Getting started with Java LanguageInheritanceStreamsExceptions and exception handlingCollectionsLambda ExpressionsGenericsFile I/OArraysInterfacesMapsStringsInputStreams and OutputStreamsDefault MethodsClasses and ObjectsBasic Control StructuresConcurrent Programming (Threads)Console I/OSingletonsVisibility (controlling access to members of a class)Regular ExpressionsAutoboxingDocumenting Java CodeExecutor, ExecutorService and Thread poolsObject Class Methods and ConstructorJAXBPrimitive Data TypesNetworkingOptionalEnumsHttpURLConnectionAnnotationsAudioDate ClassCalendar and its SubclassesNashorn JavaScript engineJava Native InterfaceRemote Method Invocation (RMI)Iterator and IterableOperatorsAssertingScannerProperties ClassPreferencesReflection APIConstructorsByteBufferSerializationJSON in JavaRandom Number GenerationRecursionPolymorphismStringBuilderReference Data TypesBit ManipulationJava AgentsEncapsulationType ConversionBigIntegerBigDecimalRSA EncryptionVarargs (Variable Argument)ThreadLocalLogging (java.util.logging)Using the static keywordDisassembling and DecompilingResources (on classpath)log4j / log4j2JVM FlagsOracle Official Code StandardCharacter encodingJava Memory ManagementImmutable ObjectsObject CloningAlternative CollectionsListsBufferedWriterLocalTimeSetsComparable and ComparatorJVM Tool InterfaceNested and Inner ClassesApache Commons LangGetters and SettersThe ClasspathBytecode ModificationXML Parsing using the JAXP APIsReference TypesLocalization and InternationalizationJAX-WSXML XPath EvaluationJava Performance TuningParallel programming with Fork/Join frameworkCommon Java PitfallsNon-Access ModifiersJava Compiler - 'javac'XJCProcessInstalling Java (Standard Edition)Command line Argument ProcessingDates and Time (java.time.*)Fluent InterfaceXOM - XML Object ModelJust in Time (JIT) compilerFTP (File Transfer Protocol)Java Native AccessModulesJava Pitfalls - Exception usageJava Pitfalls - Language syntaxServiceLoaderClassloadersObject ReferencesJava Pitfalls - Performance IssuesCreating Images ProgrammaticallyAppletsNIO - NetworkingNew File I/OSecure objectsJava Pitfalls - Threads and ConcurrencySplitting a string into fixed length partsJava Pitfalls - Nulls and NullPointerExceptionSecurityManagerJNDIsuper keywordThe java.util.Objects ClassThe Java Command - 'java' and 'javaw'Atomic TypesJava Floating Point OperationsConverting to and from Stringssun.misc.UnsafeJava Memory ModelJava deploymentJava plugin system implementationsQueues and DequesRuntime CommandsNumberFormatSecurity & CryptographyJava Virtual Machine (JVM)Unit TestingJavaBeanExpressionsLiteralsJava SE 8 FeaturesJava SE 7 FeaturesPackagesCurrency and MoneyConcurrent CollectionsUsing ThreadPoolExecutor in MultiThreaded applications.Java Editions, Versions, Releases and DistributionsDynamic Method DispatchJMXSecurity & CryptographyGenerating Java CodeJShellBenchmarksCollection Factory MethodsMulti-Release JAR FilesStack-Walking APITreeMap and TreeSetSocketsJava SocketsUsing Other Scripting Languages in JavaFunctional InterfacesList vs SET2D Graphics in JavaClass - Java ReflectionDequeue InterfaceEnum MapEnumSet classLocal Inner ClassJava Print ServiceImmutable ClassString TokenizerFileUpload to AWSAppDynamics and TIBCO BusinessWorks Instrumentation for Easy IntegrationReaders and WritersHashtableEnum starting with numberSortedMapWeakHashMapLinkedHashMapStringBufferChoosing CollectionsC++ ComparisonCompletableFuture

Oracle Official Code Standard

Other topics


  • The examples above strictly follow the new official style guide from Oracle. They are in other words not subjectively made up by the authors of this page.

  • The official style guide has been carefully written to be backward compatible with the original style guide and the majority of code out in the wild.

  • The official style guide has been peer reviewed by among others, Brian Goetz (Java Language Architect) and Mark Reinhold (Chief Architect of the Java Platform).

  • The examples are non-normative; While they intend to illustrate correct way of formatting the code, there may be other ways to correctly format the code. This is a general principle: There may be several ways to format the code, all adhering to the official guidelines.

