The Kernel#require method will load files only once (several calls to require
will result in the code in that file being evaluated only once). It will search your ruby $LOAD_PATH
to find the required file if the parameter is not an absolute path. Extensions like .rb
, .so
, .o
or .dll
are optional. Relative paths will be resolved to the current working directory of the process.
require 'awesome_print'
The Kernel#require_relative allows you to load files relative to the file in which require_relative
is called.
# will search in directory myproj relative to current source file.
require_relative 'myproj/version'
The method Kernel#autoload
registers filename to be loaded (using Kernel::require
) the first time that module (which may be a String or a symbol) is accessed.
autoload :MyModule, '/usr/local/lib/modules/my_module.rb'
The method Kernel#autoload? returns filename to be loaded if name is registered as autoload
autoload? :MyModule #=> '/usr/local/lib/modules/my_module.rb'
When files are not available, the require
family will throw a LoadError
. This is an example which illustrates loading optional modules only if they exist.
module TidBits
@@unavailableModules = []
{ name: 'CoreExtend', file: 'core_extend/lib/core_extend' } \
, { name: 'Fs' , file: 'fs/lib/fs' } \
, { name: 'Options' , file: 'options/lib/options' } \
, { name: 'Susu' , file: 'susu/lib/susu' } \
].each do |lib|
require_relative lib[ :file ]
rescue LoadError
@@unavailableModules.push lib
end # module TidBits
The Kernel#load method will evaluate the code in the given file. The search path will be constructed as with require
. It will re-evaluate that code on every subsequent call unlike require
. There is no load_relative
load `somefile`
You can use any ruby technique to dynamically create a list of files to load. Illustration of globbing for files starting with test
, loaded in alphabetical order.
Dir[ "#{ __dir__ }**/test*.rb" ) ].sort.each do |source|
require_relative source