Instead of bloating your main js file that contains your navigator with buttons. It's cleaner to just inject buttons on-demand in any page that you need.
//In the page "Home", I want to have the right nav button to show
//a settings modal that resides in "Home" component.
componentWillMount() {
this.props.route.navbarTitle = "Home";
this.props.route.rightNavButton = {
text: "Settings",
onPress: this._ShowSettingsModal.bind(this)
'use strict'; import React, {Component} from 'react'; import ReactNative from 'react-native'; const { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View, Navigator, Alert, TouchableHighlight } = ReactNative; //This is the app container that contains the navigator stuff class AppContainer extends Component { renderScene(route, navigator) { switch( { case "Home": //You must pass route as a prop for this trick to work properly return <Home route={route} navigator={navigator} {...route.passProps} /> default: return ( <Text route={route} style={styles.container}> Your route name is probably incorrect {JSON.stringify(route)} </Text> ); } } render() { return ( <Navigator navigationBar={ <Navigator.NavigationBar style={ styles.navbar } routeMapper={ NavigationBarRouteMapper } /> } initialRoute={{ name: 'Home' }} renderScene={ this.renderScene } /> ); } } //Nothing fancy here, except for checking for injected buttons. //Notice how we are checking if there are injected buttons inside the route object. //Also, we are showing a "Back" button when the page is not at index-0 (e.g. not home) var NavigationBarRouteMapper = { LeftButton(route, navigator, index, navState) { if(route.leftNavButton) { return ( <TouchableHighlight style={styles.leftNavButton} underlayColor="transparent" onPress={route.leftNavButton.onPress}> <Text style={styles.navbarButtonText}>{route.leftNavButton.text}</Text> </TouchableHighlight> ); } else if(route.enableBackButton) { return ( <TouchableHighlight style={styles.leftNavButton} underlayColor="transparent" onPress={() => navigator.pop() }> <Text style={styles.navbarButtonText}>Back</Text> </TouchableHighlight> ); } }, RightButton(route, navigator, index, navState) { if(route.rightNavButton) { return ( <TouchableHighlight style={styles.rightNavButton} underlayColor="transparent" onPress={route.rightNavButton.onPress}> <Text style={styles.navbarButtonText}>{route.rightNavButton.text}</Text> </TouchableHighlight> ); } }, Title(route, navigator, index, navState) { //You can inject the title aswell. If you don't we'll use the route name. return (<Text style={styles.navbarTitle}>{route.navbarTitle ||}</Text>); } }; //This is considered a sub-page that navigator is showing class Home extends Component { //This trick depends on that componentWillMount fires before the navbar is created componentWillMount() { this.props.route.navbarTitle = "Home"; this.props.route.rightNavButton = { text: "Button", onPress: this._doSomething.bind(this) }; } //This method will be invoked by pressing the injected button. _doSomething() { Alert.alert( 'Awesome, eh?', null, [ {text: 'Indeed'}, ] ) } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Text>You are home</Text> </View> ); } } var styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF', marginTop: 66 }, navbar: { backgroundColor: '#ffffff', }, navbarTitle: { marginVertical: 10, fontSize: 17 }, leftNavButton: { marginVertical: 10, paddingLeft: 8, }, rightNavButton: { marginVertical: 10, paddingRight: 8, }, navbarButtonText: { fontSize: 17, color: "#007AFF" } }); AppRegistry.registerComponent('AppContainer', () => AppContainer);