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Inner Join

Inner join returns only those records/rows that match/exists in both the tables based on one or more conditions (specified using ON keyword). It is the most common type of join. The general syntax for inner join is:

FROM table_1
INNER JOIN table_2
  ON table_1.column_name = table_2.column_name

It can also be simplified as just JOIN:

FROM table_1
JOIN table_2
  ON table_1.column_name = table_2.column_name


/* Sample data. */
DECLARE @Animal table (
    AnimalId Int IDENTITY,
    Animal Varchar(20)

DECLARE @AnimalSound table (
    AnimalSoundId Int IDENTITY,
    AnimalId Int,
    Sound Varchar(20)

INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Dog');
INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Cat');
INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Elephant');

INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (1, 'Barks');
INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (2, 'Meows');
INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (3, 'Trumpets');
/* Sample data prepared. */

    JOIN @AnimalSound
        ON @Animal.AnimalId = @AnimalSound.AnimalId;
AnimalId    Animal               AnimalSoundId AnimalId    Sound
----------- -------------------- ------------- ----------- --------------------
1           Dog                  1             1           Barks
2           Cat                  2             2           Meows
3           Elephant             3             3           Trumpets

Using inner join with left outer join (Substitute for Not exists)

This query will return data from table 1 where fields matching with table2 with a key and data not in Table 1 when comparing with Table2 with a condition and key

select * 
  from Table1 t1
    inner join Table2 t2 on t1.ID_Column = t2.ID_Column 
    left  join Table3 t3 on t1.ID_Column = t3.ID_Column 
  where t2.column_name = column_value 
    and t3.ID_Column is null 
  order by t1.column_name;

Cross Join

A cross join is a Cartesian join, meaning a Cartesian product of both the tables. This join does not need any condition to join two tables. Each row in the left table will join to each row of the right table. Syntax for a cross join:

SELECT * FROM table_1
CROSS JOIN table_2 


/* Sample data. */
DECLARE @Animal table (
    AnimalId Int IDENTITY,
    Animal Varchar(20)

DECLARE @AnimalSound table (
    AnimalSoundId Int IDENTITY,
    AnimalId Int,
    Sound Varchar(20)

INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Dog');
INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Cat');
INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Elephant');

INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (1, 'Barks');
INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (2, 'Meows');
INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (3, 'Trumpet');
/* Sample data prepared. */

    CROSS JOIN @AnimalSound;


AnimalId    Animal               AnimalSoundId AnimalId    Sound
----------- -------------------- ------------- ----------- --------------------
1           Dog                  1             1           Barks
2           Cat                  1             1           Barks
3           Elephant             1             1           Barks
1           Dog                  2             2           Meows
2           Cat                  2             2           Meows
3           Elephant             2             2           Meows
1           Dog                  3             3           Trumpet
2           Cat                  3             3           Trumpet
3           Elephant             3             3           Trumpet

Note that there are other ways that a CROSS JOIN can be applied. This is a an "old style" join (deprecated since ANSI SQL-92) with no condition, which results in a cross/Cartesian join:

FROM @Animal, @AnimalSound;

This syntax also works due to an "always true" join condition, but is not recommended and should be avoided, in favor of explicit CROSS JOIN syntax, for the sake of readability.

    JOIN @AnimalSound 
        ON 1=1

Outer Join

Left Outer Join

LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table, matched to rows from the right table where the ON clause conditions are met. Rows in which the ON clause is not met have NULL in all of the right table's columns. The syntax of a LEFT JOIN is:

SELECT * FROM table_1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN table_2 AS t2 ON t1.ID_Column = t2.ID_Column 

Right Outer Join

RIGHT JOIN returns all rows from the right table, matched to rows from the left table where the ON clause conditions are met. Rows in which the ON clause is not met have NULL in all of the left table's columns. The syntax of a RIGHT JOIN is:

SELECT * FROM table_1 AS t1
RIGHT JOIN table_2 AS t2 ON t1.ID_Column = t2.ID_Column 

Full Outer Join

FULL JOIN combines LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN. All rows are returned from both tables, regardless of whether the conditions in the ON clause are met. Rows that do not satisfy the ON clause are returned with NULL in all of the opposite table's columns (that is, for a row in the left table, all columns in the right table will contain NULL, and vice versa). The syntax of a FULL JOIN is:

SELECT * FROM table_1 AS t1
FULL JOIN table_2 AS t2 ON t1.ID_Column = t2.ID_Column  


/* Sample test data. */
DECLARE @Animal table (
    AnimalId Int IDENTITY,
    Animal Varchar(20)

DECLARE @AnimalSound table (
    AnimalSoundId Int IDENTITY,
    AnimalId Int,
    Sound Varchar(20)

INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Dog');
INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Cat');
INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Elephant');
INSERT INTO @Animal (Animal) VALUES ('Frog');

INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (1, 'Barks');
INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (2, 'Meows');
INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (3, 'Trumpet');
INSERT INTO @AnimalSound (AnimalId, Sound) VALUES (5, 'Roars');
/* Sample data prepared. */


FROM @Animal As t1 
LEFT JOIN @AnimalSound As t2 ON t1.AnimalId = t2.AnimalId;

Results for LEFT JOIN

AnimalId    Animal               AnimalSoundId AnimalId    Sound
----------- -------------------- ------------- ----------- --------------------
1           Dog                  1             1           Barks
2           Cat                  2             2           Meows
3           Elephant             3             3           Trumpet
4           Frog                 NULL          NULL        NULL


