Case Classes

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Case Class Basics

In comparison to regular classes – case classes notation provides several benefits:

  • All constructor arguments are public and can be accessed on initialized objects (normally this is not the case, as demonstrated here):

    case class Dog1(age: Int)
    val x = Dog1(18)
    println(x.age) // 18 (success!)
    class Dog2(age: Int)
    val x = new Dog2(18)
    println(x.age) // Error: "value age is not a member of Dog2"
  • It provides an implementation for the following methods: toString, equals, hashCode (based on properties), copy, apply and unapply:

    case class Dog(age: Int)
    val d1 = Dog(10)
    val d2 = d1.copy(age = 15)
  • It provides a convenient mechanism for pattern matching:

    sealed trait Animal // `sealed` modifier allows inheritance within current build-unit only
    case class Dog(age: Int) extends Animal
    case class Cat(owner: String) extends Animal
    val x: Animal = Dog(18)
    x match {
        case Dog(x) => println(s"It's a $x years old dog.")
        case Cat(x) => println(s"This cat belongs to $x.")

Case Class Equality

One feature provided for free by case classes is an auto-generated equals method that checks the value equality of all individual member fields instead of just checking the reference equality of the objects.

With ordinary classes:

class Foo(val i: Int)
val a = new Foo(3)
val b = new Foo(3)
println(a == b)// "false" because they are different objects

With case classes:

case class Foo(i: Int)
val a = Foo(3)
val b = Foo(3)
println(a == b)// "true" because their members have the same value

Generated Code Artifacts

The case modifier causes the Scala compiler to automatically generate common boilerplate code for the class. Implementing this code manually is tedious and a source of errors. The following case class definition:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

... will have the following code automatically generated:

class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
  extends Product with Serializable
  def copy(name: String =, age: Int = this.age): Person =
    new Person(name, age)

  def productArity: Int = 2

  def productElement(i: Int): Any = i match {
    case 0 => name
    case 1 => age
    case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i.toString)

  def productIterator: Iterator[Any] =

  def productPrefix: String = "Person"

  def canEqual(obj: Any): Boolean = obj.isInstanceOf[Person]

  override def hashCode(): Int = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode(this)

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = this.eq(obj) || obj match {
    case that: Person => == && this.age == that.age
    case _ => false

  override def toString: String =

The case modifier also generates a companion object:

object Person extends AbstractFunction2[String, Int, Person] with Serializable {
  def apply(name: String, age: Int): Person = new Person(name, age)

  def unapply(p: Person): Option[(String, Int)] =
    if(p == null) None else Some((, p.age))

When applied to an object, the case modifier has similar (albeit less dramatic) effects. Here the primary gains are a toString implementation and a hashCode value that is consistent across processes. Note that case objects (correctly) use reference equality:

object Foo extends Product with Serializable {
  def productArity: Int = 0

  def productIterator: Iterator[Any] =

  def productElement(i: Int): Any =
    throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(i.toString)

  def productPrefix: String = "Foo"

  def canEqual(obj: Any): Boolean = obj.isInstanceOf[this.type]

  override def hashCode(): Int = 70822 // "Foo".hashCode()

  override def toString: String = "Foo"

It is still possible to manually implement methods that would otherwise be provided by the case modifier in both the class itself and its companion object.

Case Classes and Immutabilty

The Scala compiler prefixes every argument in the parameter list by default with val. This means that, by default, case classes are immutable. Each parameter is given an accessor method, but there are no mutator methods. For example:

case class Foo(i: Int)

val fooInstance = Foo(1)
val j = fooInstance.i       // get
fooInstance.i = 2           // compile-time exception (mutation: reassignment to val)

Declaring a parameter in a case class as var overrides the default behavior and makes the case class mutable:

case class Bar(var i: Int)

val barInstance = Bar(1)
val j = barInstance.i       // get
barInstance.i = 2           // set

Another instance when a case class is 'mutable' is when the value in the case class is mutable:

import scala.collection._

case class Bar(m: mutable.Map[Int, Int])

val barInstance = Bar(mutable.Map(1 -> 2))
barInstance.m.update(1, 3)                  // mutate m
barInstance                                 // Bar(Map(1 -> 3)

Note that the 'mutation' that is occurring here is in the map that m points to, not to m itself. Thus, if some other object had m as a member, it would see the change as well. Note how in the following example changing instanceA also changes instanceB:

import scala.collection.mutable

case class Bar(m: mutable.Map[Int, Int])

val m = mutable.Map(1 ->2)
val barInstanceA = Bar(m)
val barInstanceB = Bar(m)
barInstanceA  // Bar = Bar(Map(1 -> 3))
barInstanceB  // Bar = Bar(Map(1 -> 3))
m  // scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,Int] = Map(1 -> 3)

Create a Copy of an Object with Certain Changes

Case classes provide a copy method that creates a new object that shares the same fields as the old one, with certain changes.

We can use this feature to create a new object from a previous one that has some of the same characteristics. This simple case class to demonstrates this feature:

case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, grade: String, subject: String)
val putu = Person("Putu", "Kevin", "A1", "Math")
val mark = putu.copy(firstName = "Ketut", lastName = "Mark")
// mark: People = People(Ketut,Mark,A1,Math)

In this example we can see that the two objects share similar characteristics (grade = A1, subject = Math), except where they have been specified in the copy (firstName and lastName).

Single Element Case Classes for Type Safety

In order to achieve type safety sometimes we want to avoid the use of primitive types on our domain. For instance, imagine a Person with a name. Typically, we would encode the name as a String. However, it would not be hard to mix a String representing a Person's name with a String representing an error message:

def logError(message: ErrorMessage): Unit = ???
case class Person(name: String)
val maybeName: Either[String, String] = ??? // Left is error, Right is name
maybeName.foreach(logError) // But that won't stop me from logging the name as an error!

To avoid such pitfalls you can encode the data like this:

case class PersonName(value: String)
case class ErrorMessage(value: String)
case class Person(name: PersonName)

and now our code will not compile if we mix PersonName with ErrorMessage, or even an ordinary String.

val maybeName: Either[ErrorMessage, PersonName] = ???
maybeName.foreach(reportError) // ERROR: tried to pass PersonName; ErrorMessage expected
maybeName.swap.foreach(reportError) // OK

But this incurs a small runtime overhead as we now have to box/unbox Strings to/from their PersonName containers. In order to avoid this, one can make PersonName and ErrorMessage value classes:

case class PersonName(val value: String) extends AnyVal
case class ErrorMessage(val value: String) extends AnyVal


  • case class Foo() // Case classes with no parameters must have an empty list
  • case class Foo(a1: A1, ..., aN: AN) // Create a case class with fields a1 ... aN
  • case object Bar // Create a singleton case class


Topic Id: 1022

Example Ids: 8090,3877,7463,8318,11280,26211

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