To avoid verbose null checking, the ?.
operator has been introduced in the language.
The old verbose syntax:
If myObject IsNot Nothing AndAlso myObject.Value >= 10 Then
Can be now replaced by the concise:
If myObject?.Value >= 10 Then
The ?
operator is particularly powerful when you have a chain of properties. Consider the following:
Dim fooInstance As Foo = Nothing
Dim s As String
Normally you would have to write something like this:
If fooInstance IsNot Nothing AndAlso fooInstance.BarInstance IsNot Nothing Then
s = fooInstance.BarInstance.Baz
s = Nothing
End If
But with the ?
operator this can be replaced with just:
s = fooInstance?.BarInstance?.Baz
The NameOf
operator resolves namespaces, types, variables and member names at compile time and replaces them with the string equivalent.
One of the use cases:
Sub MySub(variable As String)
If variable Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("variable")
End Sub
The old syntax will expose the risk of renaming the variable and leaving the hard-coded string to the wrong value.
Sub MySub(variable As String)
If variable Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(variable))
End Sub
With NameOf
, renaming the variable only will raise a compiler error. This will also allow the renaming tool to rename both with a single effort.
The NameOf
operator only uses the last component of the reference in the brackets. This is important when handling something like namespaces in the NameOf
Imports System
Module Module1
Sub WriteIO()
Console.WriteLine(NameOf(IO)) 'displays "IO"
Console.WriteLine(NameOf(System.IO)) 'displays "IO"
End Sub
End Module
The operator also uses the name of the reference that is typed in without resolving any name changing imports. For example:
Imports OldList = System.Collections.ArrayList
Module Module1
Sub WriteList()
Console.WriteLine(NameOf(OldList)) 'displays "OldList"
Console.WriteLine(NameOf(System.Collections.ArrayList)) 'displays "ArrayList"
End Sub
End Module
This new feature makes the string concatenation more readable. This syntax will be compiled to its equivalent String.Format
Without string interpolation:
String.Format("Hello, {0}", name)
With string interpolation:
$"Hello, {name}"
The two lines are equivalent and both get compiled to a call to String.Format
As in String.Format
, the brackets can contain any single expression (call to a method, property, a null coalescing operator et cetera).
String Interpolation is the preferred method over String.Format
because it prevents some runtime errors from occurring. Consider the following String.Format
String.Format("The number of people is {0}/{1}", numPeople)
This will compile, but will cause a runtime error as the compiler does not check that the number of arguments match the placeholders.
Read-only properties were always possible in VB.NET in this format:
Public Class Foo
Private _MyProperty As String = "Bar"
Public ReadOnly Property MyProperty As String
Return _MyProperty
End Get
End Property
End Class
The new version of Visual Basic allows a short hand for the property declaration like so:
Public Class Foo
Public ReadOnly Property MyProperty As String = "Bar"
End Class
The actual implementation that is generated by the compiler is exactly the same for both examples. The new method to write it is just a short hand. The compiler will still generate a private field with the format: _<PropertyName>
to back the read-only property.
Similar to partial classes the new version of Visual Basic is now able to handle partial modules and partial interfaces. The syntax and behaviour is exactly the same as it would be for partial classes.
A partial module example:
Partial Module Module1
Sub Main()
Console.Write("Ping -> ")
End Sub
End Module
Partial Module Module1
Private Sub TestFunktion()
End Sub
End Module
And a partial interface:
Partial Interface Interface1
Sub Methode1()
End Interface
Partial Interface Interface1
Sub Methode2()
End Interface
Public Class Class1
Implements Interface1
Public Sub Methode1() Implements Interface1.Methode1
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Sub Methode2() Implements Interface1.Methode2
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
End Class
Just like for partial classes the definitions for the partial modules and interfaces have to be located in the same namespace and the same assembly. This is because the partial parts of the modules and interfaces are merged during the compilation and the compiled assembly does not contain any indication that the original definition of the module or interface was split.
VB now allows string literals that split over multiple lines.
Old syntax:
Dim text As String = "Line1" & Environment.NewLine & "Line2"
New syntax:
Dim text As String = "Line 1
Line 2"
#Region directive can now be placed inside methods and can even span over methods, classes and modules.
#Region "A Region Spanning A Class and Ending Inside Of A Method In A Module"
Public Class FakeClass
'Nothing to see here, just a fake class.
End Class
Module Extensions
''' <summary>
''' Checks the path of files or directories and returns [TRUE] if it exists.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Path">[Sting] Path of file or directory to check.</param>
''' <returns>[Boolean]</returns>
Public Function PathExists(ByVal Path As String) As Boolean
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Path) Then Return True
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(Path) Then Return True
Return False
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Returns the version number from the specified assembly using the assembly's strong name.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="Assy">[Assembly] Assembly to get the version info from.</param>
''' <returns>[String]</returns>
Friend Function GetVersionFromAssembly(ByVal Assy As Assembly) As String
#End Region
Return Split(Split(Assy.FullName, ",")(1), "=")(1)
End Function
End Module
VB 14.0 introduces the ability to add comments after implicit line continuation.
Dim number =
From c As Char 'Comment
In "dj58kwd92n4" 'Comment
Where Char.IsNumber(c) 'Comment
Select c 'Comment
During coding, unexpected errors do arise frequently enough, which requires debugging and testing. But sometimes the errors are indeed expected and to bypass it, there is the Try..Catch..Throw..Finally..End Try
To manage an error correctly, the code is put into a Try..Catch
block, whereby the Catch
, as the name states, will catch all the exceptions that arise in this block.
And in case of exception, we have the possibility to Throw
the error, that is return it to notify the user or manage it internally in the code itself.
The Finally
part is the final code that, whatever the outcome be, if there is an exception or not, the code will run before going out of the block.
In case we need to pop-out of the clock, there is the Exit Try
statement that can be used. But here also, the code in the Finally
section will be executed before ending.
The syntax is simple;
[ tryStatements ]
[ Exit Try ]
[ Catch [ exception [ As type ] ] [ When expression ]
[ catchStatements ]
[ Exit Try ] ]
[ Catch ... ]
[ Finally
[ finallyStatements ] ]
End Try
where only the Try
and End Try
is compulsory. The rest can be ignored but as a good practice, do include the Finally
part, even if it would be left blank.
Coming to the exception, there are different type of exception that can be caught. They are ready made exceptions available from the .Net Framework, as below;
Exception Class | Brief Description |
System.IO.IOException | Handles I/O errors |
System.IndexOutOfRangeException | Refers to an array index out of range |
System.ArrayTypeMismatchException | When type is mismatched with the array type |
System.NullReferenceException | Handles errors generated from referencing a null object. |
System.DivideByZeroException | Handles errors generated from dividing a dividend with zero. |
System.InvalidCastException | Handles errors generated during typecasting. |
System.OutOfMemoryException | Handles errors generated from insufficient free memory. |
System.StackOverflowException | Handles errors generated from stack overflow. |
--------------------------- | ------------------------ |