configuration EnableIISFeature
node localhost
WindowsFeature IIS
Ensure = “Present”
Name = “Web-Server”
If you run this configuration in Powershell (EnableIISFeature), it will produce a localhost.mof file. This is the "compiled" configuration you can run on a machine.
To test the DSC configuration on your localhost, you can simply invoke the following:
Start-DscConfiguration -ComputerName localhost -Wait
Starting a DSC on a remote machine is almost just as simple. Assuming you've already set up Powershell remoting (or enabled WSMAN).
$remoteComputer = ""
$cred = (Get-Credential)
Start-DSCConfiguration -ServerName $remoteComputer -Credential $cred -Verbose
Nb: Assuming you have compiled a configuration for your node on your localmachine (and that the file is present prior to starting the configuration)
Sometimes it can be useful to test your Powershell data files and iterate through the nodes and servers.
Powershell 5 (WMF5) added this neat little feature for doing this called Import-PowerShellDataFile .
$data = Import-PowerShellDataFile -path .\MydataFile.psd1
To list available DSC resources on your authoring node:
This will list all resources for all installed modules (that are in your PSModulePath) on your authoring node.
To list all available DSC resources that can be found in the online sources (PSGallery ++) on WMF 5 :
Before you can use a resource in a configuration, you must explicitly import it. Just having it installed on your computer, will not let you use the resource implicitly.
Import a resource by using Import-DscResource .
Example showing how to import the PSDesiredStateConfiguration resource and the File resource.
Configuration InstallPreReqs
param(); # params to DSC goes here.
Import-DscResource PSDesiredStateConfiguration
File CheckForTmpFolder {
Type = 'Directory'
DestinationPath = 'C:\Tmp'
Ensure = "Present"
Note: In order for DSC Resources to work, you must have the modules installed on the target machines when running the configuration. If you don't have them installed, the configuration will fail.