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Add member functions to records

type person = {Name: string; Age: int} with   // Defines person record
    member this.print() =
        printfn "%s, %i" this.Name this.Age

let user = {Name = "John Doe"; Age = 27} // creates a new person

user.print() // John Doe, 27

Basic usage

type person = {Name: string; Age: int}   // Defines person record

let user1 = {Name = "John Doe"; Age = 27} // creates a new person
let user2 = {user1 with Age = 28}         // creates a copy, with different Age
let user3 = {user1 with Name = "Jane Doe"; Age = 29} //creates a copy with different Age and Name

let printUser user =
    printfn "Name: %s, Age: %i" user.Name user.Age

printUser user1 // Name: John Doe, Age: 27
printUser user2 // Name: John Doe, Age: 28
printUser user3 // Name: Jane Doe, Age: 29


Topic Id: 1136

Example Ids: 3661,3662

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