System Call Mechanisms

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BIOS calls

How to interact with the BIOS

The Basic Input/Output System, or BIOS, is what controls the computer before any operating system runs. To access services provided by the BIOS, assembly code uses interrupts. An interrupt takes the form of

int <interrupt> ; interrupt must be a literal number, not in a register or memory

The interrupt number must be between 0 and 255 (0x00 - 0xFF), inclusive.

Most BIOS calls use the AH register as a "function select" parameter, and use the AL register as a data parameter. The function selected by AH depends on the interrupt called. Some BIOS calls require a single 16-bit parameter in AX, or do not accept parameters at all, and are simply called by the interrupt. Some have even more parameters, that are passed in other registers.

The registers used for BIOS calls are fixed and cannot be interchanged with other registers.

Using BIOS calls with function select

The general syntax for a BIOS interrupt using a function select parameter is:

mov ah, <function>
mov al, <data>
int <interrupt>


How to write a character to the display:

mov ah, 0x0E             ; Select 'Write character' function
mov al, <char>           ; Character to write
int 0x10                 ; Video services interrupt

How to read a character from the keyboard (blocking):

mov ah, 0x00             ; Select 'Blocking read character' function
int 0x16                 ; Keyboard services interrupt
mov <ascii_char>, al     ; AL contains the character read
mov <scan_code>, ah      ; AH contains the BIOS scan code

How to read one or more sectors from an external drive (using CHS addressing):

mov ah, 0x02             ; Select 'Drive read' function
mov bx, <destination>    ; Destination to write to, in ES:BX
mov al, <num_sectors>    ; Number of sectors to read at a time
mov dl, <drive_num>      ; The external drive's ID
mov cl, <start_sector>   ; The sector to start reading from
mov dh, <head>           ; The head to read from
mov ch, <cylinder>       ; The cylinder to read from
int 0x13                 ; Drive services interrupt
jc <error_handler>       ; Jump to error handler on CF set

How to read the system RTC (Real Time Clock):

mov ah, 0x00             ; Select 'Read RTC' function
int 0x1A                 ; RTC services interrupt
shl ecx, 16              ; Clock ticks are split in the CX:DX pair, so shift ECX left by 16...
or cx, dx                ; and add in the low half of the pair
mov <new_day>, al        ; AL is non-zero if the last call to this function was before midnight
                         ; Now ECX holds the clock ticks (approx. 18.2/sec) since midnight
                         ; and <new_day> is non-zero if we passed midnight since the last read

How to read the system time from the RTC:

mov ah, 0x02             ; Select 'Read system time' function
int 0x1A                 ; RTC services interrupt
                         ; Now CH contains hour, CL minutes, DH seconds, and DL the DST flag,
                         ; all encoded in BCD (DL is zero if in standard time)
                         ; Now we can decode them into a string (we'll ignore DST for now)

mov al, ch               ; Get hour
shr al, 4                ; Discard one's place for now
add al, 48               ; Add ASCII code of digit 0
mov [CLOCK_STRING+0], al ; Set ten's place of hour
mov al, ch               ; Get hour again
and al, 0x0F             ; Discard ten's place this time
add al, 48               ; Add ASCII code of digit 0 again
mov [CLOCK_STRING+1], al ; Set one's place of hour

mov al, cl               ; Get minute
shr al, 4                ; Discard one's place for now
add al, 48               ; Add ASCII code of digit 0
mov [CLOCK_STRING+3], al ; Set ten's place of minute
mov al, cl               ; Get minute again
and al, 0x0F             ; Discard ten's place this time
add al, 48               ; Add ASCII code of digit 0 again
mov [CLOCK_STRING+4], al ; Set one's place of minute

mov al, dh               ; Get second
shr al, 4                ; Discard one's place for now
add al, 48               ; Add ASCII code of digit 0
mov [CLOCK_STRING+6], al ; Set ten's place of second
mov al, dh               ; Get second again
and al, 0x0F             ; Discard ten's place this time
add al, 48               ; Add ASCII code of digit 0 again
mov [CLOCK_STRING+7], al ; Set one's place of second
db CLOCK_STRING "00:00:00", 0   ; Place in some separate (non-code) area

How to read the system date from the RTC:

mov ah, 0x04             ; Select 'Read system date' function
int 0x1A                 ; RTC services interrupt
                         ; Now CH contains century, CL year, DH month, and DL day, all in BCD
                         ; Decoding to a string is similar to the RTC Time example above

How to get size of contiguous low memory:

int 0x12                 ; Conventional memory interrupt (no function select parameter)
and eax, 0xFFFF          ; AX contains kilobytes of conventional memory; clear high bits of EAX
shl eax, 10              ; Multiply by 1 kilobyte (1024 bytes = 2^10 bytes)
                         ; EAX contains the number of bytes available from address 0000:0000

How to reboot the computer:

int 0x19                 ; That's it! One call. Just make sure nothing has overwritten the
                         ; interrupt vector table, since this call does NOT restore them to the
                         ; default values of normal power-up. This means this call will not
                         ; work too well in an environment with an operating system loaded.

Error handling

Some BIOS calls may not be implemented on every machine, and are not guaranteed to work. Often an unimplemented interrupt will return either 0x86 or 0x80 in register AH. Just about every interrupt will set the carry flag (CF) on an error condition. This makes it easy to jump to an error handler with the jc conditional jump. (See Conditional Jumps)


A rather exhaustive list of BIOS calls and other interrupts is Ralf Brown's Interrupt List. An HTML version can be found here.

Interrupts often assumed to be available are found in a list on Wikipedia.

A more in-depth overview of commonly available interrupts can be found at


Topic Id: 6946

Example Ids: 23463

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