Declaring variables

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Declaring and assigning a variable using a primitive type

Variables in Visual Basic are declared using the Dim keyword. For example, this declares a new variable called counter with the data type Integer:

Dim counter As Integer

A variable declaration can also include an access modifier, such as Public, Protected, Friend, or Private. This works in conjunction with the variable's scope to determine its accessibility.

Access ModifierMeaning
PublicAll types which can access the enclosing type
ProtectedOnly the enclosing class and those that inherit from it
FriendAll types in the same assembly that can access the enclosing type
Protected FriendThe enclosing class and its inheritors, or the types in the same assembly that can access the enclosing class
PrivateOnly the enclosing type
StaticOnly on local variables and only initializes once.

As a shorthand, the Dim keyword can be replaced with the access modifier in the variable's declaration:

Public TotalItems As Integer
Private counter As Integer

The supported data types are outlined in the table below:

TypeAliasMemory allocationExample
SByteN/A1 byteDim example As SByte = 10
Int16Short2 bytesDim example As Short = 10
Int32Integer4 bytesDim example As Integer = 10
Int64Long8 bytesDim example As Long = 10
SingleN/A4 bytesDim example As Single = 10.95
DoubleN/A8 bytesDim example As Double = 10.95
DecimalN/A16 bytesDim example As Decimal = 10.95
BooleanN/ADictated by implementing platformDim example As Boolean = True
CharN/A2 BytesDim example As Char = "A"C
StringN/AformulasourceDim example As String = "Stack Overflow"
DateTimeDate8 BytesDim example As Date = Date.Now
ByteN/A1 byteDim example As Byte = 10
UInt16UShort2 bytesDim example As UShort = 10
UInt32UInteger4 bytesDim example As UInteger = 10
UInt64ULong8 bytesDim example As ULong = 10
ObjectN/A4 bytes 32 bit architecture, 8 bytes 64 bit architectureDim example As Object = Nothing

There also exist data identifier and literal type characters usable in replacement for the textual type and or to force literal type:

Type (or Alias)Identifier type characterLiteral type character
ShortN/Aexample = 10S
IntegerDim example%example = 10% or example = 10I
LongDim example&example = 10& or example = 10L
SingleDim example!example = 10! or example = 10F
DoubleDim example#example = 10# or example = 10R
DecimalDim example@example = 10@ or example = 10D
CharN/Aexample = "A"C
StringDim example$N/A
UShortN/Aexample = 10US
UIntegerN/Aexample = 10UI
ULongN/Aexample = 10UL

The integral suffixes are also usable with hexadecimal (&H) or octal (&O) prefixes:
example = &H8000S or example = &O77&

Date(Time) objects can also be defined using literal syntax:
Dim example As Date = #7/26/2016 12:8 PM#

Once a variable is declared it will exist within the Scope of the containing type, Sub or Function declared, as an example:

Public Function IncrementCounter() As Integer
    Dim counter As Integer = 0
    counter += 1

    Return counter
End Function

The counter variable will only exist until the End Function and then will be out of scope. If this counter variable is needed outside of the function you will have to define it at class/structure or module level.

Public Class ExampleClass

    Private _counter As Integer
    Public Function IncrementCounter() As Integer
       _counter += 1
       Return _counter
    End Function

End Class

Alternatively, you can use the Static (not to be confused with Shared) modifier to allow a local variable to retain it's value between calls of its enclosing method:

Function IncrementCounter() As Integer
    Static counter As Integer = 0
    counter += 1

    Return counter
End Function

Levels of declaration – Local and Member variables

Local variables - Those declared within a procedure (subroutine or function) of a class (or other structure). In this example, exampleLocalVariable is a local variable declared within ExampleFunction():

Public Class ExampleClass1

    Public Function ExampleFunction() As Integer
        Dim exampleLocalVariable As Integer = 3
        Return exampleLocalVariable
    End Function

End Class

The Static keyword allows a local variable to be retained and keep its value after termination (where usually, local variables cease to exist when the containing procedure terminates).

In this example, the console is 024. On each call to ExampleSub() from Main() the static variable retains the value it had at the end of the previous call:

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
    End Sub

    Public Sub ExampleSub()
        Static exampleStaticLocalVariable As Integer = 0
        exampleStaticLocalVariable += 2
    End Sub

End Module

Member variables - Declared outside of any procedure, at the class (or other structure) level. They may be instance variables, in which each instance of the containing class has its own distinct copy of that variable, or Shared variables, which exist as a single variable associated with the class itself, independent of any instance.

