Converting decimal strings to integers

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Converting strings to integers is one of common tasks.

Here we'll show how to convert decimal strings to integers.

Psuedo code to do this is:

function string_to_integer(str):
    result = 0
    for (each characters in str, left to right):
        result = result * 10
        add ((code of the character) - (code of character 0)) to result
    return result

Dealing with hexadecimal strings is a bit more difficult because character codes are typically not continuous when dealing with multiple character types such as digits(0-9) and alphabets(a-f and A-F). Character codes are typically continuous when dealing with only one type of characters (we'll deal with digits here), so we'll deal with only environments in which character codes for digit are continuous.

IA-32 assembly, GAS, cdecl calling convention

# make this routine available outside this translation unit
.globl string_to_integer

    # function prologue
    push %ebp
    mov %esp, %ebp
    push %esi

    # initialize result (%eax) to zero
    xor %eax, %eax
    # fetch pointer to the string
    mov 8(%ebp), %esi

    # clear high bits of %ecx to be used in addition
    xor %ecx, %ecx
    # do the conversion
    # fetch a character
    mov (%esi), %cl
    # exit loop when hit to NUL character
    test %cl, %cl
    jz string_to_integer_loop_end
    # multiply the result by 10
    mov $10, %edx
    mul %edx
    # convert the character to number and add it
    sub $'0', %cl
    add %ecx, %eax
    # proceed to next character
    inc %esi
    jmp string_to_integer_loop

    # function epilogue
    pop %esi

This GAS-style code will convert decimal string given as first argument, which is pushed on the stack before calling this function, to integer and return it via %eax. The value of %esi is saved because it is callee-save register and is used.

Overflow/wrapping and invalid characters are not checked in order to make the code simple.

In C, this code can be used like this (assuming unsigned int and pointers are 4-byte long):

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned int string_to_integer(const char* str);

int main(void) {
    const char* testcases[] = {
    const char** data;
    for (data = testcases; *data != NULL; data++) {
        printf("string_to_integer(%s) = %u\n", *data, string_to_integer(*data));
    return 0;

Note: in some environments, two string_to_integer in the assembly code have to be changed to _string_to_integer (add underscore) in order to let it work with C code.

MS-DOS, TASM/MASM function to read a 16-bit unsigned integer

Read a 16-bit unsigned integer from input.

This function uses the interrupt service Int 21/AH=0Ah for reading a buffered string.
The use of a buffered string let the user review what they had typed before passing it to the program for processing.
Up to six digits are read (as 65535 = 216 - 1 has six digits).

Besides performing the standard conversion from numeral to number this function also detects invalid input and overflow (number too big to fit 16 bits).

Return values

The function return the number read in AX. The flags ZF, CF, OF tell if the operation completed successfully or not and why.

NoneThe 16-bit integerSetNot SetNot Set
Invalid inputThe partially converted number, up to the last valid digit encounteredNot SetSetNot Set
Overflow7fffhNot SetSetSet

The ZF can be used to quickly tell valid vs invalid inputs apart.


call read_uint16
jo _handle_overflow            ;Number too big (Optional, the test below will do)
jnz _handle_invalid            ;Number format is invalid

;Here AX is the number read


  ;If the number is correctly converted:
  ;   ZF = 1, CF = 0, OF = 0
  ;   AX = number
  ;If the user input an invalid digit:
  ;   ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 0
  ;   AX = Partially converted number
  ;If the user input a number too big
  ;   ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 1
  ;   AX = 07fffh
  ;ZF/CF can be used to discriminate valid vs invalid inputs
  ;OF can be used to discrimate the invalid inputs (overflow vs invalid digit)
    push bp   
    mov bp, sp

    ;This code is an example in Stack Overflow Documentation project.
    ;x86/Converting Decimal strings to integers

    ;Create the buffer structure on the stack

    sub sp, 06h                ;Reserve 6 byte on the stack (5 + CR)
    push 0006h                 ;Header

    push ds
    push bx
    push cx
    push dx

    ;Set DS = SS

    mov ax, ss
    mov ds, ax                           

    ;Call Int 21/AH=0A

    lea dx, [bp-08h]            ;Address of the buffer structure
    mov ah, 0ah
    int 21h

