Enumerable in Ruby

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Enumerable module

1. For Loop:
CountriesName = ["India", "Canada", "America", "Iraq"]
for country in CountriesName
    puts country

2. Each Iterator:
Same set of work can be done with each loop which we did with for loop.
CountriesName = ["India", "Canada", "America", "Iraq"]
CountriesName.each do |country|
    puts country    

Each iterator, iterate over every single element of the array.
each ---------- iterator
do ------------ start of the block
|country| ----- argument passed to the block
puts country----block

3. each_with_index Iterator:
each_with_index iterator provides the element for the current iteration and index of the element in that specific collection.
CountriesName = ["India", "Canada", "America", "Iraq"]
CountriesName.each_with_index do |country, index|
    puts country + "  " + index.to_s    

4. each_index Iterator:
Just to know the index at which the element is placed in the collection.
CountriesName = ["India", "Canada", "America", "Iraq"]
CountriesName.each_index do |index|
    puts index

5. map:
"map" acts as an iterator and also used to fetch the transformed copy of the array. To fetch the new set of the array rather than introducing the change in the same specific array.
Let's deal with for loop first:
You have an array arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
You need to produce new set of array.
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
newArr = []
for x in 0..arr.length-1
   newArr[x] = -arr[x]

The above mentioned array can be iterated and can produce new set of the array using map method.
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
newArr = arr.map do |x| 

puts arr 

puts newArr
[-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]

map is returning the modified copy of the current value of the collection. arr has unaltered value.

Difference between each and map:
1. map returned the modified value of the collection.

Let's see the example:
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
newArr = arr.map do |x| 
    puts x

puts newArr
[-1, -2, -3, -4, -5]

map method is the iterator and also return the copy of transformed collection.

arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
newArr = arr.each do |x| 
    puts x

puts newArr

each block will throw the array because this is just the iterator. 
Each iteration, doesn't actually alter each element in the iteration. 

6. map!
map with bang changes the orginal collection and returned the modified collection not the copy of the modified collection.
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
arr.map! do |x| 
    puts x
puts  arr
[-1, -2, -3, -4, -5] 

7. Combining map and each_with_index
Here each_with_index will iterator over the collection and map will return the modified copy of the collection.
CountriesName = ["India", "Canada", "America", "Iraq"]
newArray = 
CountriesName.each_with_index.map do |value, index|
    puts "Value is #{value} and the index is #{index}"
    "Value is #{value} and the index is #{index}"

newArray = 
CountriesName.each_with_index.map do |value, index|
    if ((index%2).eql?0)
        puts "Value is #{value} and the index is #{index}"
        "Value is #{value} and the index is #{index}"

puts newArray
 ["Value is India and the index is 0", nil, "Value is America and the index is 2", nil]

8. select 
MixedArray = [1, "India", 2, "Canada", "America", 4]
MixedArray.select do |value|

select method fetches the result based on satifying certain condition.

9. inject methods
inject method reduces the collection to a certain final value.
Let's say you want to find out the sum of the collection.
With for loop how would it work
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
sum = 0
for x in 0..arr.length-1
   sum = sum + arr[0]
puts sum

So above mentioned sum can be reduce by single method
arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
arr.inject(0) do |sum, x| 
    puts x
    sum = sum + x    
inject(0) - passing initial value sum = 0
If used inject with no argument sum = arr[0]
sum - After each iteration, total is equal to the return value at the end of the block.
x  - refers to the current iteration's element

inject method is also an iterator.

Summary: Best way to transform the collection is to make use of Enumerable module to compact the clunky code.


Topic Id: 10786

Example Ids: 32334

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