Scala has the following built-in operators (methods/language elements with predefined precedence rules):
Type | Symbol | Example |
Arithmetic operators | + - * / % | a + b |
Relational operators | == != > < >= <= | a > b |
Logical operators | && & || | ! | a && b |
Bit-wise operators | & | ^ ~ << >> >>> | a & b , ~a , a >>> b |
Assignment operators | = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |= | a += b |
Scala operators have the same meaning as in Java
Note: methods ending with :
bind to the right (and right associative), so the call with list.::(value)
can be written as value :: list
with operator syntax. (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil
is the same as 1 :: (2 :: (3 :: Nil))
In Scala you can define your own operators:
class Team {
def +(member: Person) = ...
With the above defines you can use it like:
ITTeam + Jack
To define unary operators you can prefix it with unary_
. E.g. unary_!
class MyBigInt {
def unary_! = ...
var a: MyBigInt = new MyBigInt
var b = !a
Category | Operator | Associativity |
Postfix | () [] | Left to right |
Unary | ! ~ | Right to left |
Multiplicative | * / % | Left to right |
Additive | + - | Left to right |
Shift | >> >>> << | Left to right |
Relational | > >= < <= | Left to right |
Equality | == != | Left to right |
Bitwise and | & | Left to right |
Bitwise xor | ^ | Left to right |
Bitwise or | | | Left to right |
Logical and | && | Left to right |
Logical or | || | Left to right |
Assignment | = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |= | Right to left |
Comma | , | Left to right |
Programming in Scala gives the following outline based on the 1st character in the operator. E.g. >
is the 1st character in the operator >>>
Operator |
(all other special characters) |
* / % |
+ - |
: |
= ! |
< > |
& |
^ |
| |
(all letters) |
(all assignment operators) |
The one exception to this rule concerns assignment operators, e.g. +=
, *=
, etc. If an operator ends with an equal character (=) and is not one of the comparison operators <=
, >=
, ==
or !=
, then the precedence of the operator is the same as simple assignment. In other words, lower than that of any other operator.