FROM @Animal As t1 
RIGHT JOIN @AnimalSound As t2 ON t1.AnimalId = t2.AnimalId;

Results for RIGHT JOIN

AnimalId    Animal               AnimalSoundId AnimalId    Sound
----------- -------------------- ------------- ----------- --------------------
1           Dog                  1             1           Barks
2           Cat                  2             2           Meows
3           Elephant             3             3           Trumpet
NULL        NULL                 4             5           Roars


FROM @Animal As t1 
FULL JOIN @AnimalSound As t2 ON t1.AnimalId = t2.AnimalId;

Results for FULL JOIN

AnimalId    Animal               AnimalSoundId AnimalId    Sound
----------- -------------------- ------------- ----------- --------------------
1           Dog                  1             1           Barks
2           Cat                  2             2           Meows
3           Elephant             3             3           Trumpet
4           Frog                 NULL          NULL        NULL
NULL        NULL                 4             5           Roars

Using Join in an Update

Joins can also be used in an UPDATE statement:

    UserId int NOT NULL,
    AccountId int NOT NULL,
    RealName nvarchar(200) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE Preferences (
    UserId int NOT NULL,
    SomeSetting bit NOT NULL

Update the SomeSetting column of the Preferences table filtering by a predicate on the Users table as follows:

SET p.SomeSetting = 1
FROM Users u
JOIN Preferences p ON u.UserId = p.UserId
WHERE u.AccountId = 1234

p is an alias for Preferences defined in the FROM clause of the statement. Only rows with a matching AccountId from the Users table will be updated.

Update with left outer join statements

Update t 
SET  t.Column1=100
FROM Table1 t LEFT JOIN Table12 t2 
ON t2.ID=t.ID

Update tables with inner join and aggregate function

SET t1.field1 = t2.field2Sum
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN (select field3, sum(field2) as field2Sum
from table2
group by field3) as t2
on t2.field3 = t1.field3  

Join on a Subquery

Joining on a subquery is often used when you want to get aggregate data (such as Count, Avg, Max, or Min) from a child/details table and display that along with records from the parent/header table. For example, you may want to retrieve the top/first child row based on Date or Id or maybe you want a Count of all Child Rows or an Average.

This example uses aliases which makes queries easier to read when you have multiple tables involved. In this case we are retrieving all rows from the parent table Purchase Orders and retrieving only the last (or most recent) child row from the child table PurchaseOrderLineItems. This example assumes the child table uses incremental numeric Id's.

SELECT po.Id, po.PODate, po.VendorName, po.Status, item.ItemNo, 
  item.Description, item.Cost, item.Price
FROM PurchaseOrders po
       SELECT l.PurchaseOrderId, l.ItemNo, l.Description, l.Cost, l.Price, Max( as Id 
       FROM PurchaseOrderLineItems l
       GROUP BY l.PurchaseOrderId, l.ItemNo, l.Description, l.Cost, l.Price
     ) AS item ON item.PurchaseOrderId = po.Id

Self Join

A table can be joined onto itself in what is known as a self join, combining records in the table with other records in the same table. Self joins are typically used in queries where a hierarchy in the table's columns is defined.

Consider the sample data in a table called Employees:


Each employee's Boss_ID maps to another employee's ID. To retrieve a list of employees with their respective boss' name, the table can be joined on itself using this mapping. Note that joining a table in this manner requires the use of an alias (Bosses in this case) on the second reference to the table to distinguish itself from the original table.

SELECT Employees.Name,
    Bosses.Name AS Boss
FROM Employees
INNER JOIN Employees AS Bosses 
    ON Employees.Boss_ID = Bosses.ID

Executing this query will output the following results:


Delete using Join

Joins can also be used in a DELETE statement. Given a schema as follows:

    UserId int NOT NULL,
    AccountId int NOT NULL,
    RealName nvarchar(200) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE Preferences (
    UserId int NOT NULL,
    SomeSetting bit NOT NULL

We can delete rows from the Preferences table, filtering by a predicate on the Users table as follows:

FROM Users u
INNER JOIN Preferences p ON u.UserId = p.UserId
WHERE u.AccountId = 1234

Here p is an alias for Preferences defined in the FROM clause of the statement and we only delete rows that have a matching AccountId from the Users table.

Accidentally turning an outer join into an inner join

Outer joins return all the rows from one or both tables, plus matching rows.

Table People
PersonID FirstName
       1 Alice
       2 Bob
       3 Eve

Table Scores
PersonID Subject Score
       1 Math    100
       2 Math     54
       2 Science  98

Left joining the tables:

Select * from People a
left join Scores b
on a.PersonID = b.PersonID


PersonID FirstName PersonID Subject Score
       1 Alice            1 Math    100
       2 Bob              2 Math     54
       2 Bob              2 Science  98
       3 Eve           NULL NULL   NULL

If you wanted to return all the people, with any applicable math scores, a common mistake is to write:

Select * from People a
left join Scores b
on a.PersonID = b.PersonID
where Subject = 'Math'

This would remove Eve from your results, in addition to removing Bob's science score, as Subject is NULL for her.

The correct syntax to remove non-Math records while retaining all individuals in the People table would be:

Select * from People a
left join Scores b
on a.PersonID = b.PersonID
and b.Subject = 'Math'


Topic Id: 1008

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