When deconstructing a structure value, the field should be either of the form field_name
or field_name: pattern
. If no pattern is specified, an implicit binding is done:
let Point { x, y } = p; // equivalent to let Point { x: x, y: y } = p; let Point { ref x, ref y } = p; // equivalent to let Point { x: ref x, y: ref y } = p;
1: Irrefutable pattern
It is possible to bind values to names using @
struct Badger {
pub age: u8
fn main() {
// Let's create a Badger instances
let badger_john = Badger { age: 8 };
// Now try to find out what John's favourite activity is, based on his age
match badger_john.age {
// we can bind value ranges to variables and use them in the matched branches
baby_age @ 0...1 => println!("John is {} years old, he sleeps a lot", baby_age),
young_age @ 2...4 => println!("John is {} years old, he plays all day", young_age),
adult_age @ 5...10 => println!("John is {} years old, he eats honey most of the time", adult_age),
old_age => println!("John is {} years old, he mostly reads newspapers", old_age),
This will print:
John is 8 years old, he eats honey most of the time
// Create a boolean value
let a = true;
// The following expression will try and find a pattern for our value starting with
// the topmost pattern.
// This is an exhaustive match expression because it checks for every possible value
match a {
true => println!("a is true"),
false => println!("a is false")
If we don't cover every case we will get a compiler error:
match a {
true => println!("most important case")
// error: non-exhaustive patterns: `false` not covered [E0004]
We can use _
as the default/wildcard case, it matches everything:
// Create an 32-bit unsigned integer
let b: u32 = 13;
match b {
0 => println!("b is 0"),
1 => println!("b is 1"),
_ => println!("b is something other than 0 or 1")
This example will print:
a is true
b is something else than 0 or 1
It's possible to treat multiple, distinct values the same way, using |
enum Colour {
enum ColourModel {
// let's take an example colour
let colour = Colour::Red;
let model = match colour {
// check if colour is any of the RGB colours
Colour::Red | Colour::Green | Colour::Blue => ColourModel::RGB,
// otherwise select CMYK
_ => ColourModel::CMYK,
Patterns can be matched based on values independent to the value being matched using if
// Let's imagine a simplistic web app with the following pages:
enum Page {
// We are authenticated
let is_authenticated = true;
// But we aren't admins
let is_admin = false;
let accessed_page = Page::Admin;
match accessed_page {
// Login is available for not yet authenticated users
Page::Login if !is_authenticated => println!("Please provide a username and a password"),
// Logout is available for authenticated users
Page::Logout if is_authenticated => println!("Good bye"),
// About is a public page, anyone can access it
Page::About => println!("About us"),
// But the Admin page is restricted to administators
Page::Admin if is_admin => println!("Welcome, dear administrator"),
// For every other request, we display an error message
_ => println!("Not available")
This will display "Not available".
if let
Combines a pattern match
and an if
statement, and allows for brief non-exhaustive matches to be performed.
if let Some(x) = option {
This is equivalent to:
match option {
Some(x) => do_something(x),
_ => {},
These blocks can also have else
if let Some(x) = option {
} else {
panic!("option was None");
This block is equivalent to:
match option {
Some(x) => do_something(x),
None => panic!("option was None"),
while let
Combines a pattern match and a while loop.
let mut cs = "Hello, world!".chars();
while let Some(x) = cs.next() {
print("{}+", x);
This prints H+e+l+l+o+,+ +w+o+r+l+d+!+
It's equivalent to using a loop {}
and a match
let mut cs = "Hello, world!".chars();
loop {
match cs.next() {
Some(x) => print("{}+", x),
_ => break,
Sometimes it's necessary to be able to extract values from an object using only references (ie. without transferring ownership).
struct Token {
pub id: u32
struct User {
pub token: Option<Token>
fn main() {
// Create a user with an arbitrary token
let user = User { token: Some(Token { id: 3 }) };
// Let's borrow user by getting a reference to it
let user_ref = &user;
// This match expression would not compile saying "cannot move out of borrowed
// content" because user_ref is a borrowed value but token expects an owned value.
match user_ref {
&User { token } => println!("User token exists? {}", token.is_some())
// By adding 'ref' to our pattern we instruct the compiler to give us a reference
// instead of an owned value.
match user_ref {
&User { ref token } => println!("User token exists? {}", token.is_some())
// We can also combine ref with destructuring
match user_ref {
// 'ref' will allow us to access the token inside of the Option by reference
&User { token: Some(ref user_token) } => println!("Token value: {}", user_token.id ),
&User { token: None } => println!("There was no token assigned to the user" )
// References can be mutable too, let's create another user to demonstrate this
let mut other_user = User { token: Some(Token { id: 4 }) };
// Take a mutable reference to the user
let other_user_ref_mut = &mut other_user;
match other_user_ref_mut {
// 'ref mut' gets us a mutable reference allowing us to change the contained value directly.
&mut User { token: Some(ref mut user_token) } => {
user_token.id = 5;
println!("New token value: {}", user_token.id )
&mut User { token: None } => println!("There was no token assigned to the user" )
It will print this:
User token exists? true
Token value: 3
New token value: 5