Naming Conventions

Package names

  • Package names should be all lower case without underscores or other special characters.
  • Package names begin with the reversed authority part of the web address of the company of the developer. This part can be followed a by project/program structure dependent package substructure.
  • Don’t use plural form. Follow the convention of the standard API which uses for instance java.lang.annotation and not java.lang.annotations.
  • Examples: com.yourcompany.widget.button, com.yourcompany.core.api

Class, Interface and Enum Names

  • Class and enum names should typically be nouns.
  • Interface names should typically be nouns or adjectives ending with …able.
  • Use mixed case with the first letter in each word in upper case (i.e. CamelCase).
  • Match the regular expression ^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$.
  • Use whole words and avoid using abbreviations unless the abbreviation is more widely used than the long form.
  • Format an abbreviation as a word if the it is part of a longer class name.
  • Examples: ArrayList, BigInteger, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, Iterable.

Method Names

Method names should typically be verbs or other descriptions of actions

  • They should match the regular expression ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$.
  • Use mixed case with the first letter in lower case.
  • Examples: toString, hashCode


Variable names should be in mixed case with the first letter in lower case

  • Match the regular expression ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$
  • Further recommendation: Variables
  • Examples: elements, currentIndex

Type Variables

For simple cases where there are few type variables involved use a single upper case letter.

  • Match the regular expression ^[A-Z][0-9]?$
  • If one letter is more descriptive than another (such as K and V for keys and values in maps or R for a function return type) use that, otherwise use T.
  • For complex cases where single letter type variables become confusing, use longer names written in all capital letters and use underscore (_) to separate words.
  • Examples: T, V, SRC_VERTEX


Constants (static final fields whose content is immutable, by language rules or by convention) should be named with all capital letters and underscore (_) to separate words.

  • Match the regular expression ^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$

Other guidelines on naming

  • Avoid hiding/shadowing methods, variables and type variables in outer scopes.
  • Let the verbosity of the name correlate to the size of the scope. (For instance, use descriptive names for fields of large classes and brief names for local short-lived variables.)
  • When naming public static members, let the identifier be self descriptive if you believe they will be statically imported.
  • Further reading: Naming Section (in the official Java Style Guide)

Source: Java Style Guidelines from Oracle

Java Source Files

  • All lines must be terminated with a line feed character (LF, ASCII value 10) and not for instance CR or CR+LF.

  • There may be no trailing white space at the end of a line.

  • The name of a source file must equal the name of the class it contains followed by the .java extension, even for files that only contain a package private class. This does not apply to files that do not contain any class declarations, such as

Special Characters

  • Apart from LF the only allowed white space character is Space (ASCII value 32). Note that this implies that other white space characters (in, for instance, string and character literals) must be written in escaped form.

  • \', \", \\, \t, \b, \r, \f, and \n should be preferred over corresponding octal (e.g. \047) or Unicode (e.g. \u0027) escaped characters.

  • Should there be a need to go against the above rules for the sake of testing, the test should generate the required input programatically.

Package declaration


The package declaration should not be line wrapped, regardless of whether it exceeds the recommended maximum length of a line.

Import statements

// First java/javax packages
import java.util.ArrayList;

// Then third party libraries
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;

// Then project imports

// Then static imports (in the same order as above)
import static;
  • Import statements should be sorted…

    • …primarily by non-static / static with non-static imports first.
    • …secondarily by package origin according to the following order
      • java packages
      • javax packages
      • external packages (e.g. org.xml)
      • internal packages (e.g. com.sun)
    • …tertiary by package and class identifier in lexicographical order
  • Import statements should not be line wrapped, regardless of whether it exceeds the recommended maximum length of a line.

  • No unused imports should be present.

Wildcard imports

  • Wildcard imports should in general not be used.
  • When importing a large number of closely-related classes (such as implementing a visitor over a tree with dozens of distinct “node” classes), a wildcard import may be used.
  • In any case, no more than one wildcard import per file should be used.

Class Structure

Order of class members

Class members should be ordered as follows:

  1. Fields (in order of public, protected and private)
  2. Constructors
  3. Factory methods
  4. Other Methods (in order of public, protected and private)

Ordering fields and methods primarily by their access modifiers or identifier is not required.

