Pester is a test framework for PowerShell that allows you to run test cases for you PowerShell code. It can be used to run ex. unit tests to help you verify that your modules, scripts etc. work as intended.
To get started with unit testing PowerShell code using the Pester-module, you need to be familiar with three keywords/commands:
Import-Module Pester
#Sample function to run tests against
function Add-Numbers{
param($a, $b)
return [int]$a + [int]$b
#Group of tests
Describe "Validate Add-Numbers" {
#Individual test cases
It "Should add 2 + 2 to equal 4" {
Add-Numbers 2 2 | Should Be 4
It "Should handle strings" {
Add-Numbers "2" "2" | Should Be 4
It "Should return an integer"{
Add-Numbers 2.3 2 | Should BeOfType Int32
Describing Validate Add-Numbers
[+] Should add 2 + 2 to equal 4 33ms
[+] Should handle strings 19ms
[+] Should return an integer 23ms