In most cases, the input of the pipeline will be an array of objects. Although the behavior of the PROCESS{}
block may seem similar to the foreach{}
block, skipping an element in the array requires a different process.
If, like in foreach{}
, you used continue
inside the PROCESS{}
block, it would break the pipeline, skipping all following statements including the END{}
block. Instead, use return
- it will only end the PROCESS{}
block for the current element and move to the next.
In some cases, there is a need to output the result of functions with different encoding. The encoding of the output of the CmdLets is controlled by the $OutputEncoding
variable. When the output is intended to be put into a pipeline to native applications, it might be a good idea to fix the encoding to match the target $OutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding
Additional references:
Blog article with more insight about $OutputEncoding
This example shows how a function can accept pipelined input, and iterate efficiently.
Note, that the begin
and end
structures of the function are optional when pipelining, but that process
is required when using ValueFromPipeline
or ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
function Write-FromPipeline{
begin {
Write-Verbose -Message "Beginning Write-FromPipeline"
process {
Write-Output -InputObject $myInput
end {
Write-Verbose -Message "Ending Write-FromPipeline"
$foo = 'hello','world',1,2,3
$foo | Write-FromPipeline -Verbose
VERBOSE: Beginning Write-FromPipeline
VERBOSE: Ending Write-FromPipeline
This is an example of a function with the simplest possible support for pipelining.
Any function with pipeline support must have at least one parameter with the ParameterAttribute ValueFromPipeline
or ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName
set, as shown below.
function Write-FromPipeline {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] # This sets the ParameterAttribute
Write-Host $Input
$foo = 'Hello World!'
$foo | Write-FromPipeline
Hello World!
Note: In PowerShell 3.0 and above, Default Values for ParameterAttributes is supported. In earlier versions, you must specify ValueFromPipeline=$true
In a pipeline series each function runs parallel to the others, like parallel threads. The first processed object is transmitted to the next pipeline and the next processing is immediately executed in another thread. This explains the high speed gain compared to the standard ForEach
@( bigFile_1, bigFile_2, ..., bigFile_n) | Copy-File | Encrypt-File | Get-Md5
Thread) and simultaneously Encrypt the
first (in Encrypt-File
Thread) and simultaneously encrypt second file (in Encrypt-File
) and simultaneously get-Md5
of the first (in Get-Md5