    ;Start converting

    lea si, [bp-06h]
    xor ax, ax
    mov bx, 10
    xor cx, cx


    ;Get current char

    mov cl, BYTE PTR [si]
    inc si

    ;Check if end of string

    cmp cl, CR_CHAR
    je _r_ui16_end                      ;ZF = 1, CF = 0, OF = 0
    ;Convert char into digit and check

    sub cl, '0'
    jb _r_ui16_carry_end                ;ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = X -> 0
    cmp cl, 9
    ja _r_ui16_carry_end                ;ZF = 0, CF = 0 -> 1, OF = X -> 0

    ;Update the partial result (taking care of overflow)

    ;AX = AX * 10
    mul bx

    ;DX:AX = DX:AX + CX
    add ax, cx
    adc dx, 0
    test dx, dx
   jz _r_ui16_convert            ;No overflow
    ;set OF and CF
    mov ax, 8000h
    dec ax                           

   jmp _r_ui16_end                      ;ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 1

    or bl, 1                ;Clear OF and ZF
    stc                     ;Set carry
    ;ZF = 0, CF = 1, OF = 0

    ;Don't mess with flags hereafter!

    pop dx
    pop cx
    pop bx
    pop ds

    mov sp, bp

    pop bp

    CR_CHAR EQU 0dh

NASM porting

To port the code to NASM remove the PTR keyword from memory accesses (e.g. mov cl, BYTE PTR [si] becomes mov cl, BYTE [si])

MS-DOS, TASM/MASM function to print a 16-bit number in binary, quaternary, octal, hex

Print a number in binary, quaternary, octal, hexadecimal and a general power of two

All the bases that are a power of two, like the binary (21), quaternary (22), octal (23), hexadecimal (24) bases, have an integral number of bits per digit1.
Thus to retrieve each digit2 of a numeral we simply break the number intro group of n bits starting from the LSb (the right).
For example for the quaternary base, we break a 16-bit number in groups of two bits. There are 8 of such groups.
Not all power of two bases have an integral number of groups that fits 16 bits; for example, the octal base has 5 groups of 3 bits that account for 3·5 = 15 bits out of 16, leaving a partial group of 1 bit3.

The algorithm is simple, we isolate each group with a shift followed by an AND operation.
This procedure works for every size of the groups or, in other words, for any base power of two.

In order to show the digits in the right order the function start by isolating the most significant group (the leftmost), thereby it is important to know: a) how many bits D a group is and b) the bit position S where the leftmost group starts.
These values are precomputed and stored in carefully crafted constants.


The parameters must be pushed on the stack.
Each one is 16-bit wide.
They are shown in order of push.

NThe number to convert
BaseThe base to use expressed using the constants BASE2, BASE4, BASE8 and BASE16
Print leading zerosIf zero no non-significant zeros are print, otherwise they are. The number 0 is printed as "0" though


push 241
push BASE16
push 0
call print_pow2              ;Prints f1

push 241
push BASE16
push 1
call print_pow2              ;Prints 00f1

push 241
push BASE2
push 0
call print_pow2              ;Prints 11110001

Note to TASM users: If you put the constants defined with EQU after the code that uses them, enable multi-pass with the /m flag of TASM or you'll get Forward reference needs override.


;Parameters (in order of push):
;base (Use constants below)
;print leading zeros
 push bp
 mov bp, sp

 push ax
 push bx
 push cx
 push dx
 push si
 push di

 ;Get parameters into the registers

 ;SI = Number (left) to convert
 ;CH = Amount of bits to shift for each digit (D)
 ;CL = Amount od bits to shift the number (S)
 ;BX = Bit mask for a digit

 mov si, WORD PTR [bp+08h]
 mov cx, WORD PTR [bp+06h]            ;CL = D, CH = S

 ;Computes BX = (1 << D)-1
 mov bx, 1
 shl bx, cl
 dec bx

 xchg cl, ch              ;CL = S, CH = D

 mov di, si
 shr di, cl
 and di, bx         ;DI = Current digit

 or WORD PTR [bp+04h], di             ;If digit is non zero, [bp+04h] will become non zero
                      ;If [bp+04h] was non zero, result is non zero
 jnz _pp2_print                       ;Simply put, if the result is non zero, we must print the digit

 ;Here we have a non significant zero
 ;We should skip it BUT only if it is not the last digit (0 should be printed as "0" not
 ;an empty string)

 test cl, cl
 jnz _pp_continue

 ;Convert digit to digital and print it

 mov dl, BYTE PTR [DIGITS + di]
 mov ah, 02h
 int 21h

 ;Remove digit from the number

 sub cl, ch
jnc _pp2_convert

 pop di
 pop si
 pop dx
 pop cx
 pop bx
 pop ax

 pop bp
 ret 06h


This data must be put in the data segment, the one reached by `DS`.

DIGITS    db    "0123456789abcdef"

;Format for each WORD is S D where S and D are bytes (S the higher one)
;D = Bits per digit  --> log2(BASE)
;S = Initial shift count --> D*[ceil(16/D)-1]

BASE2    EQU    0f01h
BASE4    EQU    0e02h
BASE8    EQU    0f03h
BASE16    EQU    0c04h

NASM porting

To port the code to NASM remove the PTR keyword from memory accesses (e.g. mov si, WORD PTR [bp+08h] becomes mov si, WORD PTR [bp+08h])

Extending the function

The function can be easily extended to any base up to 2255, though each base above 216 will print the same numeral as the number is only 16 bits.

To add a base:

  1. Define a new constant BASEx where x is 2n.
    The lower byte, named D, is D = n.
    The upper byte, named S, is the position, in bits, of the higher group. It can be calculated as S = n · (⌈16/n⌉ - 1).
  2. Add the necessary digits to the string DIGITS.

Example: adding base 32

We have D = 5 and S = 15, so we define BASE32 EQU 0f05h.
We then add sixteen more digits: DIGITS db "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv".

As it should be clear, the digits can be changed by editing the DIGITS string.

1 If B is a base, then it has B digits per definition. The number of bits per digit is thus log2(B). For power of two bases this simplifies to log2(2n) = n which is an integer by definition.

2 In this context it is assumed implicitly that the base under consideration is a power of two base 2n.

3 For a base B = 2n to have an integral number of bit groups it must be that n | 16 (n divides 16). Since the only factor in 16 is 2, it must be that n is itself a power of two. So B has the form 22k or equivalently log2(log2(B)) must be an integer.

MS-DOS, TASM/MASM, function to print a 16-bit number in decimal

Print a 16-bit unsigned number in decimal

The interrupt service Int 21/AH=02h is used to print the digits.
The standard conversion from number to numeral is performed with the div instruction, the dividend is initially the highest power of ten fitting 16 bits (104) and it is reduced to lower powers at each iteration.


The parameters are shown in order of push.
Each one is 16 bits.

numberThe 16-bit unsigned number to print in decimal
show leading zerosIf 0 no non-significant zeros are printed, else they are. The number 0 is always printed as "0"


push 241
push 0
call print_dec          ;prints 241

push 56
push 1
call print_dec          ;prints 00056

push 0
push 0
call print_dec          ;prints 0


;Parameters (in order of push):
;Show leading zeros
 push bp
 mov bp, sp

 push ax
 push bx
 push cx
 push dx

 ;Set up registers:
 ;AX = Number left to print
 ;BX = Power of ten to extract the current digit
 ;DX = Scratch/Needed for DIV
 ;CX = Scratch

 mov ax, WORD PTR [bp+06h]
 mov bx, 10000d
 xor dx, dx

 div bx                           ;DX = Number without highmost digit, AX = Highmost digit
 mov cx, dx                       ;Number left to print

 ;If digit is non zero or param for leading zeros is non zero
 ;print the digit
 or WORD PTR [bp+04h], ax
 jnz _pd_print

 ;If both are zeros, make sure to show at least one digit so that 0 prints as "0"
 cmp bx, 1
 jne _pd_continue


 ;Print digit in AL

 mov dl, al
 add dl, '0'
 mov ah, 02h
 int 21h

 ;BX = BX/10
 ;DX = 0

 mov ax, bx
 xor dx, dx
 mov bx, 10d
 div bx
 mov bx, ax

 ;Put what's left of the number in AX again and repeat...
 mov ax, cx

 ;...Until the divisor is zero
 test bx, bx
jnz _pd_convert

 pop dx
 pop cx
 pop bx
 pop ax

 pop bp
 ret 04h

NASM porting

To port the code to NASM remove the PTR keyword from memory accesses (e.g. mov ax, WORD PTR [bp+06h] becomes mov ax, WORD [bp+06h])


Topic Id: 3273

Example Ids: 11243,26167,26175,26199

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