can be used to get instances of classes extending a given type(=service) that are specified in a file packed in a .jar
file. The service that is extended/implemented is often a interface, but this is not required.
The extending/implementing classes need to provide a zero argument constructor for the ServiceLoader
to instantiate them.
To be discovered by the ServiceLoader
a text file with the name of the fully qualified type name of the implemented service needs to be stored inside the META-INF/services
directory in the jar file. This file contains one fully qualified name of a class implementing the service per line.
The following example shows how to instantiate a class for logging via the ServiceLoader
package servicetest;
public interface Logger extends AutoCloseable {
void log(String message) throws IOException;
The following implementation simply writes the message to System.err
package servicetest.logger;
import servicetest.Logger;
public class ConsoleLogger implements Logger {
public void log(String message) {
public void close() {
The following implementation writes the messages to a text file:
package servicetest.logger;
import servicetest.Logger;
public class FileLogger implements Logger {
private final BufferedWriter writer;
public FileLogger() throws IOException {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("log.txt"));
public void log(String message) throws IOException {
public void close() throws IOException {
The META-INF/services/servicetest.Logger
file lists the names of the Logger
The following main
method writes a message to all available loggers. The loggers are instantiated using ServiceLoader
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final String message = "Hello World!";
// get ServiceLoader for Logger
ServiceLoader<Logger> loader = ServiceLoader.load(servicetest.Logger.class);
// iterate through instances of available loggers, writing the message to each one
Iterator<Logger> iterator = loader.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
try (Logger logger = {
The ServiceLoader is a simple and easy to use built-in mechanism for dynamic loading of interface implementations. With the service loader - providing means for instantation (but not the wiring) - a simple dependency injection mechanism can be built in Java SE. With the ServiceLoader interface and implementation separation becomes natural and programs can be conveniently extended. Actually a lot of Java API are implented based on the ServiceLoader
The basic concepts are
Lets start with the interface and put it in a jar, named for example accounting-api.jar
package example;
public interface AccountingService {
long getBalance();
Now we provide an implementation of that service in a jar named accounting-impl.jar
, containing an implementation of the service
package example.impl;
import example.AccountingService;
public interface DefaultAccountingService implements AccouningService {
public long getBalance() {
return balanceFromDB();
private long balanceFromDB(){
further, the accounting-impl.jar
contains a file declaring that this jar provides an implementation of AccountingService
. The file has to have a path starting with META-INF/services/
and must have the same name as the fully-qualified name of the interface:
The content of the file is the fully-qualfified name of the implementation:
Given both jars are in the classpath of the program, that consumes the AccountingService
, an instance of the Service can be obtained by using the ServiceLauncher
ServiceLoader<AccountingService> loader = ServiceLoader.load(AccountingService.class)
AccountingService service =;
long balance = service.getBalance();
As the ServiceLoader
is an Iterable
, it supports multiple implementation providers, where the program may choose from:
ServiceLoader<AccountingService> loader = ServiceLoader.load(AccountingService.class)
for(AccountingService service : loader) {
Note that when invoking next()
a new instance will allways be created. If you want to re-use an instance, you have to use the iterator()
method of the ServiceLoader or the for-each loop as shown above.