Control Flow

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Unconditional jumps

jmp a_label                      ;Jump to a_label
jmp bx                           ;Jump to address in BX
jmp WORD [aPointer]              ;Jump to address in aPointer
jmp 7c0h:0000h                   ;Jump to segment 7c0h and offset 0000h
jmp FAR WORD [aFarPointer]       ;Jump to segment:offset in aFarPointer

Relative near jumps

jmp a_label is:

  • near
    It only specify the offset part of the logical address of destination. The segment is assumed to be CS.
  • relative
    The instruction semantic is jump rel bytes forward1 from next instruction address or IP = IP + rel.

The instruction is encoded as either EB <rel8> or EB <rel16/32>, the assembler picking up the most appropriate form, usually preferring a shorter one.
Per assembler overriding is possible, for example with NASM jmp SHORT a_label, jmp WORD a_label and jmp DWORD a_label generate the three possible forms.

Absolute indirect near jumps

jmp bx and jmp WORD [aPointer] are:

  • near
    They only specify the offset part of the logical address of destination. The segment is assumed to be CS.
  • absolute indirect
    The semantic of the instructions is jump to the address in reg or mem or IP = reg, IP = mem.

The instruction is encoded as FF /4, for memory indirect the size of the operand is determined as for every other memory access.

Absolute far jumps

jmp 7c0h:0000h is:

  • far
    It specifies both parts of the logical address: the segment and the offset.

  • absolute The semantic of the instruction is jump to the address segment:offset or CS = segment, IP = offset.

The instruction is encoded as EA <imm32/48> depending on the code size.
It is possible to choose between the two forms in some assembler, for example with NASM jmp 7c0h: WORD 0000h and jmp 7c0h: DWORD 0000h generate the first and second form.

Absolute indirect far jumps

jmp FAR WORD [aFarPointer] is:

  • far It specifies both parts of the logical address: the segment and the offset.

  • Absolute indirect The semantic of the instruction is jump to the segment:offset stored in mem2 or CS = mem[23:16/32], IP = [15/31:0].

The instruction is encoded as FF /5, the size of the operand can be controller with the size specifiers.
In NASM, a little bit non intuitive, they are jmp FAR WORD [aFarPointer] for a 16:16 operand and jmp FAR DWORD [aFarPointer] for a 16:32 operand.

Missing jumps

  • near absolute
    Can be emulated with a near indirect jump.

      mov bx, target            ;BX = absolute address of target
      jmp bx
  • far relative
    Make no sense or too narrow of use anyway.

1 Two complement is used to specify a signed offset and thus jump backward.
2 Which can be a seg16:off16 or a seg16:off32, of sizes 16:16 and 16:32.

Testing conditions

In order to use a conditional jump a condition must be tested. Testing a condition here refers only to the act of checking the flags, the actual jumping is described under Conditional jumps.

x86 tests conditions by relying on the EFLAGS register, which holds a set of flags that each instruction can potentially set.

Arithmetic instructions, like sub or add, and logical instructions, like xor or and, obviously "set the flags". This means that the flags CF, OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF are modified by those instructions. Any instruction is allowed to modify the flags though, for example cmpxchg modifies the ZF.

Always check the instruction reference to know which flags are modified by a specific instruction.

x86 has a set of conditional jumps, referred to earlier, that jump if and only if some flags are set or some are clear or both.


Arithmetic and logical operations are very useful in setting the flags. For example after a sub eax, ebx, for now holding unsigned values, we have:

FlagWhen setWhen clear
ZFWhen result is zero.
EAX - EBX = 0 ⇒ EAX = EBX
When result is not zero.
EAX - EBX ≠ 0 ⇒ EAX ≠ EBX
CFWhen result did need carry for the MSb.
EAX - EBX < 0 ⇒ EAX < EBX
When result did not need carry for the MSb.
EAX - EBX ≮ 0 ⇒ EAX ≮ EBX
SFWhen result MSb is set.When result MSb is not set.
OFWhen a signed overflow occurred.When a signed overflow did not occur.
PFWhen the number of bits set in least significant byte of result is even.When the number of bits set in least significant byte of result is odd.
AFWhen the lower BCD digit generated a carry.
It is bit 4 carry.
When the lower BCD digit did not generate a carry.
It is bit 4 carry.

Non-destructive tests

The sub and and instructions modify their destination operand and would require two extra copies (save and restore) to keep the destination unmodified.

To perform a non-destructive test there are the instructions cmp and test. They are identical to their destructive counterpart except the result of the operation is discarded, and only the flags are saved.

DestructiveNon destructive

test eax, eax             ;and eax, eax
                          ;ZF = 1 iff EAX is zero

test eax, 03h             ;and eax, 03h
                          ;ZF = 1 if both bit[1:0] are clear
                          ;ZF = 0 if at least one of bit[1:0] is set

cmp eax, 241d             ;sub eax, 241d
                          ;ZF = 1 iff EAX is 241
                          ;CF = 1 iff EAX < 241

Signed and unsigned tests

The CPU gives no special meaning to register values1, sign is a programmer construct. There is no difference when testing signed and unsigned values. The processor computes enough flags to test the usual arithmetic relationships (equal, less than, greater than, etc.) both if the operands were to be considered signed and unsigned.

