Polymorphism in Elixir

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If you want to cover all data types you can define an implementation for Any data type. Lastly, if you have time, check the source code of Enum and String.Char, which are good examples of polymorphism in core Elixir.

Polymorphism with Protocols

Let's implement a basic protocol that converts Kelvin and Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius.

defmodule Kelvin do
  defstruct name: "Kelvin", symbol: "K", degree: 0 

defmodule Fahrenheit do
  defstruct name: "Fahrenheit", symbol: "°F", degree: 0

defmodule Celsius do
  defstruct name: "Celsius", symbol: "°C", degree: 0

defprotocol Temperature do
  @doc """
  Convert Kelvin and Fahrenheit to Celsius degree
  def to_celsius(degree)

defimpl Temperature, for: Kelvin do
  @doc """
  Deduct 273.15
  def to_celsius(kelvin) do
    celsius_degree = kelvin.degree - 273.15
    %Celsius{degree: celsius_degree}

defimpl Temperature, for: Fahrenheit do
  @doc """
  Deduct 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9
  def to_celsius(fahrenheit) do
    celsius_degree = (fahrenheit.degree - 32) * 5 / 9
    %Celsius{degree: celsius_degree}

Now, we implemented our converters for the Kelvin and Fahrenheit types. Let's make some conversions:

iex> fahrenheit = %Fahrenheit{degree: 45}
%Fahrenheit{degree: 45, name: "Fahrenheit", symbol: "°F"}
iex> celsius = Temperature.to_celsius(fahrenheit)
%Celsius{degree: 7.22, name: "Celsius", symbol: "°C"}
iex> kelvin = %Kelvin{degree: 300}
%Kelvin{degree: 300, name: "Kelvin", symbol: "K"}
iex> celsius = Temperature.to_celsius(kelvin)
%Celsius{degree: 26.85, name: "Celsius", symbol: "°C"}

Let's try to convert any other data type which has no implementation for to_celsius function:

iex> Temperature.to_celsius(%{degree: 12})
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Temperature not implemented for %{degree: 12}
    iex:11: Temperature.impl_for!/1
    iex:15: Temperature.to_celsius/1


Topic Id: 9519

Example Ids: 29425

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