Here is an example of this order:

class Example {

    private int i;

    Example(int i) {
        this.i = i;

    static Example getExample(int i) {
        return new Example(i);

    public String toString() {
        return "An example [" + i + "]";


Grouping of class members

  • Related fields should be grouped together.
  • A nested type may be declared right before its first use; otherwise it should be declared before the fields.
  • Constructors and overloaded methods should be grouped together by functionality and ordered with increasing arity. This implies that delegation among these constructs flow downward in the code.
  • Constructors should be grouped together without other members between.
  • Overloaded variants of a method should be grouped together without other members between.


class ExampleClass {
    // Access modifiers first (don't do for instance "static public")
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World");

interface ExampleInterface {
    // Avoid 'public' and 'abstract' since they are implicit
    void sayHello();
  • Modifiers should go in the following order

    • Access modifier (public / private / protected)
    • abstract
    • static
    • final
    • transient
    • volatile
    • default
    • synchronized
    • native
    • strictfp
  • Modifiers should not be written out when they are implicit. For example, interface methods should neither be declared public nor abstract, and nested enums and interfaces should not be declared static.

  • Method parameters and local variables should not be declared final unless it improves readability or documents an actual design decision.

  • Fields should be declared final unless there is a compelling reason to make them mutable.


  • Indentation level is four spaces.
  • Only space characters may be used for indentation. No tabs.
  • Empty lines must not be indented. (This is implied by the no trailing white space rule.)
  • case lines should be indented with four spaces, and statements within the case should be indented with another four spaces.
switch (var) {
    case TWO:
    case THREE:
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

Refer to Wrapping statements for guidelines on how to indent continuation lines.

Wrapping statements

  • Source code and comments should generally not exceed 80 characters per line and rarely if ever exceed 100 characters per line, including indentation.

    The character limit must be judged on a case by case basis. What really matters is the semantical “density” and readability of the line. Making lines gratuitously long makes them hard to read; similarly, making “heroic attempts” to fit them into 80 columns can also make them hard to read. The flexibility outlined here aims to enable developers to avoid these extremes, not to maximize use of monitor real-estate.

  • URLs or example commands should not be wrapped.

// Ok even though it might exceed max line width when indented.
Error e = isTypeParam
        ? Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicable(targetContainerType, on)
        : Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicableInContext(targetContainerType));

// Wrapping preferable
String pretty = Stream.of(args)
                      .collectors(joining(", "));

// Too strict interpretation of max line width. Readability suffers.
Error e = isTypeParam
        ? Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicable(
                targetContainerType, on)
        : Errors.InvalidRepeatableAnnotationNotApplicableInContext(

// Should be wrapped even though it fits within the character limit
String pretty = Stream.of(args).map(Argument::prettyPrint).collectors(joining(", "));
  • Wrapping at a higher syntactical level is preferred over wrapping at a lower syntactical level.

  • There should be at most 1 statement per line.

  • A continuation line should be indented in one of the following four ways

    • Variant 1: With 8 extra spaces relative to the indentation of the previous line.
    • Variant 2: With 8 extra spaces relative to the starting column of the wrapped expression.
    • Variant 3: Aligned with previous sibling expression (as long as it is clear that it’s a continuation line)
    • Variant 4: Aligned with previous method call in a chained expression.

Wrapping Method Declarations

int someMethod(String aString,
               List<Integer> aList,
               Map<String, String> aMap,
               int anInt,
               long aLong,
               Set<Number> aSet,
               double aDouble) {

int someMethod(String aString, List<Integer> aList,
        Map<String, String> aMap, int anInt, long aLong,
        double aDouble, long aLong) {

int someMethod(String aString,
               List<Map<Integer, StringBuffer>> aListOfMaps,
               Map<String, String> aMap)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

int someMethod(String aString, List<Integer> aList,
        Map<String, String> aMap, int anInt)
                throws IllegalArgumentException {
  • Method declarations can be formatted by listing the arguments vertically, or by a new line and +8 extra spaces
  • If a throws clause needs to be wrapped, put the line break in front of the throws clause and make sure it stands out from the argument list, either by indenting +8 relative to the function declaration, or +8 relative to the previous line.

Wrapping Expressions

  • If a line approaches the maximum character limit, always consider breaking it down into multiple statements / expressions instead of wrapping the line.
  • Break before operators.
  • Break before the . in chained method calls.
popupMsg("Inbox notification: You have "
        + newMsgs + " new messages");

// Don't! Looks like two arguments
popupMsg("Inbox notification: You have " +
         newMsgs + " new messages");


Vertical Whitespace

  • A single blank line should be used to separate…

    • Package declaration
    • Class declarations
    • Constructors
    • Methods
    • Static initializers
    • Instance initializers
  • …and may be used to separate logical groups of

    • import statements
    • fields
    • statements
  • Multiple consecutive blank lines should only be used to separate groups of related members and not as the standard inter-member spacing.

