Custom Fonts

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Steps to use custom fonts in React Native (Android)

  1. Paste your fonts file inside android/app/src/main/assets/fonts/font_name.ttf
  2. Recompile the Android app by running react-native run-android
  3. Now, You can use fontFamily: 'font_name' in your React Native Styles

Steps to use custom fonts in React Native (iOS)

1. Include the font in your Xcode project.

Including font to Xcode project

2. Make sure that they are included in the Target Membership column

Click on the font from the navigator, and check if the font included.

Check font in target membership

3. Check if the font included as Resource in your bundle

click on your Xcode project file, select "Build Phases, select "Copy Bundle Resources". Check if your font is added.

check in build phases

4. Include the font in Application Plist (Info.plist)

from the application main folder open Info.plist, click on "Information Property List", and then click the plus sign (+). from drop down list choose "Fonts provided by application".

enter image description here

5. Add Font name in Fonts provided by application

expand Fonts Provided by Application and add the Font Name exactly to value column

enter image description here

  1. Use it in the Application

     <Text style={{fontFamily:'IndieFlower'}}>
       Welcome to React Native!

Custom fonts for both Android and IOS

  • Create a folder in your project folder, and add your fonts to it. Example:

    • Example: Here we added a folder in root called "mystuff", then "fonts", and inside it we placed our fonts:
  • Add the below code in package.json.

        "rnpm": {
            "assets": [
    • For the example above, our package.json would now have a path of "mystuff/fonts":

      "rnpm": {
        "assets": [
  • Run react-native link command.

  • Using custom fonts on project below code

    <Text style={{ fontFamily: 'FONT-NAME' }}>
        My Text

    Where FONT-NAME is the prefix platform specific.


    FONT-NAME is the words before the extension in file. Example: Your font's file name is Roboto-Regular.ttf, so you would set fontFamily: Roboto-Regular.


    FONT-NAME is "Full Name" found after right clicking, on the font file, then clicking on "Get Info". ( Source: ), in the screenshot below, the file name is MM Proxima Nova Ultra bold.otf, however "Full Name" is "Proxima Nova Semibold", thus you would set fontFamily: Proxima Nova Semibold. Screenshot -

  • Run react-native run-ios or react-native run-android again (this will recompile with the resources)


Topic Id: 4341

Example Ids: 15144,21292,24210

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