Discriminated Unions

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Naming elements of tuples within discriminated unions

When defining discriminated unions you can name elements of tuple types and use these names during pattern matching.

type Shape = 
    | Circle of diameter:int
    | Rectangle of width:int * height:int

let shapeIsTenWide = function
    | Circle(diameter=10) 
    | Rectangle(width=10) -> true
    | _ -> false

Additionally naming the elements of discriminated unions improves readability of the code and interoperability with C# - provided names will be used for properties' names and constructors' parameters. Default generated names in interop code are "Item", "Item1", "Item2"...

Basic Discriminated Union Usage

Discriminated unions in F# offer a a way to define types which may hold any number of different data types. Their functionality is similar to C++ unions or VB variants, but with the additional benefit of being type safe.

// define a discriminated union that can hold either a float or a string
type numOrString = 
    | F of float
    | S of string

let str = S "hi" // use the S constructor to create a string
let fl = F 3.5 // use the F constructor to create a float

// you can use pattern matching to deconstruct each type
let whatType x = 
    match x with
        | F f -> printfn "%f is a float" f
        | S s -> printfn "%s is a string" s

whatType str // hi is a string
whatType fl // 3.500000 is a float

Enum-style unions

Type information does not need to be included in the cases of a discriminated union. By omitting type information you can create a union that simply represents a set of choices, similar to an enum.

// This union can represent any one day of the week but none of 
// them are tied to a specific underlying F# type
type DayOfWeek = Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday

Converting to and from strings with Reflection

Sometimes it's necessary to convert a Discriminated Union to and from a string:

module UnionConversion 
    open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
    let toString (x: 'a) = 
        match FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(x, typeof<'a>) with
        | case, _ -> case.Name

    let fromString<'a> (s : string) =
        match FSharpType.GetUnionCases typeof<'a> |> Array.filter (fun case -> case.Name = s) with 
        | [|case|] -> Some(FSharpValue.MakeUnion(case, [||])) :?> 'a)
        | _ -> None

Single case discriminated union

A single case discriminated union is like any other discriminated union except that it only has one case.

// Define single-case discriminated union type.
type OrderId = OrderId of int
// Construct OrderId type.
let order = OrderId 123
// Deconstruct using pattern matching. 
// Parentheses used so compiler doesn't think it is a function definition.   
let (OrderId id) = order

It is useful for enforcing type safety and commonly used in F# as opposed to C# and Java where creating new types comes with more overhead.

The following two alternative type definitions result in the same single-case discriminated union being declared:

type OrderId = | OrderId of int

type OrderId =
      | OrderId of int

Using Single-case Discriminated Unions as Records

Sometimes it is useful to create union types with only one case to implement record-like types:

type Point = Point of float * float

let point1 = Point(0.0, 3.0)

let point2 = Point(-2.5, -4.0)

These become very useful because they can be decomposed via pattern matching in the same way as tuple arguments can:

let (Point(x1, y1)) = point1
// val x1 : float = 0.0
// val y1 : float = 3.0

let distance (Point(x1,y1)) (Point(x2,y2)) =
    pown (x2-x1) 2 + pown (y2-y1) 2 |> sqrt
// val distance : Point -> Point -> float

distance point1 point2
// val it : float = 7.433034374


With the RequireQualifiedAccess attribute, union cases must be referred to as MyUnion.MyCase instead of just MyCase. This prevents name collisions in the enclosing namespace or module:

type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] Requirements =
    None | Single | All

// Uses the DU with qualified access
let noRequirements = Requirements.None

// Here, None still refers to the standard F# option case
let getNothing () = None

// Compiler error unless All has been defined elsewhere
let invalid = All

If, for example, System has been opened, Single refers to System.Single. There is no collision with the union case Requirements.Single.

Recursive discriminated unions

Recursive type

Discriminated unions can be recursive, that is they can refer to themselves in their definition. The prime example here is a tree:

type Tree =
    | Branch of int * Tree list
    | Leaf of int

As an example, let's define the following tree:

  2   5
3   4

We can define this tree using our recursive discriminated union as follows:

let leaf1 = Leaf 3
let leaf2 = Leaf 4
let leaf3 = Leaf 5

let branch1 = Branch (2, [leaf1; leaf2])
let tip = Branch (1, [branch1; leaf3])

Iterating over the tree is then just a matter of pattern matching:

let rec toList tree =
    match tree with
    | Leaf x -> [x]
    | Branch (x, xs) -> x :: (List.collect toList xs)

let treeAsList = toList tip // [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

Mutually dependent recursive types

One way to achieve recursion is to have nested mutually dependent types.

// BAD
type Arithmetic = {left: Expression; op:string; right: Expression}
// illegal because until this point, Expression is undefined
type Expression = 
| LiteralExpr of obj
| ArithmeticExpr of Arithmetic

Defining a record type directly inside a discriminated union is deprecated:

// BAD
type Expression = 
| LiteralExpr of obj
| ArithmeticExpr of {left: Expression; op:string; right: Expression}
// illegal in recent F# versions

You can use the and keyword to chain mutually dependent definitions:

type Arithmetic = {left: Expression; op:string; right: Expression}
and Expression = 
| LiteralExpr of obj
| ArithmeticExpr of Arithmetic


Topic Id: 1025

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