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Java Pitfalls - Nulls and NullPointerException

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The value null is the default value for an uninitialized value of a field whose type is a reference type.

NullPointerException (or NPE) is the exception that is thrown when you attempt to perform an inappropriate operation on the null object reference. Such operations include:

  • calling an instance method on a null target object,
  • accessing a field of a null target object,
  • attempting to index a null array object or access its length,
  • using a null object reference as the mutex in a synchronized block,
  • casting a null object reference,
  • unboxing a null object reference, and
  • throwing a null object reference.

The most common root causes for NPEs:

  • forgetting to initialize a field with a reference type,
  • forgetting to initialize elements of an array of a reference type, or
  • not testing the results of certain API methods that are specified as returning null in certain circumstances.

Examples of commonly used methods that return null include:

  • The get(key) method in the Map API will return a null if you call it with a key that doesn't have a mapping.
  • The getResource(path) and getResourceAsStream(path) methods in the ClassLoader and Class APIs will return null if the resource cannot be found.
  • The get() method in the Reference API will return null if the garbage collector has cleared the reference.
  • Various getXxxx methods in the Java EE servlet APIs will return null if you attempt fetch a non-existent request parameter, session or session attribute and so on.

There are strategies for avoiding unwanted NPEs, such as explicitly testing for null or using "Yoda Notation", but these strategies often have the undesirable result of hiding problems in your code that really ought to be fixed.

Pitfall - Unnecessary use of Primitive Wrappers can lead to NullPointerExceptions

Sometimes, programmers who are new Java will use primitive types and wrappers interchangeably. This can lead to problems. Consider this example:

public class MyRecord {
    public int a, b;
    public Integer c, d;

MyRecord record = new MyRecord();
record.a = 1;               // OK
record.b = record.b + 1;    // OK
record.c = 1;               // OK
record.d = record.d + 1;    // throws a NullPointerException

Our MyRecord class1 relies on default initialization to initialize the values on its fields. Thus, when we new a record, the a and b fields will be set to zero, and the c and d fields will be set to null.

When we try to use the default initialized fields, we see that the int fields works all of the time, but the Integer fields work in some cases and not others. Specifically, in the case that fails (with d), what happens is that the expression on the right-hand side attempts to unbox a null reference, and that is what causes the NullPointerException to be thrown.

There are a couple of ways to look at this:

  • If the fields c and d need to be primitive wrappers, then either we should not be relying on default initialization, or we should be testing for null. For former is the correct approach unless there is a definite meaning for the fields in the null state.

  • If the fields don't need to be primitive wrappers, then it is a mistake to make them primitive wrappers. In addition to this problem, the primitive wrappers have extra overheads relative to primitive types.

The lesson here is to not use primitive wrapper types unless you really need to.

1 - This class is not an example of good coding practice. For instance, a well-designed class would not have public fields. However, that is not the point of this example.

Pitfall - Using null to represent an empty array or collection

Some programmers think that it is a good idea to save space by using a null to represent an empty array or collection. While it is true that you can save a small amount of space, the flipside is that it makes your code more complicated, and more fragile. Compare these two versions of a method for summing an array:

The first version is how you would normally code the method:

 * Sum the values in an array of integers.
 * @arg values the array to be summed
 * @return the sum
public int sum(int[] values) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int value : values) {
        sum += value;
    return sum;

The second version is how you need to code the method if you are in the habit of using null to represent an empty array.

 * Sum the values in an array of integers.
 * @arg values the array to be summed, or null.
 * @return the sum, or zero if the array is null.
public int sum(int[] values) {
    int sum = 0;
    if (values != null) {
        for (int value : values) {
            sum += value;
    return sum;

As you can see, the code is a bit more complicated. This is directly attributable to the decision to use null in this way.

Now consider if this array that might be a null is used in lots of places. At each place where you use it, you need to consider whether you need to test for null. If you miss a null test that needs to be there, you risk a NullPointerException. Hence, the strategy of using null in this way leads to your application being more fragile; i.e. more vulnerable to the consequences of programmer errors.

The lesson here is to use empty arrays and empty lists when that is what you mean.

int[] values = new int[0];                     // always empty
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList();          // initially empty
List<Integer> list = Collections.emptyList();  // always empty

The space overhead is small, and there are other ways to minimize it if this this is a worthwhile thing to do.

Pitfall - "Making good" unexpected nulls

On StackOverflow, we often see code like this in Answers:

public String joinStrings(String a, String b) {
    if (a == null) {
        a = "";
    if (b == null) {
        b = "";
    return a + ": " + b;

Often, this is accompanied with an assertion that is "best practice" to test for null like this to avoid NullPointerException.

Is it best practice? In short: No.

There are some underlying assumptions that need to be questioned before we can say if it is a good idea to do this in our joinStrings:

What does it mean for "a" or "b" to be null?

A String value can be zero or more characters, so we already have a way of representing an empty string. Does null mean something different to ""? If no, then it is problematic to have two ways to represent an empty string.

