Due to the nature of format-specifiers, if you wish to include the percentage symbol (%) in your string, you must escape it using a second percentage symbol.
int progress = 45;//percent
NSString *progressString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Progress: %i%%", (int)progress];
NSLog(progressString);//logs "Progress: 45%"
No Format Specifier for BOOL-type exists.
Common-use solutions include:
BOOL myBool = YES;
NSString *boolState = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"BOOL state: %@", myBool?@"true":@"false"];
NSLog(boolState);//logs "true"
Which utilizes a ternary operator for casting a string-equivalent.
BOOL myBool = YES;
NSString *boolState = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"BOOL state: %i", myBool];
NSLog(boolState);//logs "1" (binary)
Which utilizes an (int) cast for implanting a binary-equivalent.
int highScore = 57;
NSString *scoreBoard = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HighScore: %i", (int)highScore];
NSLog(scoreBoard);//logs "HighScore: 57"