data Empty a
we have
data Cofree Empty a
-- = a :< ... not possible!
data Const c a = Const c
we have
data Cofree (Const c) a
= a :< Const c
which is isomorphic to
data Writer c a = Writer c a
data Identity a = Identity a
we have
data Cofree Identity a
= a :< Identity (Cofree Identity a)
which is isomorphic to
data Stream a = Stream a (Stream a)
data Maybe a = Just a
| Nothing
we have
data Cofree Maybe a
= a :< Just (Cofree Maybe a)
| a :< Nothing
which is isomorphic to
data NonEmpty a
= NECons a (NonEmpty a)
| NESingle a
data Writer w a = Writer w a
we have
data Cofree (Writer w) a
= a :< (w, Cofree (Writer w) a)
which is equivalent to
data Stream (w,a)
= Stream (w,a) (Stream (w,a))
which can properly be written as WriterT w Stream
data WriterT w m a = WriterT (m (w,a))
data Either e a = Left e
| Right a
we have
data Cofree (Either e) a
= a :< Left e
| a :< Right (Cofree (Either e) a)
which is isomorphic to
data Hospitable e a
= Sorry_AllIHaveIsThis_Here'sWhy a e
| EatThis a (Hospitable e a)
or, if you promise to only evaluate the log after the complete result, NonEmptyT (Writer e) a
data NonEmptyT (Writer e) a = NonEmptyT (e,a,[a])
data Reader x a = Reader (x -> a)
we have
data Cofree (Reader x) a
= a :< (x -> Cofree (Reader x) a)
which is isomorphic to
data Plant x a
= Plant a (x -> Plant x a)
aka Moore machine.