length];
while (charIndex > 0) {
    NSRange subStrRange = NSMakeRange(charIndex, 1);
    [reversedString appendString:[myString substringWithRange:subStrRange]];
NSLog(@"%@", reversedString); // outputs "ih"


Topic Id: 832

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