Here, ExampleClass2 contains two member variables. Each instance of the ExampleClass2 has an individual ExampleInstanceVariable which can be accessed via the class reference. The shared variable ExampleSharedVariable however is accessed using the class name:

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim instance1 As ExampleClass4 = New ExampleClass4
        instance1.ExampleInstanceVariable = "Foo"

        Dim instance2 As ExampleClass4 = New ExampleClass4
        instance2.ExampleInstanceVariable = "Bar"


    End Sub

    Public Class ExampleClass4

        Public ExampleInstanceVariable As String
        Public Shared ExampleSharedVariable As String = "FizzBuzz"

    End Class

End Module

Example of Access Modifiers

In the following example consider you have a solution hosting two projects: ConsoleApplication1 and SampleClassLibrary. The first project will have the classes SampleClass1 and SampleClass2. The second one will have SampleClass3 and SampleClass4. In other words we have two assemblies with two classes each. ConsoleApplication1 has a reference to SampleClassLibrary.

See how SampleClass1.MethodA interacts with other classes and methods.


Imports SampleClassLibrary

Public Class SampleClass1
    Public Sub MethodA()
        'MethodA can call any of the following methods because
        'they all are in the same scope.

        'Sample2 is defined as friend. It is accessible within
        'the type itself and all namespaces and code within the same assembly.
        Dim class2 As New SampleClass2() 
        'class2.MethodB() 'SampleClass2.MethodB is not accessible because
                          'this method is private. SampleClass2.MethodB
                          'can only be called from SampleClass2.MethodA,
                          'SampleClass2.MethodC, SampleClass2.MethodD
                          'and SampleClass2.MethodE
        'class2.MethodD() 'SampleClass2.MethodD is not accessible because
                          'this method is protected. SampleClass2.MethodD
                          'can only be called from any class that inherits
                          'SampleClass2, SampleClass2.MethodA, SampleClass2.MethodC,
                          'SampleClass2.MethodD and SampleClass2.MethodE

        Dim class3 As New SampleClass3() 'SampleClass3 resides in other
                                         'assembly and is defined as public.
                                         'It is accessible anywhere.
        'class3.MethodB() 'SampleClass3.MethodB is not accessible because
                          'this method is private. SampleClass3.MethodB can
                          'only be called from SampleClass3.MethodA,
                          'SampleClass3.MethodC, SampleClass3.MethodD
                          'and SampleClass3.MethodE

        'class3.MethodC() 'SampleClass3.MethodC is not accessible because
                          'this method is friend and resides in another assembly.
                          'SampleClass3.MethodC can only be called anywhere from the
                          'same assembly, SampleClass3.MethodA, SampleClass3.MethodB,
                          'SampleClass3.MethodD and SampleClass3.MethodE

        'class4.MethodD() 'SampleClass3.MethodE is not accessible because
                          'this method is protected friend. SampleClass3.MethodD
                          'can only be called from any class that resides inside
                          'the same assembly and inherits SampleClass3,
                          'SampleClass3.MethodA, SampleClass3.MethodB,
                          'SampleClass3.MethodC and SampleClass3.MethodD      

        'Dim class4 As New SampleClass4() 'SampleClass4 is not accessible because
                                          'it is defined as friend and resides in
                                          'other assembly.
    End Sub

    Private Sub MethodB()
        'Doing MethodB stuff...
    End Sub

    Friend Sub MethodC()
        'Doing MethodC stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Sub MethodD()
        'Doing MethodD stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Friend Sub MethodE()
        'Doing MethodE stuff...
    End Sub
End Class


Friend Class SampleClass2
    Public Sub MethodA()
        'Doing MethodA stuff...
    End Sub

    Private Sub MethodB()
        'Doing MethodB stuff...
    End Sub

    Friend Sub MethodC()
        'Doing MethodC stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Sub MethodD()
        'Doing MethodD stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Friend Sub MethodE()
        'Doing MethodE stuff...
    End Sub
End Class


Public Class SampleClass3
    Public Sub MethodA()
        'Doing MethodA stuff...
    End Sub
    Private Sub MethodB()
        'Doing MethodB stuff...
    End Sub

    Friend Sub MethodC()
        'Doing MethodC stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Sub MethodD()
        'Doing MethodD stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Friend Sub MethodE()
        'Doing MethodE stuff...
    End Sub
End Class


Friend Class SampleClass4
    Public Sub MethodA()
        'Doing MethodA stuff...
    End Sub
    Private Sub MethodB()
        'Doing MethodB stuff...
    End Sub

    Friend Sub MethodC()
        'Doing MethodC stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Sub MethodD()
        'Doing MethodD stuff...
    End Sub

    Protected Friend Sub MethodE()
        'Doing MethodE stuff...
    End Sub
End Class


  • Public counter As Integer
  • Private _counter As Integer
  • Dim counter As Integer


Topic Id: 3366

Example Ids: 11566,20123,21945

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