Did the null come from an uninitialized variable?

A null can come from an uninitialized field, or an uninitialized array element. The value could be uninitialized by design, or by accident. If it was by accident then this is a bug.

Does the null represent a "don't know" or "missing value"?

Sometimes a null can have a genuine meaning; e.g. that the real value of a variable is unknown or unavailable or "optional". In Java 8, the Optional class provides a better way of expressing that.

If this is a bug (or a design error) should we "make good"?

One interpretation of the code is that we are "making good" an unexpected null by using an empty string in its place. Is the correct strategy? Would it be better to let the NullPointerException happen, and then catch the exception further up the stack and log it as a bug?

The problem with "making good" is that it is liable to either hide the problem, or make it harder to diagnose.

Is this efficient / good for code quality?

If the "make good" approach is used consistently, your code is going to contain a lot of "defensive" null tests. This is going to make it longer and harder to read. Furthermore, all of this testing and "making good" is liable to impact on the performance of your application.

In summary

If null is a meaningful value, then testing for the null case is the correct approach. The corollary is that if a null value is meaningful, then this should be clearly documented in the javadocs of any methods that accept the null value or return it.

Otherwise, it is a better idea to treat an unexpected null as a programming error, and let the NullPointerException happen so that the developer gets to know there is a problem in the code.

Pitfall - Returning null instead of throwing an exception

Some Java programmers have a general aversion to throwing or propagating exceptions. This leads to code like the following:

public Reader getReader(String pathname) {
    try {
        return new BufferedReader(FileReader(pathname));
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        System.out.println("Open failed: " + ex.getMessage());
        return null;


So what is the problem with that?

The problem is that the getReader is returning a null as a special value to indicate that the Reader could not be opened. Now the returned value needs to be tested to see if it is null before it is used. If the test is left out, the result will be a NullPointerException.

There are actually three problems here:

  1. The IOException was caught too soon.
  2. The structure of this code means that there is a risk of leaking a resource.
  3. A null was used then returned because no "real" Reader was available to return.

In fact, assuming that the exception did need to be caught early like this, there were a couple of alternatives to returning null:

  1. It would be possible to implement a NullReader class; e.g. one where API's operations behaves as if the reader was already at the "end of file" position.
  2. With Java 8, it would be possible to declare getReader as returning an Optional<Reader>.

Pitfall - Not checking if an I/O stream isn't even initialized when closing it

To prevent memory leaks, one should not forget to close an input stream or an output stream whose job is done. This is usually done with a try-catch-finally statement without the catch part:

void writeNullBytesToAFile(int count, String filename) throws IOException {
    FileOutputStream out = null;
    try {
        out = new FileOutputStream(filename);
        for(; count > 0; count--)
    } finally {

While the above code might look innocent, it has a flaw that can make debugging impossible. If the line where out is initialized (out = new FileOutputStream(filename)) throws an exception, then out will be null when out.close() is executed, resulting in a nasty NullPointerException!

To prevent this, simply make sure the stream isn't null before trying to close it.

void writeNullBytesToAFile(int count, String filename) throws IOException {
    FileOutputStream out = null;
    try {
        out = new FileOutputStream(filename);
        for(; count > 0; count--)
    } finally {
        if (out != null)

An even better approach is to try-with-resources, since it'll automatically close the stream with a probability of 0 to throw an NPE without the need of a finally block.

void writeNullBytesToAFile(int count, String filename) throws IOException {
    try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename)) {
        for(; count > 0; count--)

Pitfall - Using "Yoda notation" to avoid NullPointerException

A lot of example code posted on StackOverflow includes snippets like this:

if ("A".equals(someString)) {
    // do something

This does "prevent" or "avoid" a possible NullPointerException in the case that someString is null. Furthermore, it is arguable that


is better than:

    someString != null && someString.equals("A")

(It is more concise, and in some circumstances it might be more efficient. However, as we argue below, conciseness could be a negative.)

However, the real pitfall is using the Yoda test to avoid NullPointerExceptions as a matter of habit.

When you write "A".equals(someString) you are actually "making good" the case where someString happens to be null. But as another example (Pitfall - "Making good" unexpected nulls ) explains, "making good" null values can be harmful for a variety of reasons.

This means that Yoda conditions are not "best practice"1. Unless the null is expected, it is better to let the NullPointerException happen so that you can get a unit test failure (or a bug report). That allows you to find and fix the bug that caused the unexpected / unwanted null to appear.

Yoda conditions should only be used in cases where the null is expected because the object you are testing has come from an API that is documented as returning a null. And arguably, it could be better to use one of the less pretty ways expressing the test because that helps to highlight the null test to someone who is reviewing your code.

1 - According to Wikipedia: "Best coding practices are a set of informal rules that the software development community has learned over time which can help improve the quality of software.". Using Yoda notation does not achieve this. In a lot of situations, it makes the code worse.


Topic Id: 5680

Example Ids: 6001,20148,20151,20172,20419,23490

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