A note on structs
Instead of sharing protocol implementation with maps, structs require their own protocol implementation.
Protocols enable polymorphism in Elixir. Define protocols with defprotocol
defprotocol Log do
def log(value, opts)
Implement a protocol with defimpl
require Logger
# User and Post are custom structs
defimpl Log, for: User do
def log(user, _opts) do
Logger.info "User: #{user.name}, #{user.age}"
defimpl Log, for: Post do
def log(user, _opts) do
Logger.info "Post: #{post.title}, #{post.category}"
With the above implementations, we can do:
iex> Log.log(%User{name: "Yos", age: 23})
22:53:11.604 [info] User: Yos, 23
iex> Log.log(%Post{title: "Protocols", category: "Protocols"})
22:53:43.604 [info] Post: Protocols, Protocols
Protocols let you dispatch to any data type, so long as it implements the protocol. This includes some built-in types such as Atom
, BitString
, Tuples
, and others.