Type Variance

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The + symbol marks a type parameter as covariant - here we say that "Producer is covariant on A":

trait Producer[+A] {
  def produce: A

A covariant type parameter can be thought of as an "output" type. Marking A as covariant asserts that Producer[X] <: Producer[Y] provided that X <: Y. For example, a Producer[Cat] is a valid Producer[Animal], as all produced cats are also valid animals.

A covariant type parameter cannot appear in contravariant (input) position. The following example will not compile as we are asserting that Co[Cat] <: Co[Animal], but Co[Cat] has def handle(a: Cat): Unit which cannot handle any Animal as required by Co[Animal]!

trait Co[+A] {
  def produce: A
  def handle(a: A): Unit

One approach to dealing with this restriction is to use type parameters bounded by the covariant type parameter. In the following example, we know that B is a supertype of A. Therefore given Option[X] <: Option[Y] for X <: Y, we know that Option[X]'s def getOrElse[B >: X](b: => B): B can accept any supertype of X - which includes the supertypes of Y as required by Option[Y]:

trait Option[+A] {
  def getOrElse[B >: A](b: => B): B


By default all type parameters are invariant - given trait A[B], we say that "A is invariant on B". This means that given two parametrizations A[Cat] and A[Animal], we assert no sub/superclass relationship between these two types - it does not hold that A[Cat] <: A[Animal] nor that A[Cat] >: A[Animal] regardless of the relationship between Cat and Animal.

Variance annotations provide us with a means of declaring such a relationship, and imposes rules on the usage of type parameters so that the relationship remains valid.


The - symbol marks a type parameter as contravariant - here we say that "Handler is contravariant on A":

trait Handler[-A] {
  def handle(a: A): Unit

A contravariant type parameter can be thought of as an "input" type. Marking A as contravariant asserts that Handler[X] <: Handler[Y] provided that X >: Y. For example a Handler[Animal] is a valid Handler[Cat], as a Handler[Animal] must also handle cats.

A contravariant type parameter cannot appear in covariant (output) position. The following example will not compile as we are asserting that a Contra[Animal] <: Contra[Cat], however a Contra[Animal] has def produce: Animal which is not guaranteed to produce cats as required by Contra[Cat]!

trait Contra[-A] {
   def handle(a: A): Unit
   def produce: A

Beware however: for the purposes of overloading resolution, contravariance also counterintuitively inverts the specificity of a type on the contravariant type parameter - Handler[Animal] is considered to be "more specific" than Handler[Cat].

As it is not possible to overload methods on type parameters, this behavior generally only becomes problematic when resolving implicit arguments. In the following example ofCat will never be used, as the return type of ofAnimal is more specific:

implicit def ofAnimal: Handler[Animal] = ???
implicit def ofCat: Handler[Cat] = ???

implicitly[Handler[Cat]].handle(new Cat)

This behavior is currently slated to change in dotty, and is why (as an example) scala.math.Ordering is invariant on its type parameter T. One workaround is to make your typeclass invariant, and type-parametrize the implicit definition in the event that you want it to apply to subclasses of a given type:

trait Person
object Person {
  implicit def ordering[A <: Person]: Ordering[A] = ???

Covariance of a collection

Because collections are typically covariant in their element type*, a collection of a subtype may be passed where a super type is expected:

trait Animal { def name: String } 
case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal

object Animal {
  def printAnimalNames(animals: Seq[Animal]) = {
    animals.foreach(animal => println(animal.name))

val myDogs: Seq[Dog] = Seq(Dog("Curly"), Dog("Larry"), Dog("Moe"))

// Curly
// Larry
// Moe

It may not seem like magic, but the fact that a Seq[Dog] is accepted by a method that expects a Seq[Animal] is the entire concept of a higher-kinded type (here: Seq) being covariant in its type parameter.

* A counterexample being the standard library's Set

Covariance on an invariant trait

There is also a way to have a single method accept a covariant argument, instead of having the whole trait covariant. This may be necessary because you would like to use T in a contravariant position, but still have it covariant.

trait LocalVariance[T]{
  /// ??? throws a NotImplementedError
  def produce: T = ???
  // the implicit evidence provided by the compiler confirms that S is a
  // subtype of T.
  def handle[S](s: S)(implicit evidence: S <:< T) = {
    // and we can use the evidence to convert s into t.
    val t: T = evidence(s)

trait A {}
trait B extends A {}

object Test {
  val lv = new LocalVariance[A] {}

  // now we can pass a B instead of an A.
  lv.handle(new B {})


Topic Id: 1651

Example Ids: 5340,5341,5342,5343,5918

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