let string1 = "Hello" //simple string
let string2 = "Line\nNewLine" //string with newline escape sequence
let string3 = @"Line\nSameLine" //use @ to create a verbatim string literal
let string4 = @"Line""with""quoutes inside" //double quoute to indicate a single quoute inside @ string
let string5 = """single "quote" is ok""" //triple-quote string literal, all symbol including quote are verbatim
let string6 = "ab
cd"// same as "ab\ncd"
let string7 = "xx\
yy" //same as "xxyy", backslash at the end contunies the string without new line, leading whitespace on the next line is ignored
There are several ways to format and get a string as a result.
The .NET way is by using String.Format
or StringBuilder.AppendFormat
open System
open System.Text
let hello = String.Format ("Hello {0}", "World")
// return a string with "Hello World"
let builder = StringBuilder()
let helloAgain = builder.AppendFormat ("Hello {0} again!", "World")
// return a StringBuilder with "Hello World again!"
F# has also functions to format string in a C-style. There are equivalents for each .NET functions:
(String.Format) :open System
let hello = sprintf "Hello %s" "World"
// "Hello World", "%s" is for string
let helloInt = sprintf "Hello %i" 42
// "Hello 42", "%i" is for int
let helloFloat = sprintf "Hello %f" 4.2
// "Hello 4.2000", "%f" is for float
let helloBool = sprintf "Hello %b" true
// "Hello true", "%b" is for bool
let helloNativeType = sprintf "Hello %A again!" ("World", DateTime.Now)
// "Hello {formatted date}", "%A" is for native type
let helloObject = sprintf "Hello %O again!" DateTime.Now
// "Hello {formatted date}", "%O" is for calling ToString
(StringBuilder.AppendFormat):open System
open System.Text
let builder = StringBuilder()
// Attach the StringBuilder to the format function with partial application
let append format = Printf.bprintf builder format
// Same behavior as sprintf but strings are appended to a StringBuilder
append "Hello %s again!\n" "World"
append "Hello %i again!\n" 42
append "Hello %f again!\n" 4.2
append "Hello %b again!\n" true
append "Hello %A again!\n" ("World", DateTime.Now)
append "Hello %O again!\n" DateTime.Now
builder.ToString() // Get the result string
Using those functions instead of the .NET functions provides some advantages: