class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
The most important function for dealing with monads is the bind operator >>=
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
m a
as "an action with an a
result".a -> m b
as “an action (depending on an a
parameter) with a b
sequences two actions together by piping the result from the first action to the second.
The other function defined by Monad
return :: a -> m a
Its name is unfortunate: this return
has nothing to do with the return
keyword found in imperative programming languages.
return x
is the trivial action yielding x
as its result. (It is trivial in the following sense:)
return x >>= f ≡ f x -- “left identity” monad law
x >>= return ≡ x -- “right identity” monad law
is used to represent possibly empty values - similar to null
in other languages. Usually it is used as the output type of functions that can fail in some way.
Consider the following function:
halve :: Int -> Maybe Int
halve x
| even x = Just (x `div` 2)
| odd x = Nothing
Think of halve
as an action, depending on an Int
, that tries to halve the integer, failing if it is odd.
How do we halve
an integer three times?
takeOneEighth :: Int -> Maybe Int -- (after you read the 'do' sub-section:)
takeOneEighth x =
case halve x of -- do {
Nothing -> Nothing
Just oneHalf -> -- oneHalf <- halve x
case halve oneHalf of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just oneQuarter -> -- oneQuarter <- halve oneHalf
case halve oneQuarter of
Nothing -> Nothing -- oneEighth <- halve oneQuarter
Just oneEighth ->
Just oneEighth -- return oneEighth }
is a sequence of three halve
steps chained together.halve
step fails, we want the whole composition takeOneEighth
to fail.halve
step succeeds, we want to pipe its result forward.instance Monad Maybe where
-- (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
Nothing >>= f = Nothing -- infixl 1 >>=
Just x >>= f = Just (f x) -- also, f =<< m = m >>= f
-- return :: a -> Maybe a
return x = Just x
and now we can write:
takeOneEighth :: Int -> Maybe Int
takeOneEighth x = halve x >>= halve >>= halve -- or,
-- return x >>= halve >>= halve >>= halve -- which is parsed as
-- (((return x) >>= halve) >>= halve) >>= halve -- which can also be written as
-- (halve =<<) . (halve =<<) . (halve =<<) $ return x -- or, equivalently, as
-- halve <=< halve <=< halve $ x
Kleisli composition <=<
is defined as (g <=< f) x = g =<< f x
, or equivalently as (f >=> g) x = f x >>= g
. With it the above definition becomes just
takeOneEighth :: Int -> Maybe Int
takeOneEighth = halve <=< halve <=< halve -- infixr 1 <=<
-- or, equivalently,
-- halve >=> halve >=> halve -- infixr 1 >=>
There are three monad laws that should be obeyed by every monad, that is every type which is an instance of the Monad
1. return x >>= f = f x
2. m >>= return = m
3. (m >>= g) >>= h = m >>= (\y -> g y >>= h)
where m
is a monad, f
has type a -> m b
and g
has type b -> m c
Or equivalently, using the >=>
Kleisli composition operator defined above:
1. return >=> g = g -- do { y <- return x ; g y } == g x
2. f >=> return = f -- do { y <- f x ; return y } == f x
3. (f >=> g) >=> h = f >=> (g >=> h) -- do { z <- do { y <- f x; g y } ; h z }
-- == do { y <- f x ; do { z <- g y; h z } }
Obeying these laws makes it a lot easier to reason about the monad, because it guarantees that using monadic functions and composing them behaves in a reasonable way, similar to other monads.
Let's check if the Maybe
monad obeys the three monad laws.
return x >>= f = f x
return z >>= f
= (Just z) >>= f
= f z
m >>= return = m
data constructorJust z >>= return
= return z
= Just z
data constructorNothing >>= return
= Nothing
(m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
data constructor-- Left-hand side
((Just z) >>= f) >>= g
= f z >>= g
-- Right-hand side
(Just z) >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
(\x -> f x >>= g) z
= f z >>= g
data constructor-- Left-hand side
(Nothing >>= f) >>= g
= Nothing >>= g
= Nothing
-- Right-hand side
Nothing >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)
= Nothing
There is no way to get a value of type a
out of an expression of type IO a
and there shouldn't be. This is actually a large part of why monads are used to model IO
An expression of type IO a
can be thought of as representing an action that can interact with the real world and, if executed, would result in something of type a
. For example, the function getLine :: IO String
from the prelude doesn't mean that underneath getLine
there is some specific string that I can extract - it means that getLine
represents the action of getting a line from standard input.