1 Though it has some instructions that make sense only with specific formats, like two's complement. This is to make the code more efficient as implementing the algorithm in software would require a lot of code.

Conditional jumps

Based on the state of the flags the CPU can either execute or ignore a jump. An instruction that performs a jump based on the flags falls under the generic name of Jcc - Jump on Condition Code1.

Synonyms and terminology

In order to improve the readability of the assembly code, Intel defined several synonyms for the same condition code. For example, jae, jnb and jnc are all the same condition code CF = 0.

While the instruction name may give a very strong hint on when to use it or not, the only meaningful approach is to recognize the flags that need to be tested and then choose the instructions appropriately.
Intel however gave the instructions names that make perfect sense when used after a cmp instruction. For the purposes of this discussion, cmp will be assumed to have set the flags before a conditional jump.


The operand are equal iff ZF has been set, they differ otherwise. To test for equality we need ZF = 1.

je a_label           ;Jump if operands are equal
jz a_label           ;Jump if zero (Synonym)

jne a_label          ;Jump if operands are NOT equal
jnz a_label          ;Jump if not zero (Synonym)
je, jzZF = 1
jne, jnzZF = 0

Greater than

For unsigned operands, the destination is greater than the source if carry was not needed, that is, if CF = 0. When CF = 0 it is possible that the operands were equal, testing ZF will disambiguate.

jae a_label      ;Jump if above or equal (>=)
jnc a_label      ;Jump if not carry (Synonym)
jnb a_label      ;Jump if not below (Synonym)

ja a_label       ;Jump if above  (>)
jnbe a_label     ;Jump if not below and not equal (Synonym)
jae, jnc, jnbCF = 0
ja, jnbeCF = 0, ZF = 0

For signed operands we need to check that SF = 0, unless there has been a signed overflow, in which case the resulting SF is reversed. Since OF = 0 if no signed overflow occurred and 1 otherwise, we need to check that SF = OF.

ZF can be used to implement a strict/non strict test.

jge a_label      ;Jump if greater or equal (>=)
jnl a_label      ;Jump if not less (Synonym)

jg a_label       ;Jump if greater (>)
jnle a_label     ;Jump if not less and not equal (Synonym)
jge, jnlSF = OF
jg, jnleSF = OF, ZF = 0

Less than

These use the inverted conditions of above.

jbe a_label      ;Jump if below or equal (<=)
jna a_label      ;Jump if not above (Synonym)

jb a_label       ;Jump if below (<)
jc a_label       ;Jump if carry (Synonym)
jnae a_label     ;Jump if not above and not equal (Synonym)


jle a_label      ;Jump if less or equal (<=)
jng a_label      ;Jump if not greater (Synonym)

jl a_label       ;Jump if less (<)
jnge a_label     ;Jump if not greater and not equal (Synonym)
jbe, jnaCF = 1 or ZF = 1
jb, jc, jnaeCF = 1
jle, jngSF != OF or ZF = 1
jl, jngeSF != OF

Specific flags

Each flag can be tested individually with j<flag_name> where flag_name does not contain the trailing F (for example CFC, PFP).

The remaining codes not covered before are:

jsSF = 1
jnsSF = 0
joOF = 1
jnoOF = 0
jp, jpe (e = even)PF = 1
jnp, jpo (o = odd)PF = 0

One more conditional jump (extra one)

One special x86 conditional jump doesn't test flag. Instead it does test value of cx or ecx register (based on current CPU address mode being 16 or 32 bit), and the jump is executed when the register contains zero.

This instruction was designed for validation of counter register (cx/ecx) ahead of rep-like instructions, or ahead of loop loops.

jcxz  a_label   ; jump if cx (16b mode) or ecx (32b mode) is zero
jecxz a_label   ; synonym of jcxz (recommended in source code for 32b target)
InstructionRegister (not flag)
jcxz, jecxzcx = 0 (16b mode)
jcxz, jecxzecx = 0 (32b mode)

1 Or something like that.

Test arithmetic relations

Unsigned integers

Greater than

cmp eax, ebx
ja a_label  

Greater than or equal

cmp eax, ebx
jae a_label  

Less than

cmp eax, ebx
jb a_label  

Less than or equal

cmp eax, ebx
jbe a_label 


cmp eax, ebx
je a_label 

Not equal

cmp eax, ebx
jne a_label     

Signed integers

Greater than

cmp eax, ebx
jg a_label  

Greater than or equal

cmp eax, ebx
jge a_label  

Less than

cmp eax, ebx
jl a_label  

Less than or equal

cmp eax, ebx
jle a_label 


cmp eax, ebx
je a_label 

Not equal

cmp eax, ebx
jne a_label 


In examples above the a_label is target destination for CPU when the tested condition is "true". When tested condition is "false", the CPU will continue on the next instruction following the conditional jump.


There are instruction synonyms that can be used to improve the readability of the code.
For example ja and jnbe (Jump non below nor equal) are the same instruction.

Signed unsigned companion codes

≠, !=, <>jnejne


Topic Id: 5808

Example Ids: 20468,20469,20470,20471

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