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Get-Help Get-ADUser -Full
Get-Help Get-ADGroup -Full
Get-Help Get-ADComputer -Full
Get-Help Get-ADObject -Full
All of the help documentation will provide examples, syntax and parameter help.
#Add the ActiveDirectory Module to current PowerShell Session
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Retrieve Active Directory User
Get-ADUser -Identity JohnSmith
Retrieve All Properties Associated with User
Get-ADUser -Identity JohnSmith -Properties *
Retrieve Selected Properties for User
Get-ADUser -Identity JohnSmith -Properties * | Select-Object -Property sAMAccountName, Name, Mail
New AD User
New-ADUser -Name "MarySmith" -GivenName "Mary" -Surname "Smith" -DisplayName "MarySmith" -Path "CN=Users,DC=Domain,DC=Local"
Retrieve Active Directory Group
Get-ADGroup -Identity "My-First-Group" #Ensure if group name has space quotes are used
Retrieve All Properties Associated with Group
Get-ADGroup -Identity "My-First-Group" -Properties *
Retrieve All Members of a Group
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "My-First-Group" | Select-Object -Property sAMAccountName
Get-ADgroup "MY-First-Group" -Properties Members | Select -ExpandProperty Members
Add AD User to an AD Group
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "My-First-Group" -Members "JohnSmith"
New AD Group
New-ADGroup -GroupScope Universal -Name "My-Second-Group"
Retrieve AD Computer
Get-ADComputer -Identity "JohnLaptop"
Retrieve All Properties Associated with Computer
Get-ADComputer -Identity "JohnLaptop" -Properties *
Retrieve Select Properties of Computer
Get-ADComputer -Identity "JohnLaptop" -Properties * | Select-Object -Property Name, Enabled
Retrieve an Active Directory Object
#Identity can be ObjectGUID, Distinguished Name or many more
Get-ADObject -Identity "ObjectGUID07898"
Move an Active Directory Object
Move-ADObject -Identity "CN=JohnSmith,OU=Users,DC=Domain,DC=Local" -TargetPath "OU=SuperUser,DC=Domain,DC=Local"
Modify an Active Directory Object
Set-ADObject -Identity "CN=My-First-Group,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=local" -Description "This is My First Object Modification"