Not surprisingly, main :: IO ()
since a Haskell program does represent a computation/action that interacts with the real world.
The things you can do to expressions of type IO a
because IO
is a monad:
Sequence two actions using (>>)
to produce a new action that executes the first action, discards whatever value it produced, and then executes the second action.
-- print the lines "Hello" then "World" to stdout
putStrLn "Hello" >> putStrLn "World"
Sometimes you don't want to discard the value that was produced in the first action - you'd actually like it to be fed into a second action. For that, we have >>=
. For IO
, it has type (>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
-- get a line from stdin and print it back out
getLine >>= putStrLn
Take a normal value and convert it into an action which just immediately returns the value you gave it. This function is less obviously useful until you start using do
-- make an action that just returns 5
return 5
More from the Haskell Wiki on the IO monad here.
The lists form a monad. They have a monad instantiation equivalent to this one:
instance Monad [] where return x = [x] xs >>= f = concat (map f xs)
We can use them to emulate non-determinism in our computations. When we use xs >>= f
, the function f :: a -> [b]
is mapped over the list xs
, obtaining a list of lists of results of each application of f
over each element of xs
, and all the lists of results are then concatenated into one list of all the results. As an example, we compute a sum of two non-deterministic numbers using do-notation, the sum being represented by list of sums of all pairs of integers from two lists, each list representing all possible values of a non-deterministic number:
sumnd xs ys = do
x <- xs
y <- ys
return (x + y)
Or equivalently, using liftM2
in Control.Monad
sumnd = liftM2 (+)
we obtain:
> sumnd [1,2,3] [0,10]
As of GHC 7.10, Applicative
is a superclass of Monad
(i.e., every type which is a Monad
must also be an Applicative
). All the methods of Applicative
, <*>
) can be implemented in terms of methods of Monad
, >>=
It is obvious that pure
and return
serve equivalent purposes, so pure = return
. The definition for <*>
is too relatively clear:
mf <*> mx = do { f <- mf; x <- mx; return (f x) }
-- = mf >>= (\f -> mx >>= (\x -> return (f x)))
-- = [r | f <- mf, x <- mx, r <- return (f x)] -- with MonadComprehensions
-- = [f x | f <- mf, x <- mx]
This function is defined as ap
in the standard libraries.
Thus if you have already defined an instance of Monad
for a type, you effectively can get an instance of Applicative
for it "for free" by defining
instance Applicative < type > where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
As with the monad laws, these equivalencies are not enforced, but developers should ensure that they are always upheld.
You can wrap values into actions and pipe the result of one computation into another:
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
However, the definition of a Monad doesn’t guarantee the existence of a function of type Monad m => m a -> a
That means there is, in general, no way to extract a value from a computation (i.e. “unwrap” it). This is the case for many instances:
extract :: Maybe a -> a
extract (Just x) = x -- Sure, this works, but...
extract Nothing = undefined -- We can’t extract a value from failure.
Specifically, there is no function IO a -> a
, which often confuses beginners; see this example.
-notation is syntactic sugar for monads. Here are the rules:
do x <- mx do x <- mx y <- my is equivalent to do y <- my ... ...
do let a = b let a = b in ... is equivalent to do ...
do m m >> ( e is equivalent to e)
do x <- m m >>= (\x -> e is equivalent to e)
do m is equivalent to m
For example, these definitions are equivalent:
example :: IO Integer
example =
putStrLn "What's your name?" >> (
getLine >>= (\name ->
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ ".") >> (
putStrLn "What should we return?" >> (
getLine >>= (\line ->
let n = (read line :: Integer) in
return (n + n))))))
example :: IO Integer
example = do
putStrLn "What's your name?"
name <- getLine
putStrLn ("Hello, " ++ name ++ ".")
putStrLn "What should we return?"
line <- getLine
let n = (read line :: Integer)
return (n + n)