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Robust reflection using F# quotations

Reflection is useful but fragile. Consider this:

let mi  = typeof<System.String>.GetMethod "StartsWith"

The problems with this kind of code are:

  1. The code doesn't work because there are several overloads of String.StartsWith
  2. Even if there wouldn't be any overloads right now later versions of the library might add an overload causing a runtime crash
  3. Refactoring tools like Rename methods is broken with reflection.

This means we get a runtime crashes for something that is known compile-time. That seems suboptimal.

Using F# quotations it's possible to avoid all the problems above. We define some helper functions:

open FSharp.Quotations
open System.Reflection

let getConstructorInfo (e : Expr<'T>) : ConstructorInfo =
  match e with
  | Patterns.NewObject (ci, _) -> ci
  | _ -> failwithf "Expression has the wrong shape, expected NewObject (_, _) instead got: %A" e

let getMethodInfo (e : Expr<'T>) : MethodInfo =
  match e with
  | Patterns.Call (_, mi, _) -> mi
  | _ -> failwithf "Expression has the wrong shape, expected Call (_, _, _) instead got: %A" e

We use the functions like this:

printfn "%A" <| getMethodInfo <@ "".StartsWith "" @>
printfn "%A" <| getMethodInfo <@ List.singleton 1 @>
printfn "%A" <| getConstructorInfo <@ System.String [||] @>

This prints:

Boolean StartsWith(System.String)
Void .ctor(Char[])
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.Int32] Singleton[Int32](Int32)

<@ ... @> means that instead of executing the expression inside F# generates an expression tree representing the expression. <@ "".StartsWith "" @> generates an expression tree that looks like this: Call (Some (Value ("")), StartsWith, [Value ("")]). This expression tree matches what getMethodInfo expects and it will return the correct method info.

This resolves all the problems listed above.


Topic Id: 4124

Example Ids: 14424

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