This can be done in 3 steps :
You must define an elixir module which use Ecto.Repo and register your app as an otp_app.
defmodule Repo do
use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: :custom_app
You must also define some config for the Repo which will allow you to connect to the database. Here is an example with postgres.
config :custom_app, Repo,
adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
database: "ecto_custom_dev",
username: "postgres_dev",
password: "postgres_dev",
hostname: "localhost",
# OR use a URL to connect instead
url: "postgres://postgres_dev:postgres_dev@localhost/ecto_custom_dev"
Before using Ecto in your application, you need to ensure that Ecto is started before your app is started. It can be done with registering Ecto in lib/custom_app.ex as a supervisor.
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec
children = [
supervisor(Repo, [])
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
If you have an Ecto.Queryable, named Post, which has a title and an description.
You can fetch the Post with title: "hello" and description : "world" by performing :
MyRepo.get_by(Post, [title: "hello", description: "world"])
All of this is possible because Repo.get_by expects in second argument a Keyword List.
To query a field which name is contained in a variable, use the field function.
some_field = :id
some_value = 10
from p in Post, where: field(p, ^some_field) == ^some_value
The example below adds an enumerated type to a postgres database.
First, edit the migration file (created with mix ecto.gen.migration
def up do
# creating the enumerated type
execute("CREATE TYPE post_status AS ENUM ('published', 'editing')")
# creating a table with the column
create table(:posts) do
add :post_status, :post_status, null: false
def down do
drop table(:posts)
execute("DROP TYPE post_status")
Second, in the model file either add a field with an Elixir type :
schema "posts" do
field :post_status, :string
or implement the Ecto.Type
A good example for the latter is the ecto_enum
package and it can be used as a template. Its usage is well documented on its github page.
This commit shows an example usage in a Phoenix project from adding enum_ecto to the project and using the enumerated type in views and models.