Horizontal Whitespace

  • A single space should be used…

    • To separate keywords from neighboring opening or closing brackets and braces
    • Before and after all binary operators and operator like symbols such as arrows in lambda expressions and the colon in enhanced for loops (but not before the colon of a label)
    • After // that starts a comment.
    • After commas separating arguments and semicolons separating the parts of a for loop.
    • After the closing parenthesis of a cast.
  • In variable declarations it is not recommended to align types and variables.

Variable Declarations

  • One variable per declaration (and at most one declaration per line)
  • Square brackets of arrays should be at the type (String[] args) and not on the variable (String args[]).
  • Declare a local variable right before it is first used, and initialize it as close to the declaration as possible.


Declaration annotations should be put on a separate line from the declaration being annotated.

public T[] toArray(T[] typeHolder) {

However, few or short annotations annotating a single-line method may be put on the same line as the method if it improves readability. For example, one may write:

@Nullable String getName() { return name; }

For a matter of consistency and readability, either all annotations should be put on the same line or each annotation should be put on a separate line.

// Bad.
@Deprecated @SafeVarargs
public final Tuple<T> extend(T... elements) {

// Even worse.
@Deprecated @SafeVarargs
@CustomAnnotation public final Tuple<T> extend(T... elements) {

// Good.
public final Tuple<T> extend(T... elements) {

// Good.
@Deprecated @SafeVarargs @CustomAnnotation
public final Tuple<T> extend(T... elements) {

Lambda Expressions

Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("Hello World");

Supplier<String> c = () -> "Hello World";

// Collection::contains is a simple unary method and its behavior is
// clear from the context. A method reference is preferred here.

// A lambda expression is easier to understand than just tempMap::put in this case
trackTemperature((time, temp) -> tempMap.put(time, temp));
  • Expression lambdas are preferred over single-line block lambdas.
  • Method references should generally be preferred over lambda expressions.
  • For bound instance method references, or methods with arity greater than one, a lambda expression may be easier to understand and therefore preferred. Especially if the behavior of the method is not clear from the context.
  • The parameter types should be omitted unless they improve readability.
  • If a lambda expression stretches over more than a few lines, consider creating a method.

Redundant Parentheses

return flag ? "yes" : "no";

String cmp = (flag1 != flag2) ? "not equal" : "equal";

// Don't do this
return (flag ? "yes" : "no");
  • Redundant grouping parentheses (i.e. parentheses that does not affect evaluation) may be used if they improve readability.
  • Redundant grouping parentheses should typically be left out in shorter expressions involving common operators but included in longer expressions or expressions involving operators whose precedence and associativity is unclear without parentheses. Ternary expressions with non-trivial conditions belong to the latter.
  • The entire expression following a return keyword must not be surrounded by parentheses.


long l = 5432L;
int i = 0x123 + 0xABC;
byte b = 0b1010;
float f1 = 1 / 5432f;
float f2 = 0.123e4f;
double d1 = 1 / 5432d;  // or 1 / 5432.0
double d2 = 0x1.3p2;
  • long literals should use the upper case letter L suffix.
  • Hexadecimal literals should use upper case letters A-F.
  • All other numerical prefixes, infixes, and suffixes should use lowercase letters.


class Example {
    void method(boolean error) {
        if (error) {
            Log.error("Error occurred!");
        } else { // Use braces since the other block uses braces.
            System.out.println("No error");
  • Opening braces should be put on the end of the current line rather than on a line by its own.

  • There should be a new line in front of a closing brace unless the block is empty (see Short Forms below)

  • Braces are recommended even where the language makes them optional, such as single-line if and loop bodies.

    • If a block spans more than one line (including comments) it must have braces.
    • If one of the blocks in a if / else statement has braces, the other block must too.
    • If the block comes last in an enclosing block, it must have braces.
  • The else, catch and the while keyword in do…while loops go on the same line as the closing brace of the preceding block.

Short forms

enum Response { YES, NO, MAYBE }
public boolean isReference() { return true; }

The above recommendations are intended to improve uniformity (and thus increase familiarity / readability). In some cases “short forms” that deviate from the above guidelines are just as readable and may be used instead. These cases include for instance simple enum declarations and trivial methods and lambda expressions.


Topic Id: 2697

Example Ids: 9031,13439,13440,13441,13442,13443,13444,13446,13447,13448,13449,13450,13451,13452,13453,13454,13455,16190

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