When defining discriminated unions you can name elements of tuple types and use these names during pattern matching.
type Shape =
| Circle of diameter:int
| Rectangle of width:int * height:int
let shapeIsTenWide = function
| Circle(diameter=10)
| Rectangle(width=10) -> true
| _ -> false
Additionally naming the elements of discriminated unions improves readability of the code and interoperability with C# - provided names will be used for properties' names and constructors' parameters. Default generated names in interop code are "Item", "Item1", "Item2"...
Discriminated unions in F# offer a a way to define types which may hold any number of different data types. Their functionality is similar to C++ unions or VB variants, but with the additional benefit of being type safe.
// define a discriminated union that can hold either a float or a string
type numOrString =
| F of float
| S of string
let str = S "hi" // use the S constructor to create a string
let fl = F 3.5 // use the F constructor to create a float
// you can use pattern matching to deconstruct each type
let whatType x =
match x with
| F f -> printfn "%f is a float" f
| S s -> printfn "%s is a string" s
whatType str // hi is a string
whatType fl // 3.500000 is a float
Type information does not need to be included in the cases of a discriminated union. By omitting type information you can create a union that simply represents a set of choices, similar to an enum.
// This union can represent any one day of the week but none of
// them are tied to a specific underlying F# type
type DayOfWeek = Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
Sometimes it's necessary to convert a Discriminated Union to and from a string:
module UnionConversion
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let toString (x: 'a) =
match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(x, typeof<'a>) with
| case, _ -> case.Name
let fromString<'a> (s : string) =
match FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<'a> |> Array.filter (fun case -> case.Name = s) with
| [|case|] -> Some(FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [||])) :?> 'a)
| _ -> None
A single case discriminated union is like any other discriminated union except that it only has one case.
// Define single-case discriminated union type.
type OrderId = OrderId of int
// Construct OrderId type.
let order = OrderId 123
// Deconstruct using pattern matching.
// Parentheses used so compiler doesn't think it is a function definition.
let (OrderId id) = order
It is useful for enforcing type safety and commonly used in F# as opposed to C# and Java where creating new types comes with more overhead.
The following two alternative type definitions result in the same single-case discriminated union being declared:
type OrderId = | OrderId of int
type OrderId =
| OrderId of int
Sometimes it is useful to create union types with only one case to implement record-like types:
type Point = Point of float * float
let point1 = Point(0.0, 3.0)
let point2 = Point(-2.5, -4.0)
These become very useful because they can be decomposed via pattern matching in the same way as tuple arguments can:
let (Point(x1, y1)) = point1
// val x1 : float = 0.0
// val y1 : float = 3.0
let distance (Point(x1,y1)) (Point(x2,y2)) =
pown (x2-x1) 2 + pown (y2-y1) 2 |> sqrt
// val distance : Point -> Point -> float
distance point1 point2
// val it : float = 7.433034374
With the RequireQualifiedAccess
attribute, union cases must be referred to as MyUnion.MyCase
instead of just MyCase
. This prevents name collisions in the enclosing namespace or module:
type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] Requirements =
None | Single | All
// Uses the DU with qualified access
let noRequirements = Requirements.None
// Here, None still refers to the standard F# option case
let getNothing () = None
// Compiler error unless All has been defined elsewhere
let invalid = All
If, for example, System
has been opened, Single
refers to System.Single
. There is no collision with the union case Requirements.Single
Discriminated unions can be recursive, that is they can refer to themselves in their definition. The prime example here is a tree:
type Tree =
| Branch of int * Tree list
| Leaf of int
As an example, let's define the following tree:
2 5
3 4
We can define this tree using our recursive discriminated union as follows:
let leaf1 = Leaf 3
let leaf2 = Leaf 4
let leaf3 = Leaf 5
let branch1 = Branch (2, [leaf1; leaf2])
let tip = Branch (1, [branch1; leaf3])
Iterating over the tree is then just a matter of pattern matching:
let rec toList tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> [x]
| Branch (x, xs) -> x :: (List.collect toList xs)
let treeAsList = toList tip // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
One way to achieve recursion is to have nested mutually dependent types.
// BAD
type Arithmetic = {left: Expression; op:string; right: Expression}
// illegal because until this point, Expression is undefined
type Expression =
| LiteralExpr of obj
| ArithmeticExpr of Arithmetic
Defining a record type directly inside a discriminated union is deprecated:
// BAD
type Expression =
| LiteralExpr of obj
| ArithmeticExpr of {left: Expression; op:string; right: Expression}
// illegal in recent F# versions
You can use the and
keyword to chain mutually dependent definitions:
type Arithmetic = {left: Expression; op:string; right: Expression}
and Expression =
| LiteralExpr of obj
| ArithmeticExpr of Arithmetic