is React Native's default navigator. A Navigator
component manages a stack of route objects, and provides methods for managing that stack.
<Navigator ref={(navigator) => { this.navigator = navigator }} initialRoute={{ id: 'route1', title: 'Route 1' }} renderScene={this.renderScene.bind(this)} configureScene={(route) => Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight} style={{ flex: 1 }} navigationBar={ // see "Managing the Navigation Bar" below <Navigator.NavigationBar routeMapper={this.routeMapper} /> } />
Managing the Route Stack
First of all, notice the initialRoute
prop. A route is simply a javascript object, and can take whatever shape you want, and have whatever values you want. It's the primary way you'll pass values and methods between components in your navigation stack.
The Navigator
knows what to render based on the value returned from its renderScene
renderScene(route, navigator) { if ( === 'route1') { return <ExampleScene navigator={navigator} title={route.title} />; // see below } else if ( === 'route2') { return <ExampleScene navigator={navigator} title={route.title} />; // see below } }
Let's imagine an implementation of ExampleScene
in this example:
function ExampleScene(props) { function forward() { // this route object will passed along to our `renderScene` function we defined above. props.navigator.push({ id: 'route2', title: 'Route 2' }); } function back() { // `pop` simply pops one route object off the `Navigator`'s stack props.navigator.pop(); } return ( <View> <Text>{props.title}</Text> <TouchableOpacity onPress={forward}> <Text>Go forward!</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <TouchableOpacity onPress={back}> <Text>Go Back!</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> ); }
Configuring the Navigator
You can configure the Navigator
's transitions with the configureScene
prop. This is a function that's passed the route
object, and needs to return a configuration object. These are the available configuration objects:
You can return one of these objects without modification, or you can modify the configuration object to customize the navigation transitions. For example, to modify the edge hit width to more closely emulate the iOS UINavigationController
's interactivePopGestureRecognizer
configureScene={(route) => { return { ...Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight, gestures: { pop: { ...Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight.gestures.pop, edgeHitWidth: Dimensions.get('window').width / 2, }, }, }; }}
Managing the NavigationBar
The Navigator
component comes with a navigationBar
prop, which can theoretically take any properly configured React component. But the most common implementation uses the default Navigator.NavigationBar
. This takes a routeMapper
prop that you can use to configure the appearance of the navigation bar based on the route.
A routeMapper
is a regular javascript object with three functions: Title
, RightButton
, and LeftButton
. For example:
const routeMapper = { LeftButton(route, navigator, index, navState) { if (index === 0) { return null; } return ( <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigator.pop()} style={styles.navBarLeftButton} > <Text>Back</Text> </TouchableOpacity> ); }, RightButton(route, navigator, index, navState) { return ( <TouchableOpacity onPress={route.handleRightButtonClick} style={styles.navBarRightButton} > <Text>Next</Text> </TouchableOpacity> ); }, Title(route, navigator, index, navState) { return ( <Text> {route.title} </Text> ); }, };
See more
For more detailed documentation of each prop, see the the official React Native Documentation for Navigator
, and the React Native guide on Using Navigators.
With the help of react-navigation, you can add navigation to your app really easy.
Install react-navigation
npm install --save react-navigation
import { Button, View, Text, AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import { StackNavigator } from 'react-navigation';
const App = StackNavigator({
FirstPage: {screen: FirstPage},
SecondPage: {screen: SecondPage},
class FirstPage extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = {
title: 'Welcome',
render() {
const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;
return (
title='Go to Second Page'
onPress={() =>
navigate('SecondPage', { name: 'Awesomepankaj' })
class SecondPage extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = ({navigation}) => ({
render() {
const { goBack } = this.props.navigation;
return (
<Text>Welcome to Second Page</Text>
title="Go back to First Page"
onPress={() => goBack()}
Install by using npm install --save react-native-router-flux
In react-native-router-flux, each route is called a <Scene>
<Scene key="home" component={LogIn} title="Home" initial />
A unique string that can be used to refer to the particular scene.
Which component to show, here it's
make a NavBar and give it a title 'Home'
Is this the first screen of the App
import React from 'react';
import { Scene, Router } from 'react-native-router-flux';
import LogIn from './components/LogIn';
import SecondPage from './components/SecondPage';
const RouterComponent = () => {
return (
<Scene key="login" component={LogIn} title="Login Form" initial />
<Scene key="secondPage" component={SecondPage} title="Home" />
export default RouterComponent;
Import this file in the main App.js(index file) and render it. For more information can visit this link.