For instance, a computation involving commands to read and write from the prompt:
First we describe the "commands" of our computation as a Functor data type
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data TeletypeF next
= PrintLine String next
| ReadLine (String -> next)
deriving Functor
Then we use Free
to create the "Free Monad over TeletypeF
" and build some basic operations.
import Control.Monad.Free (Free, liftF, iterM)
type Teletype = Free TeletypeF
printLine :: String -> Teletype ()
printLine str = liftF (PrintLine str ())
readLine :: Teletype String
readLine = liftF (ReadLine id)
Since Free f
is a Monad
whenever f
is a Functor
, we can use the standard Monad
combinators (including do
notation) to build Teletype
import Control.Monad -- we can use the standard combinators
echo :: Teletype ()
echo = readLine >>= printLine
mockingbird :: Teletype a
mockingbird = forever echo
Finally, we write an "interpreter" turning Teletype a
values into something we know how to work with like IO a
interpretTeletype :: Teletype a -> IO a
interpretTeletype = foldFree run where
run :: TeletypeF a -> IO a
run (PrintLine str x) = putStrLn *> return x
run (ReadLine f) = fmap f getLine
Which we can use to "run" the Teletype a
computation in IO
> interpretTeletype mockingbird
this will go on forever
this will go on forever
Compare the definition of Free
to that of Fix
data Free f a = Return a
| Free (f (Free f a))
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
In particular, compare the type of the Free
constructor with the type of the Fix
constructor. Free
layers up a functor just like Fix
, except that Free
has an additional Return a
There are some functions to help tear down Free
computations by interpreting them into another monad m
: iterM :: (Functor f, Monad m) => (f (m a) -> m a) -> (Free f a -> m a)
and foldFree :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> (Free f a -> m a)
. What are they doing?
First let's see what it would take to tear down an interpret a Teletype a
function into IO
manually. We can see Free f a
as being defined
data Free f a
= Pure a
| Free (f (Free f a))
The Pure
case is easy:
interpretTeletype :: Teletype a -> IO a
interpretTeletype (Pure x) = return x
interpretTeletype (Free teletypeF) = _
Now, how to interpret a Teletype
computation that was built with the Free
constructor? We'd like to arrive at a value of type IO a
by examining teletypeF :: TeletypeF (Teletype a)
. To start with, we'll write a function runIO :: TeletypeF a -> IO a
which maps a single layer of the free monad to an IO
runIO :: TeletypeF a -> IO a
runIO (PrintLine msg x) = putStrLn msg *> return x
runIO (ReadLine k) = fmap k getLine
Now we can use runIO
to fill in the rest of interpretTeletype
. Recall that teletypeF :: TeletypeF (Teletype a)
is a layer of the TeletypeF
functor which contains the rest of the Free
computation. We'll use runIO
to interpret the outermost layer (so we have runIO teletypeF :: IO (Teletype a)
) and then use the IO
monad's >>=
combinator to interpret the returned Teletype a
interpretTeletype :: Teletype a -> IO a
interpretTeletype (Pure x) = return x
interpretTeletype (Free teletypeF) = runIO teletypeF >>= interpretTeletype
The definition of foldFree
is just that of interpretTeletype
, except that the runIO
function has been factored out. As a result, foldFree
works independently of any particular base functor and of any target monad.
foldFree :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a
foldFree eta (Pure x) = return x
foldFree eta (Free fa) = eta fa >>= foldFree eta
has a rank-2 type: eta
is a natural transformation. We could have given foldFree
a type of Monad m => (f (Free f a) -> m (Free f a)) -> Free f a -> m a
, but that gives eta
the liberty of inspecting the Free
computation inside the f
layer. Giving foldFree
this more restrictive type ensures that eta
can only process a single layer at a time.
does give the folding function the ability to examine the subcomputation. The (monadic) result of the previous iteration is available to the next, inside f
's parameter. iterM
is analogous to a paramorphism whereas foldFree
is like a catamorphism.
iterM :: (Monad m, Functor f) => (f (m a) -> m a) -> Free f a -> m a
iterM phi (Pure x) = return x
iterM phi (Free fa) = phi (fmap (iterM phi) fa)
There's an alternative formulation of the free monad called the Freer (or Prompt, or Operational) monad. The Freer monad doesn't require a Functor instance for its underlying instruction set, and it has a more recognisably list-like structure than the standard free monad.
The Freer monad represents programs as a sequence of atomic instructions belonging to the instruction set i :: * -> *
. Each instruction uses its parameter to declare its return type. For example, the set of base instructions for the State
monad are as follows:
data StateI s a where
Get :: StateI s s -- the Get instruction returns a value of type 's'
Put :: s -> StateI s () -- the Put instruction contains an 's' as an argument and returns ()
Sequencing these instructions takes place with the :>>=
constructor. :>>=
takes a single instruction returning an a
and prepends it to the rest of the program, piping its return value into the continuation. In other words, given an instruction returning an a
, and a function to turn an a
into a program returning a b
, :>>=
will produce a program returning a b
data Freer i a where
Return :: a -> Freer i a
(:>>=) :: i a -> (a -> Freer i b) -> Freer i b
Note that a
is existentially quantified in the :>>=
constructor. The only way for an interpreter to learn what a
is is by pattern matching on the GADT i
Aside: The co-Yoneda lemma tells us that
is isomorphic toFree
. Recall the definition of theCoYoneda
functor:data CoYoneda i b where CoYoneda :: i a -> (a -> b) -> CoYoneda i b
Freer i
is equivalent toFree (CoYoneda i)
. If you takeFree
's constructors and setf ~ CoYoneda i
, you get:Pure :: a -> Free (CoYoneda i) a Free :: CoYoneda i (Free (CoYoneda i) b) -> Free (CoYonda i) b ~ i a -> (a -> Free (CoYoneda i) b) -> Free (CoYoneda i) b
from which we can recover
Freer i
's constructors by just settingFreer i ~ Free (CoYoneda i)
Because CoYoneda i
is a Functor
for any i
, Freer
is a Monad
for any i
, even if i
isn't a Functor
instance Monad (Freer i) where
return = Return
Return x >>= f = f x
(i :>>= g) >>= f = i :>>= fmap (>>= f) g -- using `(->) r`'s instance of Functor, so fmap = (.)
Interpreters can be built for Freer
by mapping instructions to some handler monad.
foldFreer :: Monad m => (forall x. i x -> m x) -> Freer i a -> m a
foldFreer eta (Return x) = return x
foldFreer eta (i :>>= f) = eta i >>= (foldFreer eta . f)
For example, we can interpret the Freer (StateI s)
monad using the regular State s
monad as a handler:
runFreerState :: Freer (StateI s) a -> s -> (a, s)
runFreerState = State.runState . foldFreer toState
where toState :: StateI s a -> State s a
toState Get = State.get
toState (Put x) = State.put x