The purpose of the ORDER BY clause is to sort the data returned by a query.
It's important to note that the order of rows returned by a query is undefined unless there is an ORDER BY clause.
See MSDN documentation for full details of the ORDER BY clause:
Using the Employees Table, below is an example to return the Id, FName and LName columns in (ascending) LName order:
SELECT Id, FName, LName FROM Employees
Id | FName | LName |
2 | John | Johnson |
1 | James | Smith |
4 | Johnathon | Smith |
3 | Michael | Williams |
To sort in descending order add the DESC keyword after the field parameter, e.g. the same query in LName descending order is:
SELECT Id, FName, LName FROM Employees
Multiple fields can be specified for the ORDER BY
clause, in either ASCending or DESCending order.
For example, using the table, we can return a query that sorts by SaleDate in ascending order, and Quantity in descending order.
SELECT ItemId, SaleDate, Quantity
FROM [Item Sales]
ORDER BY SaleDate ASC, Quantity DESC
Note that the ASC
keyword is optional, and results are sorted in ascending order of a given field by default.
If we want to order the data differently for per group, we can add a CASE
syntax to the ORDER BY
In this example, we want to order employees from Department 1 by last name and employees from Department 2 by salary.
Id | FName | LName | PhoneNumber | ManagerId | DepartmentId | Salary | HireDate |
1 | James | Smith | 1234567890 | NULL | 1 | 1000 | 01-01-2002 |
2 | John | Johnson | 2468101214 | 1 | 1 | 400 | 23-03-2005 |
3 | Michael | Williams | 1357911131 | 1 | 2 | 600 | 12-05-2009 |
4 | Johnathon | Smith | 1212121212 | 2 | 1 | 500 | 24-07-2016 |
5 | Sam | Saxon | 1372141312 | 2 | 2 | 400 | 25-03-2015 |
The following query will provide the required results:
SELECT Id, FName, LName, Salary FROM Employees
ORDER BY Case When DepartmentId = 1 then LName else Salary end
If you want to order by a column using something other than alphabetical/numeric ordering, you can use case
to specify the order you want.
order by Group
Group | Count |
Not Retired | 6 |
Retired | 4 |
Total | 10 |
order by case group when 'Total' then 1 when 'Retired' then 2 else 3 end
Group | Count |
Total | 10 |
Retired | 4 |
Not Retired | 6 |